Bsod While

edited February 2011 in General module

I have Win7 64-bit, bought the latest BD 25th of Jan and until now haven't been able to scan the hard drive.

Every time the scanner starts I get a blue screen (attached). There is no indication what file could be

the cause.

The PC is new has a SSD boot drive OSZ2, has not much software installed and Windows was installed fresh

about a month ago.

I have flashed with BIOS, installed all latest drivers for graphic card and motherboard drivers (P67A-UD4)

still the problem persists.

I wasn't really expecting an antivirus product to cause BSOD :rolleyes:



  • Hello,

    You have attached the XML file and not the DMP file. Please go to C:\Windows\Minidump, put all files from there in an archive, upload the archive on a file sharing server of your choice (such as and send me the download link by PM.

    If there are no files in the Minidump folder follow the steps explained in THIS article then send me a PM with the generated log file along with a detailed description of the issue you encounter and the link to this topic.

    Looking forward to your answer!

  • Hello,

    You have attached the XML file and not the DMP file. Please go to C:\Windows\Minidump, put all files from there in an archive, upload the archive on a file sharing server of your choice (such as and send me the download link by PM.

    If there are no files in the Minidump folder follow the steps explained in THIS article then send me a PM with the generated log file along with a detailed description of the issue you encounter and the link to this topic.

    Looking forward to your answer!

    I would like to have a refund, I found the support was too slow in responding - I mailed all requested files. I have not as of yet

    been able to use bitdefender to scan the hard drive, every time I attempt to scan I get a BSOD after just a couple of seconds.

    Sorry but I don't want to spend time troubleshooting your software. I have since then uninstalled BD and instead installed AVG

    and it doesn't give me a BSOD on my computer. All other programs I run on my PC work fine, its only your BD that causes

    BSOD so thanks, but no thanks. This is second time I have issues with your software, I had BD 2009 as well and had also

    some strange problem.

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    Hi Anders,

    Your refund request will be processed by my colleagues from the Sales Department. I have sent them a PM with the forum link and they will contact you in the shortest time possible via email.

    I have not received any PMs from you. Also I have searched for any open/new tickets with us associated with your forum account, however couldn't find any. You did not send me the file for analysis so I can not tell you the reason why you receive the BSOD.

    I'm sorry to see you go.