Will It Ever Work Properly?

Ok I'm back again. For the history 201009231007204 was my last ticket number.

I was having trouble with my icon graying out and not loading. That was resolved but then I had another problem things would work but every time I started my computer the firewall would not start with windows. I would get the warning message that it wasn't enabled I would turn it on manually and place the settings bar to allow known programs and ok. Annoying but minor.

Last week I had a a problem with some corrupted files when the power cut out so I did a complete uninstall. Then ran cc cleaner and did a fresh install of internet security 2011 now I have more error messages.

There are no warnings on the bitdefender icon but if you hover over the icon I get the message again Bitdefender services are loading now please wait and the Windows 7 action center reports that both my anti-virus and spyware protection are turned off.

If you look at the window for antivirus protection it is ticked and reports that it's on but you can't untick the box to disable protection.

I am using Bitdefender Internet security 2011 version

So what should I do to try and fix it this time?



  • Just to clarify, where you stated, "I did a complete uninstall" do you mean BD or the Win7 OS? It sounds like BD, but I want to be sure.

    Considering you had a power outage, if you have not already done so, I would recommend that you run the Windows Check Disk utility to be sure there are no bad sectors on the Windows partition. Then, I would recommend running the Windows SFC /SCANNOW to repair any possibly damaged Windows files.

    If either of these 2 Windows utilities finds and repairs damaged sectors and/or files, I would then again uninstall BD using the uninstall tool, run CCleaner again and finally, reinstall BD.

    Please post back with your results.


  • kilroy238
    edited March 2011

    I meant I did a compete reinstall of BD not my OS.

    From your advice I ran the two scans and everything came up clean. So now I am in the process of doing a full download of BD Internet Security and then going to do another uninstall cc cleaner and then reinstall again...:( This will be my 4th reinstall of BD since switching over to 2011. :(

    Just to clarify, where you stated, "I did a complete uninstall" do you mean BD or the Win7 OS? It sounds like BD, but I want to be sure.

    Considering you had a power outage, if you have not already done so, I would recommend that you run the Windows Check Disk utility to be sure there are no bad sectors on the Windows partition. Then, I would recommend running the Windows SFC /SCANNOW to repair any possibly damaged Windows files.

    If either of these 2 Windows utilities finds and repairs damaged sectors and/or files, I would then again uninstall BD using the uninstall tool, run CCleaner again and finally, reinstall BD.

    Please post back with your results.


  • nikki605
    edited March 2011

    Thanks for the feedback. Awaiting your results.

    Just a couple more questions: is your Win7 OS 32-bit or 64-bit? Did you install the new SP1?


  • Thanks for the feedback. Awaiting your results.

    Just a couple more questions: is your Win7 OS 32-bit or 64-bit? Did you install the new SP1?


    I have win7 32 bit and have not installed SP1 yet.

    Ok have done my reinstall and it's still not working. Bitdefender tells me "Warning Real time protection is disabled" and windows action center tells me both anti-virus and spyware protection are off.

    What's next?

    Thanks for working with me on this.

  • Please follow the procedure below to have BD tech support investigate your issue further.

    1. First please unplug the Internet cable from your computer or disable the Wireless adaptor if you are using one. This prevents the supporttools files from being automatically uploaded.

    2. Click on Start and then choose My Computer/Computer.

    3. Browse to:

    C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2011

    - considering that BitDefender was installed on the default C partition

    4. Double-click on the supporttool.exe file - if you are using Vista or Windows 7, right-click on the supporttool application file and select Run as Administrator

    5. Click on Next, wait a few minutes for the progress bar to complete and then click on Finish

    6. A file will be created on your desktop. Please move it to a location of your choice (i.e. move it on your c:\ drive)

    7. Reconnect your internet cable (only after you have moved the file to the new location)

    8. Upload the created file HERE

    9. Include a detailed description of the issue you are encountering and a screenshot of the error message, if there is one.

    10. Send a PM (Private Message) with the download link to DanyDan of tech support. Include a link to this topic and give him as much detail as possible about your PC - exact symptoms, hardware (CPU type/speed, Memory installed, etc.), OS and version, 32-bit or 64-bit, any other security software installed or previously uninstalled. Any other relevant configuration information.

    It may take several days for them to analyze the files and respond depending on their workload, so please be patient.
