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Bitdefender 2012 Is Annoying


So I have been using Bitdefender Antivirus 2012 for about the last two weeks. I love the new interface and I LOVE the rescue mode.

What I do not like is the fact that I cannot take off the toolbar in the browser or the Antiphising. Allow me to explain:

I CAN take it off.. But if I take it off, the program does not run in auto pilot mode. When the program is not running in auto pilot mode, I cannot minimize it to the notification area. It is stuck in the taskbar whether I hit close of minimize.

Both of these issues annoy me because I do NOT want the icon in my taskbar, nor do I want the internet toolbar or antiphising on.

Has anyone else experienced similar issues and found a fix?

I am running Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 X64.

Thank you in advance.
