Vsserv.exe Causing Wake From Sleep

I have a Dell Z14 and the computer continually wakes from sleep. I ran the lastwake command and it notes that vsserv.exe in the bitdefender folder is the culprit.

Please help.




  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hi :)

    In order to be able to properly identify the causes for the reported situation and find a solution we will need to investigate a bit deeper.

    Please follow the steps below and send us the result:

    a ) Go to this page

    http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinte...s/bb963902.aspx and download the autoruns file.

    b ) Extract the contents of the downloaded file and run the 'autoruns.exe' file;

    c ) Wait for the list to be filled with all the processes and then make sure that you have the Everything tab selected in the upper part;

    d ) Click on the Disk icon right under File and chose any location folder on your computer;

    e ) Save the file with a specific name (your name, computer name, a random name, which one you want) and then send me a PM with it.

    If the file is too big to attach it, upload it on




    and send me a PM with the download link.

    We will analyze the information you sent and then reply with a possible solution in the shortest time.

    Have a nice day.