Quarantine Files Not Sent Automatically

The suspicious files that are quarantined are not sent automatically. The "Sent" status remain "No" since the installation of Bitdefender.


  • Any reply?

  • Hello :)

    Can you please send me some samples?

    We are talking here about undetected files that Bitdefender considers them as suspicious.

    Thank you!

  • Undetected but consider suspicious? What do you mean by that?

    The said issue is not limited to specific malware. You can check with any malware samples.

    You can also check with the samples provided here


  • Any reply...still not fixed.

  • Undetected but consider suspicious is when know virus patterns are detected and stopped before they can do damage. Ask yourself what happened today that caused this detection. Were you surfing the web, downloading files, or installing software, etc. There may not be enough information to submit because the process was halted.

    If your computer is running properly it is usually safe to delete these files that have been quarantined. I will always delete this junk after I am sure my system will reboot and programs are running correctly. I would rather it be stopped early than be infected with a virus and have to deal with it.

    Think of it this way, undetected but consider suspicious are simply remnants’ of detected intrusion attempts that were stopped before it could do damage to your system. These fragments are of no use to anyone because it lacks necessary information.

  • Undetected but consider suspicious is when know virus patterns are detected and stopped before they can do damage. Ask yourself what happened today that caused this detection. Were you surfing the web, downloading files, or installing software, etc. There may not be enough information to submit because the process was halted.

    If your computer is running properly it is usually safe to delete these files that have been quarantined. I will always delete this junk after I am sure my system will reboot and programs are running correctly. I would rather it be stopped early than be infected with a virus and have to deal with it.

    Think of it this way, undetected but consider suspicious are simply remnants’ of detected intrusion attempts that were stopped before it could do damage to your system. These fragments are of no use to anyone because it lacks necessary information.

    I think that Suspicious means the detections by Heuristics not by the Signatures or Patterns and they are not the remnants of detected intrusion attempts that were stopped. And by the way if they are of no use then why and how can they try to damage the system? And not only the suspicious items are quarantined but also the infected items can also be quarantine if you select "Move to Quarantine" in the RTP settings. And regardless of the items type (suspicious or infected) that are in the Quarantine zone, no one is ever sent automatically and there is no option to send them manually.

  • Any reply from the Technical Support will be appreciated?

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    Files that are already detected are not sent to lab. Only those that are logged in the scan log as suspicious are sent to lab if the user sends them to quarantine.

    I have attached an example.

    Take care.
