Antivirusscan Does Weird

edited December 2012 in Antivirus


I have recently seen that my bitdefender scan does very weird.

Normally if I do a customscan it takes around 5-10 minutes to scan and its done.

Now if I start the scan it first says 5 min. to take, then the documents/sec goes lower and lower from around 1000 it drops to 0. If it hits 0 the loadingbar stops around the middle for example then the loading bar goes weird and it goes to the beginning and ending and then my remaining time says 25 minutes!?

Also the normal systemscan does that, only the quickscan doesn't.

It is very weird and I'm a little bit confusing. :wacko:

Could HiJackThis be the problem of this? I downloaded it today...

Can someone explain me this?


