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Bitdefender Is 2013 Needs A Reboot To Clean Malware On Usb Thumb Drive. Why Can't It Just Clean It W


I'm a Bitdefender Internet Security 2013 user with product version on Windows 8 x64.

Today a friend came over to copy some work related MS Word files from my computer, seems there were 3 infections of Gen:Trojan.Heur.rq0@svIT!5oib (3 movie files that had the extension of .exe) on his thumb drive. Bitdefender caught it but I'm surprised at the way the infection was handled. One of the infections was cleaned (quarantined) immediately but for the remaining two, Bitdefender told me it could not clean them and a reboot is necessary.

I obliged and did a reboot with the thumb drive still plugged in, and the computer rebooted first into a black screen (presumably a preboot environment) where it showed on screen that "Your antivirus software is performing a cleanup" or something of that sort and after that it proceeded into the normal Windows 8 boot up.

I wonder why was this type of a method used for cleaning the USB infection. Are USB infections always handled in this fashion by Bitdefender, or am I missing something? :mellow: My previous F-Secure IS (Deepguard) cleaned these types on the fly without requiring a reboot.

I'm very happy with Bitdefender IS, I just want to know why was I asked to reboot for cleaning a USB infection.
