[solved] How To Disable Bd Pop-up Advertisements?
Hi: Starting today, BitDefender IS 2013 is popping up huge, annoying advertisements for other BitDefender products. How do I disable this "feature"? The reason I installed BitDefender was to avoid this type of spam. I cannot seem to find the option in the BitDefender settings labeled "Turn off annoying BitDefender spam popups." I'm running Windows 7 64 bit.
Here is a screen capture of the pop-up advertisement. Note that it is super huge, to be as annoying as possible:
Hi ssfire, and welcome
It may be because you just recently installed Bitdefender? I did a clean install of my OS on a couple of my PCs, and after having installed Bitdefender, within 1-2 days I received the same pop up as you with the 2013 IS, and the one below with the Windows 8 Security (I have 628 days left).
Otherwise, you shouldn't get it again...hopefully, and as you probably surmised tongue and cheek wise, there is no "disable pop up option"
Kind regards,
Scott0 -
The "OFFICIAL" response:
There is no way to turn off the pop-ups.
The only method of stopping the pop-ups is to contact "Custom Service" about Bitdefender 2013 http://www.bitdefender.com/support/consumer-phone.html and ask them to place the E-mail address associated with your account onto their list.
Withing 48 hours, according to Bitdefender, you will no longer receive the pop-ups.
Is this a great resolve?
Did I voice my opinion when requesting to be placed on the "disabled list"?
I've used most every top name anti-virus available. Other than this pop-up garbage, Bitdefender tops the list as best. It's SO unfortunate that they feel the need to "force" users to read their advertisements. Regardless of their reason, it should be an "opt-in" when purchasing the product - an "option" that is clearly marked and requires a yes or no tick of a radio button or checkbox.
AND...the option should NOT have a default answer checked.
Christian, if you're out there, please bend enough ears to make this change happen.0 -
Dear Christian,
I have read a number of posts where you have responded to the issue of pop-ups. I commend your restraint as well as your diligence.
However, I have to also request that you review my post. Today, I saw the pop-up for what I considered the last time before taking action. I read a number of posts in the forum, but only 1 was related to Bitdefener 2013 pop-ups. I was the third to post in that specific topic. The other 2 were unclear if there is a resolve for the 2013 version to disable the pop-ups.
Christian, I know you are the mediator for the company and users. As such, I would ask that you present my suggestion (found in my post) to the company and emphatically request they make a similar change to their software.
Having pop-ups coming from something for which I have paid is not acceptable - for ANY reason. There "may" be users who need that sort of prodding to upgrade, remind them or otherwise take action for some reason. But those people are using "free" anti-virus software and much bigger problems. Most of the people using Bitdefender are using the software because they have used other popular software - they are not novice users.
For this reason, pop-ups are of no value coming from the software. The average user of Bitdefender is a savvy user who does not need to be reminded that there are methods to speed up their computer. In fact, I would argue that most are like me - using a computer that is already faster than most on the Internet. To suggest that "my" system is running slow is like suggesting to Ferrari that they consider hiring an intelligent mechanic to make their vehicles fast.
Please review my post carefully. I'm suggesting an "opt-in" that is obvious, mandatory, and well explained as to what the user will see "if" they opt-in.
Additionally, there should be a method to disable the pop-ups if the user decides later that they no longer wish to receive them.
Blindly "assuming" that every Bitdefender user is incompetent and must be reminded of renewals, led to software that will slow their computer when being "sold" on the fact that something may increase the speed of their computer, or whatever Bitdefender believes justifies their pop-ups, is just wrong.
To make assumptions for thousands of users is "always" wrong.
I hope you will be able to submit this information successfully and get the pop-ups stopped for every user instead of only those savvy enough to call and request that their specific account pop-ups be disabled.
Thank you for your time.0 -
The "OFFICIAL" response:
There is no way to turn off the pop-ups.
The only method of stopping the pop-ups is to contact "Custom Service" about Bitdefender 2013 http://www.bitdefender.com/support/consumer-phone.html and ask them to place the E-mail address associated with your account onto their list.
Withing 48 hours, according to Bitdefender, you will no longer receive the pop-ups.
I did not know that was an option, thanks for looking into it, and passing this on.Dear Christian,
I have read a number of posts where you have responded to the issue of pop-ups. I commend your restraint as well as your diligence.
Please review my post carefully. I'm suggesting an "opt-in" that is obvious, mandatory, and well explained as to what the user will see "if" they opt-in.
Additionally, there should be a method to disable the pop-ups if the user decides later that they no longer wish to receive them.
I hope you will be able to submit this information successfully and get the pop-ups stopped for every user instead of only those savvy enough to call and request that their specific account pop-ups be disabled.
Thank you for your time.
Agreed, at least to have a user "opt-in" option, for those who may wish a notification reminder of an expiring license etc. The PC tune up is pretty new, and I may or may not fault Bitdefender for getting that word out on a new feature/product....once. After that, it's up to the user to follow up on their web page for more information.
We did lose a good member who was pretty sharp, due to this issue: http://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?s=&...st&p=140603
Very well thought out, and tactfully stated posts, LTCreations.0 -
I have been using bit defender on several months with no problems and all of a sudden I start getting spammed by popups from bit defender. I looked it up and it looks like the only option is to call bit defender and ask them to turn it off. Really? First, if you want to let me know about new features for the antivirus, you can just send me an email. If you want to tell me about new products you can keep it to yourself, because I'm not interested in anything other than an antivirus from an antivirus company. If you want to start spamming me with popup ads you can kiss my business goodbye and refund me the difference in my remaining subscription. Popup ads from a (once) reputable company are just not acceptable and should not be tolerated by anyone. Who is the idiot who thought a security product should spam you with popups? This person should be beaten, then fired, then beaten again for good measure.
TL;DR I want my money back so I can buy a product that doesn't spam me with popup ads! I will be informing al my friends and making several posts on security related web sites and forums about this. This in NOT tolerable.0 -
This person should be beaten, then fired, then beaten again for good measure.
LOL! Do you think a good stoning should be thrown in as well?0 -
I don't think it's being caused by the software itself. Can you please provide some screen shot?
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So far I've only had them when I did a new install, at least as far as I can remember
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In the good old days, Bitdefender had option to disable such pop-ups and notifications, but in the current product there is no such option unfortunately........If you contact Technical Support, they may provide you a "patch" or "******" that can disable these pop-ups.
However the screenshot of the pop-up, if shared will be appreciated as it can give us better understanding of the subject issue.0 -
If they can not help you I have found all Anti-Virus companies to be helpful and sympathetic. I think this would certainly be the case in Bitdefender. I would start an e-mail ticket. Then if nothing happens call BitDefender and tell them all about. In the mean time write things down this way you do not get upset and just describe from that as a ****** your problems and then it makes it easier.
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As was previously mentioned here, if you could provide a screen shot of the pop up, just to confirm it, would be helpful.
And as also mentioned, BD would be able to "disable" it on their end, if needed and requested (see the first summery quote in this post): http://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?s=&...st&p=1802900 -
At the end of the thread linked to above, in June 2012, Christian stated:
Some changes will be made in Bitdefender 2013 regarding the pop-ups.
So, should I assume from this thread, started March 6th 2013, that the popups are still evident in BDIS2013? This would indeed stop me from returning to the product.0 -
I wouldn't be to worried about it Black Dog, as it seems to happen more frequently on a install of BD, and seems a bit random.
The example I gave in a previous post of another members frustration has long since past, and I just don't see allot of consistent complaints of pop ups, again, usually "informative" ones upon an install. So hang in there friend, as I'm sure you wont be bothered like you think you might be.0 -
In the good old days, Bitdefender 2011 had option to disable Notifications for all Modules including the one discussed here.
A feature for Notification Settings has been already posted here in the mid of last year, but seems to be no implementation in near future.0 -
I wouldn't be to worried about it Black Dog, as it seems to happen more frequently on a install of BD, and seems a bit random.
The example I gave in a previous post of another members frustration has long since past, and I just don't see allot of consistent complaints of pop ups, again, usually "informative" ones upon an install. So hang in there friend, as I'm sure you wont be bothered like you think you might be.
OK, thanks for the reassurance.In the good old days, Bitdefender 2011 had option to disable Notifications for all Modules including the one discussed here.
A feature for Notification Settings has been already posted here in the mid of last year, but seems to be no implementation in near future.
That would do for me - one thing I didn't like was the 'all or nothing' approach to notifications.0 -
As was previously mentioned here, if you could provide a screen shot of the pop up, just to confirm it, would be helpful.
And as also mentioned, BD would be able to "disable" it on their end, if needed and requested (see the first summery quote in this post): http://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?s=&...st&p=180290
The last few days I've had similar popups pitching BitDefender Premium Services. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! I don't give a ###### what or how great the product or service being offered is it's INTRUSIVE, UNWARRANTED AND UNWANTED.
Bottom line: Cease and desist all such practices or I WILL NOT RENEW MY LICENSE. Furthermore, I will no longer recommend BitDefender products to friends and associates and will rescind any and all such prior recommendations.
The last thing we need or want is a trojan horse masquerading as an AV product. I hope I've made myself clear.0 -
My comments are directed at BitDefender, not columbo. My apologies, but I seldom post in forums and am unfamiliar with the process.
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@ AnnoyedatBitDefender:
@ Carlos
We apologize for the negative experience you have encountered with the product pop-ups. We will contact you via PM and a solution will be implemented for both of you soon afterwards.
Also, your feedback is greatly appreciated and will be directed to the appropriate team for review, to enable us to improve our services.0 -
My comments are directed at BitDefender, not columbo. My apologies, but I seldom post in forums and am unfamiliar with the process.
No problem Carlos, I didn't take it that way, thanks for your thoughtfulness though0 -
The last few days I've had similar popups pitching BitDefender Premium Services. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! I don't give a ###### what or how great the product or service being offered is it's INTRUSIVE, UNWARRANTED AND UNWANTED.
Bottom line: Cease and desist all such practices or I WILL NOT RENEW MY LICENSE. Furthermore, I will no longer recommend BitDefender products to friends and associates and will rescind any and all such prior recommendations.
The last thing we need or want is a trojan horse masquerading as an AV product. I hope I've made myself clear.
I've been getting the same pop-ups!! This is my work computer so it's completely unacceptable. I can't put up with these kinds of interruptions while I'm coding! What a pain!
I've opened an e-ticket (201304171000941) to ask for help resolving the issue. I shouldn't have to call support to get this fixed. If it's not fixed in 48 hours I'm uninstalling and demanding a full refund.
They need to make this an option that users can turn on or off in a future update. Better yet, make the option subscribe to 'emails' to pitch new products, rather than ramming it down user's throats with pop-ups. Just a suggestion.0 -
Hello SuzWolfe,
We will disable all the pop-ups for your Bitdefender product from our end. In order to do so, please send me via PM the e-mail address you used to create MyBitdefender on your work computer.
Do not post this information on the boards.
Thank you, looking forward to your message!0 -
Without wishing to speak too soon, I've been fortunate enough not to have been 'blessed' with spam popups from BD as yet, but as BD are currently having to respond to cases individually, wouldn't it be far simpler, and considerably more appropriate, to place an opt in / out option within MyBitdefender?
Customers should not be automatically 'opted in' for promotional popups anyway, but to make users jump through hoops to be able to opt out of something they never agreed to in the first place, seems totally wrong, especially for a top rated security product.0 -
I am also now getting this popups. Every time my computer boot_s up or comes out of sleep it seems...very irritating. At first I thought I might have had some malware so I came to the forums and noticed this thread. Is there a fix for this?
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Does this only affect users who have purchased their licences direct from Bitdefender? I have to confess, I bought my genuine licence from a large online retailer, at a far reduced cost to buying from BD direct, and haven't had any popups.
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@ Black Dog: the "in product messaging" or IPM has nothing to do with the source of your purchase, but with other aspects like the remaining days left on their license keys, the Bitdefender product installed on the system (Bitdefender Antivirus Plus, Internet Security, Total Security, etc.), the geo location and many other details.
@ twisted: To help you with your request I need this information:
Thank you.0 -
I received a desktop 'pop-up' ad from Bitdefender today. It said something like "Is your PC feeling sluggish?"
It was annoying and, to some extent, slowed my internet browsing.
This uninvited SPAM is illegal, isn't it?0 -
Here's the screenshot of that pop-up...
It appeared shortly after today's Bitdefender update.0 -
I'm taking my Bitdefender off all my computers and giving away my other licenses. The ad is popping up on all my computers at least once a day.
" />
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I'm taking my Bitdefender off all my computers and giving away my other licenses. The ad is popping up on all my computers at least once a day.
" />
Wow, glad I saw this thread before I purchased Total Security 2013. I've been trialing it, and I like the product, but pop-up adds on paid-for software is simply unacceptable -- even if they can be turned off by contacting Bitdefender individually. They should be turned off on paid software, period, with no special action required. Will move on and try a different product.0 -
Wow, glad I saw this thread before I purchased Total Security 2013. I've been trialing it, and I like the product, but pop-up adds on paid-for software is simply unacceptable -- even if they can be turned off by contacting Bitdefender individually. They should be turned off on paid software, period, with no special action required. Will move on and try a different product.
That's probably a good idea. I am uninstalling mine and using a different product as soon as I have time to do so. This software is garbage. It bombards me with false alarms that it blocked a port scan from my own router every 30 seconds, and now it has the nerve to try to up-sell me on another one of their projects. No thanks.0 -
I'm the IT person for a small business. We have dozens of computer that require antivirus. In 2012, I switched from a competitor to Bitdefender. A few months later, all the computer received popups telling the user that they should pay for the service (if I remember correctly).
I got absolutely no support or response from Bitdefender about this situation.
Popups, from any application, are not acceptable. They confuse my users and generate more work on my end. We have dozens of other applications that we use and not a single other product hassles users with popups.
I highly recommend anyone considering Bitdefender for business use to reconsider.
Bitdefender installs/uses popups.0 -
Have registered on the forums to get these huge popup ads removed from my account, have sent Georgia a PM with my email address to get these intrusive big ads that take up a lot of screen space removed.
It's sad when a d a m n good paid product resorts to this kind of intrusive advertising.
Georgia, please reply to my pm to let me know when these ads will be stopped.
Thank you,
BanziBaby.0 -
Thank you all for your feedback, we will make the necessary changes so that you won't receive the IPM's anymore.0 -
Georgia, these are causing so much bad feeling, it seems you may be losing more customers than you hope to gain from the pop up ads. Is it not time to stop these altogether? They would be acceptable, perhaps, for the free utilities, but customers do not expect this kind of invasive marketing when they have paid for a top end security product. It completely goes against the grain of what having PC security is all about. Regrettably, I will not be recommending Bitdefender products until these ads have been stopped, or at least, an easy opt out process is provided, by way of a simple and obvious tick box.
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I agree Black Dog, also with the opt out option, but especially with a box in General Settings to tick a to allow BD to check for promotions. That way, we are in control, and we can keep it off, or once in awhile click it on, and Bitdefender could do an "update check" for any new promotions?
You may want to create a thread (not sure if there is one) in the 2014 Feature Request forum regarding this? http://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?showforum=361
Scott0 -
For all types of Notifications/Pop-ups, a request is made already since long, which may be expired now, because there was no such implementation in the Beta version of the new comer. And don't know how can they add the same to the Final version without being tested in Beta stage?
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For all types of Notifications/Pop-ups, a request is made already since long, which may be expired now, because there was no such implementation in the Beta version of the new comer. And don't know how can they add the same to the Final version without being tested in Beta stage?
Unfortunately and probably true. Maybe I was having hotflash of optimism last night...but hope they (BD) would at least do something without users having to phone in, or post here to be put on a, "do not call" list.0 -
I fear it's probably too late anyway now, for suggestions for BD2014, but I don't see that a simple opt out process could be that hard to implement at any stage. In any case, what should be happening, is that users should not be opted in by default, without their agreement - but by all means create an opt in option, for promotions, either in General Settings, or in MyBitdefender.
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Good points, and options, Black Dog.
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Wow, glad I saw this thread before I purchased Total Security 2013. I've been trialing it, and I like the product, but pop-up adds on paid-for software is simply unacceptable -- even if they can be turned off by contacting Bitdefender individually. They should be turned off on paid software, period, with no special action required. Will move on and try a different product.
Well, in spite of what I said earlier, I have decided to give the Total Security 2013 trial another try. Even though I still believe pop-up advertisements have no place in paid-for software, Bitdefender is such a great product. I just can't see casting it aside simply because of this occasional annoyance.0 -
Hello all,
We are working on a different and very effective way which will allow customers to remove their email addresses from the IPM list.
We don't have an ETA yet, but rest assured your feedback has been heard and forwarded to our developers so that they could make use of it.
Please, accept our apologies for any inconvenience you experienced.0 -
Thanks Georgia, that's good to know.
0 -
Hello all,
We are working on a different and very effective way which will allow customers to remove their email addresses from the IPM list.
We don't have an ETA yet, but rest assured your feedback has been heard and forwarded to our developers so that they could make use of it.
Please, accept our apologies for any inconvenience you experienced.
That sounds very good, Georgia. As a potential customer, that means a lot. Thank you.0 -
Hello all,
We are working on a different and very effective way which will allow customers to remove their email addresses from the IPM list.
We don't have an ETA yet, but rest assured your feedback has been heard and forwarded to our developers so that they could make use of it.
It's been nearly a month since your post. I'm also getting the popup ads, so it's obviously not fixed yet.
If you're going to fix this, a option to not receive the ads (i.e. with a check-box) should be put in the popup ad itself, allowing the user to opt out of the ads then and there. It shouldn't be any more difficult than that for a customer who doesn't want to see ads to stop seeing them. Internet users, as a group, are much pickier about things being simple to do than the population as a whole is. The "let's fix it if they want it fixed and leave it there to generate income if they don't complain" is a bad business model. Your customers will fall into one or more of several categories (not listed in order of frequency):
1) Those who will flat-out uninstall the software and cancel the subscription, without saying a word or looking for a solution.
2) Those who will look for a solution, and if none is found, or the solution is too much of a bother for them, will uninstall the software and cancel the subscription.
3) Those who will contact you and try to get the problem fixed. Some will uninstall/cancel anyway, and others won't renew their subscription when it comes due.
4) Those who will say nothing, let the subscription run out, and then cancel.
5) Those who will allow the popups and still use the software.
Notice that only one of those five groups will ever contact you. The first you may learn of the non-satisfaction of the others who cancel will be when the subscription is canceled, and by the time you're replied, they've probably moved to another company.
As you've seen by the posts in this thread (and no doubt in emails, support tickets, and phone calls), more than a few people get very angry at the intrusions by the popups. A few such people (and one threatened you with nearly as much) may make a career out of spreading the "news" all over the internet. Negative publicity is a bad thing, because many people believe everything that they read and will blindly repeat it elsewhere. When reviewing products and services online, people tend to judge based on the lowest fairly-common rating, i.e. if they see 2 bad ratings for every 10 good ones, they won't buy.
The bottom line is that whatever income you're generating from the popups probably is or will be negated by lost subscriptions, lost renewals, and lost potential customers. There are a lot of companies in the antivirus/security industry, and internet customers are a fickle, quick-to-change group. For every person who takes the time to complain, 20 more are just as upset and won't bother taking the time to complain. I don't know how much income the popups are making you, but I'd take a rough guess that the popup situation is costing and/or will cost you 3-5 times as much in lost subscriptions; something that may not be as apparent now as it will be down the road, when it's too late to do anything about it.
I realize that I was long-winded, but this is something you may wish to address quickly. I could name dozens of online companies that failed because they didn't listen to their customers.0 -
I'm a new Bitdefender's customer. I'm very happy with everything. Knowing this is really unacceptable. It's the worst marketing you can make, this kind of software is intended to avoid popups like these, not to add them.
I know you can add my account to some sort of "don't bother this guy" list. But want I intend for a respectable piece of software is to stop bothering everyone with this. Now I'm reconsidering my subscription renewal, and for sure my recommendations to use it.0 -
Hello all,
We are working on a different and very effective way which will allow customers to remove their email addresses from the IPM list.
We don't have an ETA yet, but rest assured your feedback has been heard and forwarded to our developers so that they could make use of it.
Please, accept our apologies for any inconvenience you experienced.
Hi Qcho, and welcome
As I'm sure you saw this (above) and thus mentioned to be put on a list, let's see if Bitdefender includes (as mentioned above), or "automatically" resolves this issue in some way with the 2014 version, tentatively? due out on June 26th.
Kind regards,
Scott0 -
Thank you all for your feedback, we will make the necessary changes so that you won't receive the IPM's anymore.
It looks like you lied to me. As of last week, they are back. This is garbage.0 -
WTF! I buy security tools to NOT have malware on my system.
What do I come home to today? A BIG F*ing pop up add! So you took advantage of having something on my system to push an add to my system, you are in violation of numerous federal and state laws.
You all have a very fine engine, but you are not the only game in town. However,when I PAY A LOT for software I expect an ADD FREE environment and I expect the company in whom I have placed my trust not to violate my trust.
You now owe me about 30 bucks for popping up crap on my screen as far as I am concerned and you have violated your SLA with me.
In addition take this as a notification that because you have violated multiple laws at both the sate and federal level, that any further pop-up adds continue I will bring a class-action suit.
I hereby also require that whatever socket you have used to bring foreign information onto my system against my will, be shutdown effective immediately or I will also report the violation to the FBI under the CFAA. It is clear you have a backdoor and you could place whatever you wish on my systems without my knowledge or consent. In 30 days I will be submitting your program to the Whitehat community for verification that this is no longer in place.
I am FURIOUS that you have taken advantage of the trust placed in your company in this way." />
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Did I mention that the popup ads are annoying? FYI: when you have exactly 133 days left on your license for BD IS 2013, you get this splashed onto your screen:
It has been a long time since I installed BD, so this popup spam doesn't just happen right after you install.0 -
FYI: I contacted BitDefender customer support to see if I could "opt out" of the annoying BitDefender pop-up ads. Here is the response I got (ticket # 201307201011738):
> Thank you for contacting Bitdefender support.
> Bitdefender will display an add once a year when we will launch our new
> product.
> I have taken a note that you do not want to receive any pop-ups and forwarded
> it to the appropriate department.
That is somewhat ambiguous. It looks like "opting out" may, or may not, be possible. I'm guessing not.0