Focus Rectangle Appeared After Installation


I have just installed Bitdefender and noticed I now have a focus rectangle around my last selected desktop icon which I can't remove. How do I fix this?


  • Can you try this?

    Control Panel►Folder Options►View tab and in the list check 'Use check boxes to select items', (click Apply and OK),

    If still a no go, can you post a screen shot so we would know what we're dealing with? 1.gif

  • I have just installed Bitdefender and noticed I now have a focus rectangle around my last selected desktop icon which I can't remove. How do I fix this?

    Have you restarted the computer since installing?

  • bondimedical3
    edited November 2014
    Can you try this?

    If still a no go, can you post a screen shot so we would know what we're dealing with? 1.gif

    No. That doesn't work. I have had a Microsoft technician look at my PC for 2 hours and he was not able to fix the issue. It started when I turned on the Profiles in Internet Security 2015 and it went into Game Mode when I opened one of my applications. I am using Windows 8.1 and the issue is very bad because it is impossible to get rid of. I have even uninstalled Bitdefender and its still there!! I have tried it on a Windows 7 PC and its not too bad because the same issue appears when it goes into Game mode but as soon as it goes back into Standard mode it disappears. I have attached a screenshot of the issue. You can see the focus rectangle (dotted box) around the Recycle Bin.
