My Solution For Activation Problem Bd2016
Sorry for the bad translation - it was Google
Error: After installation BD asks you to log on you (in to BD-Central). After entering the correct login information, an "unexpected error" is displayed indicating "You are not connected to the Internet," although her anything else can do on the Internet.
reason: BD attempts at registration ports to use, they are not open by default on the routers.
The solution - the BD support apparently does not know.
condition: you see on the BD website in BD-Central under >> My subscriptions << a valid license.
Uses simple for the period of application, a broadband connection for the Internet; if your Internet connection and router permitting.
Provides for the time the router on Demilitarized Zone
Just open all the ports at Port Forwarding
For me, all three variants have worked.
Could you please elaborate the settings for port forwarding or DMZ? What IP address should I provide? After setting should i restart router or PC?0