No Money From Me

edited October 2015 in Install & activation

I am on the 30day free trial with 6 days left.. I have really liked this product and is way better than the McAfee I had before. EXCEPT.. I have had some questions lately.. with McAfee support was always available.. however McAfee really slowed down my computer. Bitdefender does not seem to do that..

As stated I have needed some questions answered.. I have tried phone and chat and email.. with ZERO results... then I get these popups offering me the product for $44 (US) but when I decide to buy it raises to $58 (US).. odd that, so with them tring to be tricky with the price offers.. the ZERO support from Phone.. The ZERO support from chat.. The ZERO support form email and all the negative posts about support on these forums.. I think it is a good thing they did not want my $44 and it is time to move on.. Lesson learned and hey a free month of a other than above mentioned areas.. A good product.