Huge Incompatablity Issue With Windows 10 Anniversary. (BSOD)

edited September 2016 in General

I recently upgraded to the Windows 10 anniversary and after a few hours of use I received 2 blue screens of death both gave me "KERNEL_SECURITY_CHECK_FAILURE" and I talked to Microsoft support and the had me run Driver Verifier. Then after restart I immediately received a BSOD with DRIVER_VERIFIED_DETECTED_VIOLATION. I then proceeded to send Microsoft Support my DMP file and they verified that the BSOD was being caused by bdfwfpf.sys Firewall WFP Filter Driver from BitDefender. I really hope you guys can find a solution to this as soon as possible because I don't want to have to uninstall Bitdefender, as of right now I am running without the firewall and I haven't had a BSOD but only time will tell as to if I have to uninstall.


My current version is Bitdefender 2016 Total Security

See following link for MS Support thread:


  • Sorin G.



    Sorry to hear about the situation you encountered.

    Please let us know what Bitdefender do you have installed?

    What Bitdefender build ?

    Do you have any other security solutions on that machine?

    Have you reinstalled Bitdefender after the anniversary update?

  • I am running Bitdefender Total Security 2016; Build The only other security is Windows defender which gets disabled when Bitdefender is turned on. Bitdefender was installed new on a clean windows 10 install.

  • Hello codyk,

    So have you installed it on clean install and than upgraded to anniversary, or you have not had BD installed before the anniversary upgrade?

    Maybe you could try uninstalling BD with their uninstall tool, and than install fresh version...

    You can find useful information on this link:

    Also, I recommend upgrading to Bitdefender Total Security 2017.

    Cheers! ;)