Upgrade to TS 2017??


I have been a Bitdefender Total Security customer for a number of years. I have recently renewed my subscription for 2016 TS. (Late July, 2016)

I received an eMail today, informing me that the TS 2017 is available, along with the new Bitdefender Box. 

My Questions are: Since I, now have 407 days left on my renewed TS 2016 product, 

1) Is it imperative that I Upgrade to TS 2017?

2) If the answer is affirmative, what happens to my 407 days left from TS 2016? (I have always had the Paid version) 

3) If Upgrading is not a necessity, will I "always" be 1+ years behind "the times", so to speak ?



  • Sorin G.



    All existing 2016 subscriptions have been upgraded to 2017.

    If you uninstall 2016 and go to Central and download the latest Agent it will install 2017 and use the same subscription, basically you will not lose any days.

    Please note that 2017 has not yet been launched in all languages available in Central, if you notice the Agent is installing the 2016 that means 2017 was not launched in that language.

  • mdgboxx

    Done, thank you Sorin G. 

    The instructions are clear and simple, even for me. Nevertheless, because of my very limited computer savvy, I went to Support--->FAQ, not knowing what I would find, and it's like someone took me by the hand and walked me through it. 

    Easy-Peasy :D

  • Are there any changes/improvements (compared to the 2016 version) to the detection/removal capability of the 2017 product?

    Or is the 2017 version providing a different user interface to the same underlying capabilities?

  • Sorin G.



    There have been some improvements done to the engine itself versus the 2016 version.

  • efeene
    efeene ✭✭✭

    On 30/09/2016 at 8:55 AM, Sorin G. said:



    All existing 2016 subscriptions have been upgraded to 2017.

    If you uninstall 2016 and go to Central and download the latest Agent it will install 2017 and use the same subscription, basically you will not lose any days.

    Please note that 2017 has not yet been launched in all languages available in Central, if you notice the Agent is installing the 2016 that means 2017 was not launched in that language.

    This mean, if you have your Central set in other language, change it to, at last, to English, then log off and log in again. Now you can clik on INSTALL BITDEFENDER.