Blank Screens, missing headings and text

Anyone seen this weird bug after installing Internet Security 2018? It was OK for a few days then suddenly the Home screen at the top went completely blank where it should say "Protected" and Update. The System Screen lost all its headings and the Support screen was completely blank making it rather difficult to raise a ticket on the affected computer!

I tried to Repair it by clicking Uninstall on the Bitdefender Icon in Control Panel but that also produced a completely blank black screen! Eventually I uninstalled Bitdefender , reinstalled it and updated but after appearing OK on reboot the problem recurred. No other security software was running and two other computers that it was put are OK.

 I have Windows 7 64bit and no other security software is running.

Could it be a buggy update??

I managed to raise a ticket on one of these but I wondered if someone had seen if before.