Up to Date ,<> Update Now Meaning
My main panel reads Up to Date <> Update Now. My question is the Update Now a command, meaning I must Update Now or simple meaning I can use the at my discretion to update if I choose to? Using chat support two agents told me I must reinstall and one phone agent said every thing is fine and disregard Update Now. I installed 7/7/2018 and posed the questions to support on 7/8/2018. Your answer will be much appreciated.
My panel shows the same thing. When you click on "Update Now", you just manually initiate a search for updates, which is what I do every day when I turn on my computer, to ensure that I have the latest anti-virus signatures before I start browsing the web. If you don't click on "Update Now" and you are in "Auto-Pilot", BD will update itself according to its update schedule, which can be found under "Settings", under the "Update" tab. Mine is set to update every 1 hour.
I hope this helps. Have a great day.