Data Usage Logs
Is there anyway of getting a data usage report. I want to compare it to Comcast's. Thanks.
Can't be done. Comcast has a different way of monitor data. For one thing it's compressed, it will not be anywhere near what comcast says you are using. Also don't think Antivirus products track this info anyway, it's more OS related. Maybe wireshark or similar utility to meter your connection.. but still comcast data and what your computer, phone, tablet will show will be vastly different.
You have to trust the comcast is monitoring accurately. I have comcast, so I understand you can't simply 'take their work for it'. But I have done my own research and the data usage seems to be accurate if not to comcast advantage. They round up, of course they want to make sure you are not getting any free data.
But comcast also gives you 1TB of data cap and 2 free overages in a calendar year, so they are generous. I went over once, because I have a new computer and had to restore data and download a bunch of stuff I had before... It was inline with the backup data amount I was using, so I would say comcast is truthful.