switch the new account to the old one

I have this old account and I've bought a new one , I need to switch it to the old one, how could I do it?


  • @Abdulmalik

    Can you kindly explain exactly what issue you are facing.



    (Bitdefender beta tester 2019/ 2020)

    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • Abdulmalik
    edited June 2020

    Thanks a lot for your response

    Let me explain

    For example

    This is the old account (aaaa@a.com) an official one.

    It's account is expired.

    And this is a new account (nnn@a.com) unofficial one.

    Now I need to switch the new account to the official one.

    Best Regards

  • Here is what I have understood, you have to change the registered email address with your bitdefender central account. Is that so ?

    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • Hello @Abdulmalik

    If you want to change the account (email ID) from bitdefender application,

    1. Bring up Bitdefender from the desktop icon.

    2. Click on the My Account  icon on the left sidebar of the Bitdefender interface.

    3. Click the Switch Account button to change the account linked to the computer.

    4. Choose Sign In and login the e-mail address and the password of the other Central account

    If you are looking for anything else, just drop a mail to bitsy@bitdefender.com describing the issue, bitdefender team will respond back to your email.

    If you find this response helpful, please mark it as accepted/agree.