Trojans keep coming back after running RE.

On a previous ticket # 1006837854, which must still be open, but dead, I had requested assistance because the Rescue Environment feature wouldn’t run on Windows 10 and Windows 7. I was eventually able to get it working on Windows 10 but not on Windows 7.
I repeatedly asked under the same ticket ( and never got an answer) t
1. How to fix RE on Windows 7, too, because my wife’s computer is on Windows 7 SP1
2. Why does the RE detect Trojans that are not detected by the regular BD scans? I hope they false positives, but I doubt. .
3. More importantly, the same Trojans keep coming back after each RE cleaning, which points to a serious flaw in your software
4. I was requested by Andrei H. To submit a BD system log. I did and I was told that the lab didn’t find any malware, yet, when I rerun the RE a few minutes after, there still were Trojans. They keep cropping up each time, in spite of the cleaning. Why?
Yesterday my system was so unstable, that the Windows Explorer kept freezing and other functionalities stopped working. I was getting messages that different apps couldn’t be started, not even the CMD! A real mess!
Everything went back to normal after doing an Acronis Drive Image recovery. Difficult not to think that it was not because of the Trojans!
Regretfully, I never got an answer to these questions and I begin wondering why I should renew the subscription next year..I must have been dropped by the wayside or left in the cold . .
For your info, here are the Trojans that keep infesting my system. I had already sent the list, but yo seem to have ignored it.
Gen Trojan Heur2.FU.gyo@SHeULG1
Gen TrojanHeur2.FU.gu2@amo@bpbi
Gen Trojan variant.GRAFTOR.2648
Gen Trojan.Heur.FU.euO@ai1twxci
There might be others.
Can I get an answer, once for all?
Franco Vivona
Best Answer
Thank you @Flexx for pointing this.
@ittiandro, I made sure our Support team contacts you (which they did) and that they are trying to find a resolution.
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