Password manager

I bought internet security from Bitdefender and got free password manager from bitwarden. I can't understand why a password manager is not a free utility with internet security. It's a must. A VPN is a different matter, not everyone needs it.

A password manager doesn't involve a lot of work since it's offer offered on a lot of platforms. VPN from Bitdefender is offered at lower price than the password manager and it involves a lot of server node around the world.

Wouldn't it be a good sale pitch a free password manager to get more clients for Bitdefender internet security? Guys milking the cash cow as a limit🤨


  • Hello @BobbyBoy007 and welcome to the Community!

    As this is a newly launched product, we are in the process of collecting valuable feedback from our users, to help us improve and further develop the service. The list of upgrades includes compatibility with Safari, which should be available in January. More updates will come for this product, including a full launch on the official Bitdefender website, all in the first quarter of 2022.

    Stay tuned, because we may have something in store regarding sales as well 😉


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • why_man
    edited February 2022

    NO Just no. why do i have to pay for this if i got it from my subscriptions account.

    5 years. was going good and your try this stunt

    sorry but my iPhone got face-ID ! built in passwords manager.

    my Android got finger-ID and also built in passwords manager.

    the newer PC and Mac got finger-ID & face-ID.

    just keep selling what your good at. the best anti-virus program

    best anti-virus program lightweight built-in vpn ,password manager, game Booster.

    for a good prise subscriptions account.

  • Cannot see"Version 1.0.1"

  • JoeDfromNoVA
    edited June 2022

    I have opened a ticket with support, but have found at least one website where, probably because of the way the site passes credentials after you log in, BitDefender detects incorrectly that the password has changed and offers to update it for me. If I allow Password Manager to update the password, it saves a very long hash that might be the encrypted password or might be some other authentication token from their server. But, obviously, I have now overwritten my correct password with this long and wrong entry Password Manager thought was my password. Password Manager needs to discern when this happens.

    I have seen this occur on the banking site. I know now to ignore the popup message to "update" the password for this site, but this should not be. I have recently switched to BitDefender from Webroot, and they offered LastPass, which so far seems to be a better product. I am understanding, though, and realize Password Manager is a new product so there will be anomalies.

  • @JoeDfromNoVA

    @Alexandru_BD and @Mike_BD Please check on ticket's status and the comment above. Thanks.

  • Hi @JoeDfromNoVA and welcome to the Community!

    I have located your open ticket and asked our engineers to provide a response as soon as possible. They will get in touch shortly.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Je suis abonnée à Bitdefender Total Security (+VPN Premium) et je n'arrive pas à savoir clairement si je dois payer un supplément pour passer du Wallet à Password Manager ? Il n'y a aucune précision sur cette question ! Donc jusque là je refuse.

  • @Lavalence


    Gardez à l'esprit que BD Password Manager n'est PAS inclus dans l'abonnement BD Total Security, vous devez donc payer un supplément pour le service BD Password Manager.

    BD Password Manager est inclus dans les abonnements Bitdefender ULTIMATE SECURITY et Bitdefender PREMIUM SECURITY, sans frais supplémentaires.

    En outre, vous pouvez acheter un abonnement d'un an uniquement pour Password Manager, en tant que service (produit) distinct.

    Quelle est la différence entre le gestionnaire de mots de passe nouveau Bitdefender Password Manager et le Wallet?

    Le Wallet et Bitdefender Password Manager ne sont pas le même produit. La principale différence est la synchronisation multiplateforme des mots de passe. Password Manager est un logiciel autonome compatible avec Windows, Android, macOS et iOS, tandis que le Wallet est un module de gestion des mots de passe avec des fonctionnalités de base, livré avec nos solutions de sécurité Bitdefender Antivirus Plus, Bitdefender Internet Security, Bitdefender Total Security. Le Wallet est disponible uniquement sur Windows et ne fonctionne pas sur les appareils Mac, Android ou iOS.

    Le Wallet s'intègre aux navigateurs Windows suivants : Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Bitdefender Safepay. Contrairement à Password Manager, Wallet ne propose pas d'options de récupération du mot de passe principal : si vous oubliez le mot de passe principal, vous perdez tous vos mots de passe. Les fonctions du Wallet se limitent à l'enregistrement automatique et au remplissage automatique, au verrouillage automatique et à un générateur de mots de passe. Vous pouvez importer des données d'autres applications de gestion de mots de passe uniquement au format .db et .csv.

    En revanche, Bitdefender Password Manager fonctionne avec Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge et Safari sur Windows, macOS, Android et iOS. Si vous oubliez le mot de passe principal, vous pouvez toujours le réinitialiser et retrouver l'accès à vos données. Il dispose d'une pléthore de fonctionnalités bonus qui renforcent votre confidentialité : enregistrement et remplissage automatiques, générateur de mots de passe, contrôle de la qualité des mots de passe, recherche et suppression des doublons de mots de passe, masquage des mots de passe lorsque vous les tapez, rapports de sécurité, alerte de fuite de données, notes sécurisées, déconnexion à distance, déverrouillage biométrique sur les appareils mobiles. Vous pouvez importer des données depuis d'autres applications de gestion de mots de passe dans plusieurs formats : csv, json, xml, txt, 1pif, fsk.


  • How do I remove the trial version of Password Manager? Does it automatically start charging after trial period expires?

  • Hello @Pastor Sophocles,

    Once you subscribe to Password Manager, this will remove the trial and you can start using the paid subscription. The charge (subscription cost) will apply when you add the product in the shopping cart and complete the purchase.



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user