Samsung laptop with Windows 8.1 doesn't start after Bitdefender install


I used Bitdefender without issues on a Samsung notebook since 2015. In January 2022 the machine didn't start after Bitdefender update. It just hangs on the Samsung boot logo. With just the loading indicator (spinning forever) and no error message. After removing Bitdefender (in Windows Safe Mode) the OS starts without any issues.

I tried to install Bitdefender several times, but every time Windows hangs on boot after restart.

Of course I have already contacted support (Ticket 1007148300), but no luck there.

Any ideas how to fix this?

Can I somehow prevent Bitdefender from starting on boot? So that Windows starts and I can start Bitdefender afterwards. At least as long as this is not resolved.



  • Alexandru_BD

    Hello @Lukasz,

    I have noticed that the samples received from you were sent to our laboratories, but the log did not reveal anything suspicious. The issue is not antimalware related. Please wait for the engineers to provide further instructions on the case. I'm also tagging one of our experts here @Flexx what's your opinion about this? Do you see any possible cause?


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Flexx
    edited March 2022


    While there is little that can be done in this case until you will receive further instruction from engineers.

    My first though was that it might be a boot sector malware that has been causing the issue and bitdefender trying to remove/ stopping it, but then again your logs do not show anything malicious as per @Alexandru_BD

    What is weird here is that the system is booting when you uninstall bitdefender and not when the bitdefender is installed.

    Let's give it a check and try to find out the root cause of the issue. Can you go forward and disable startup of all your non microsoft programs leaving on bitdefender service enabled.

    Disable startup programs :

    Apply the changes and restart the system, if the issue persists then the bitdefender engineers will have to check on it but if the system boots up normally then there was a startup application that is interfering with bitdefender and causing boot issue.

    To find out which service might be causing the problem, you will have to re enable all the services back and restart your system.

    Afterwards, you need to download Farbar Recovery Scan Tool from

    • Double-click to run it. When the tool opens click Yes to the disclaimer.
    • Press the Scan button.
    • It will make a log (FRST.txt) in the same directory the tool is run. Please copy and paste it to your reply.
    • The first time the tool is run, it also makes another log (Addition.txt). If you've run it before it may not and you may need to select it manually
    • Please attach both logs to your reply if possible. 



    (Bitdefender beta tester 2019/ 2020)

    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • Lukasz

    Hi @Flexx,

    Thanks for the ideas. Sadly, that didn't work.

    I have disabled all non-Microsoft services (also with and without Bitdefender services), but Windows still won't start.

    Additionally I've tried:

    - Disabling early launch anti-malware (ELAM) protection

    - Removing Samsung Recovery

    - Running (again) Windows Update

    I have created some logs using Farbar, but they reveal too much information about the users, network, and installed software. So I cannot post it here.

    Do you have access to the support ticket? I could attach it there.



  • Flexx

    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • luizc
    edited March 2022

    Hey there, similar problem here, occurred in free antivirus version, BSOD looping. I restarted my computed with ELAM (Early-lauch antimalware) disabled, everything ok. The problem is a missing driver from windows/system32/drivers, named bdelam.sys... maybe it's affecting others versions of Bitdefender.

    Edit: I saw that you tried disabling ELAM, so, disregard

  • Lukasz

    I've got an email from the support:

    It seems that the situation is caused by an issue that has already been recognized by our development team. We are currently working on a fix that will be carried out via automatic updating and does not require any additional action.

    We'll get back to you with an update on the fix as soon as we have one.

    I will report back when I have the update.

  • Lukasz

    Support asked me to disable (remove from registry) Bitdefender drivers to identify the one(s) blocking Windows startup.

    I have checked all drivers (atc, BdDci, bdelam, bdprivmon, bduefiscan, Gemma, Ignis, trufos, vlflt).

    After disabling "atc" (atc.sys - Active Threat Control) Windows starts again.

    Bitdefender also starts, but first its tray icon is grey and shows a message (tooltip) that not all services have started. About 30 seconds later the icon is red and Bitdefender is usable.

    I hope this helps in identifying/confirming the issue.

  • RedsFan
    RedsFan ✭✭✭

    It would be nice to know if the problem is solved in build

    in case people search for the same issue....

  • Lukasz

    I have Bitdefender Total Security build (atc.sys version 1.46.325.0)

    It seams to be the latest one.

    @RedsFan Where did you find

  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month mod

    Yep, and I'm still on, it could be any minute now :) :)

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides:

  • Steck1108
    Steck1108 Defender of the month

    Today is. When I installed Bitdefender, the computer did not start, but I remember that there was a similar phenomenon with security software from other manufacturers, but at that time, Bitdefender's sandbox function is similar to that of the motherboard. I think there were cases where Bitdefender's software functions were limited if the functions were used together and some functions were not enabled. This is the method adopted at that time, but by enabling the Intel virtualization function (VT-d) and hypervisor function in the motherboard settings, the case that started up, and the security software of other companies on the Samsung PC side It is assumed that the function remains in the OS registry and will not start. Have you ever used other companies' security software?

  • Lukasz

    @RedsFan I've got today build The problem is not solved. There was no change in atc.sys (still version 1.46.325.0).

    @Steck1108 Yes, I had other AVs on this machine (before I had Bitdefender). The problem with Bitdefender exists since I've got an update in January. Before Bitdefender worked without problems many years on this laptop.

  • Steck1108
    Steck1108 Defender of the month

    Hello. If you have been using another company's security software in the past, why not download the uninstall tool of the target manufacturer from each manufacturer and execute the deletion at the registry level? * Symantec, Mcafee, Kaspersky, etc. Download and execute the removal tool of each security software from the above global site. (Preferably in a safe mode environment)

  • RedsFan
    RedsFan ✭✭✭

    Maybe try to reinstall Bitdefender clean with latest download ?

  • Lukasz

    Today I have been contacted by support. This seems to be still an unidentified issue.

  • I too have a Samsung laptop that has win8.1 installed. I'm afraid I'm not that computer literate but through a process of elimination everything works fine up until I re-install Bit defender total security 2022. Once I have done that, my laptop goes no further than the Samsung startup logo with the loading logo spinning (in one case, all night) and window fails to load. I have sent a message to bitdefender customer services with the requested report (a few days ago) but as yet, they still haven't replied. When I installed the software, I tried to disable it opening on startup but was prevented from doing so. Having paid upfront for this software (two years upfront, until 2024) I would have thought that someone would have been able to help. The reason I was reinstalling the software in the first instance is that about yearly I format the hard drive and reinstall everything from scratch. Bitdefender used to work fine with the same laptop but since my last clean and reinstall, it creates more problems and angst than it's worth.

  • Gjoksi


    @Alexandru_BD and @Mike_BD Please, check on this and the ticket's status. Thanks.

  • Alexandru_BD

    Hello @Reallyirked,

    Could you please send me a private message with your ticket number? I wasn't able to locate the inquiry using your registered e-mai address only. I'll check the status of the case and raise the priority.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user