Concerning my Quotes in my user Profile.

The section about Quotes...

What purpose is this for?

Is it for MY personal favorite quotes from famous people?

Or... is it for the quotes just in the forum, and also about the Levels deep? Where can I find out information about these little concerns? Just wondering...

Best Answers

  • Alexandru_BD
    Alexandru_BD admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello guys,

    This feature refers to how many 'levels' a user wants to see of quoted text in a discussion's thread, eg. if a user comments on a discussion and quotes the discussion or the comment in a new comment, this is one level deep; if another user quotes that user's quote as well to write a comment about that thread, it will have two levels and so on. 

    The feature was introduced to prevent an overload of content on discussion pages.

    Best regards.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Midnight_Rider
    Answer ✓

    Thanks Scott & Alexandru_BD

    I really appreciate the Fast responses. Thanks for the Terrific Link about Quote Folding Scott.

    That one is new to me. But... Thanks to both of your efforts, I just might be able to un-fold my brain around the answers! This place is GREAT!

