Push Event Requirements

edited August 2022 in Enterprise Security

Hi all --

I stood up an HTTP endpoint listening over SSL with basic authentication in an attempt to receive push events from GravityZone.

Following the documentation, I enabled Push Events to the endpoint (enabling all event types for testing and all companies), and when sending that request, I get response from with response "result" = true and I see the successful HTTP GET request to my endpoint (assuming it's just checking to make sure everything is working).

However, that's as far as it goes. When sending requests to BitDefender API to send a test event, I see no data coming into my HTTP endpoint. If I perform a basic action (like agent install or uninstall, which I'm subscribed to for push events) I also see nothing. I've even forced some firewall /network events on servers with agent installed and still get nothing pushed to my HTTP endpoint.

If I try to get push event stats for my API key, I receive server error code -32000 with message "Statistics for this api key are not available yet"

What am I missing?

I'm running a trial version of GravityZone to test out the push event feature.



  • Gjoksi


    Since you need help with business product, @Alex_Dr and @Andra_B could take a look here and help you.

    Also, you can always contact the Bitdefender business support:



  • Thanks, I was about to actually move this to Enterprise Security section .. didn't see that category first. I can leave it here until told otherwise :)

    The support portal wasn't being very friendly today (the portal itself, not the staff) .. the web page kept freezing on me. And that's what lead me here

  • Alex_Dr
    Alex_Dr Quality & Customer Experience Specialist BD Staff

    Hello @lazarbeam,

    I've reached out to the GravityZone team regarding the notifications and have received the following update: "Event Push Service requires the HTTP collector running on the third-party platforms to support SSL with TLS 1.2 or higher, to send events successfully.", along with the following link: https://www.bitdefender.com/business/support/en/77211-135319-setpusheventsettings.html

    Please let me know if the above helps and I await your response.

    All the best,

    Alex D.

  • Thanks for checking in on this!

    I seem to have it working now. Based on your suggestions, I went ahead and explicitly defined some of the TLS settings (even though the defaults of the HTTP collector were supposed to only support TLS 1.2 and 1.3) and that did the trick.

    I also accidentally clicked "no" when asked if your comment solved my issue, but it did.