Threat Detected, But Can't Perm Remove It (The File Keeps Reappearing). Any Help?

So a couple of days ago i did a wopsie and my PC was compromised.

My facebook got compromised because of that same with my instagram to my busniess managed to get my facebook back after a back and forth chat with meta support however.

I scanned and ran malware scans aswell to get rid og the problem while also deleting any unessescary file and shutting down rules in my firewall which didn't make sense to have.

Right now it keeps popping up with a message "threat detected notification" but can't seem to perm remove the file or the infection it keeps reappearing.

My camera also seem to turn on but it's faced away from me so might also be something there.

I got a notification that someone tried to access my steam account good thing i got 2FA Verification on everything.

So my question is How do i get rid of all these infections or viruses.

Worst case reset my dam pc as new.
