Safepay Bookmarks: Sort By Name Or Drag And Drop Them Into Their Preferred Sequence


As I add bookmarks to Safepay, they are displayed in the sequence that they are added, so last-added bookmark appears last in the list. After a while, with more bookmarks added, it becomes difficult to locate a bookmark

Could the developers offer a sort option to sort by name? I could then rename each bookmark with (say) '01', '02', etc. at the beginning to display the bookmarks in my chosen sequence.

An even better option would be for the user to be able to drag and drop them into their preferred sequence.

Could you let me know whether this can be added to the developer's maintenance schedule please? And when the feature could be implemented? The coding for this would be easy for any competent programmer.

Thanks a lot.

1 votes

In Review · Last Updated

A proof of concept is being considered


  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2023

    Hi @FrodoGaldalf

    You are not alone, as along the same line this has been brought up before, but at least you're asking for it as a feature request :)

    From the pinned topic in this sub forum, will also give an idea of what may or ay not happen with a feature request idea.If you get a lot of positive votes, it can possibly help it to be considered a bit more.

    • While some features might be declined from start, others may have greater chances of being developed in the future. However, this doesn't mean that some ideas are good and others are bad. Any idea is welcome and usually, there's a need behind that idea.
    • To set clear expectations, we do not guarantee that an answer to an idea will be provided straight away. If there is a demand for a feature and if there are ways to do it, there are chances for development in the future. Although some ideas may not gain traction at first, suggestions can be reviewed later on and included in the roadmap along with other developments, when the time is right.

    Thank you for posting your request, it is appreciated :)



    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides:

  • Hi,

    Indeed, this question has been raised before and currently there is no option to sort the bookmarks in any way.

    However, there are no guarantees of development yet. The product developers always analyze feature requests based on many criteria and some will not be implemented even if they may have low complexity, as long as they do not provide value for a relevant mass of users. The priority is to develop new things that bring additional benefits and protection for all users, as the threat landscape evolves. Nevertheless, this suggestion has been previously brought to their attention and we are looking forward to see if this is something they would consider in the future.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • TheoT
    edited September 2024

    Once my bookmarks grew in number I also encountered this limitation.

    For those that need a solution.

    The manual work around for this issue is to edit the bookmark Name & URL (click top right corner of the bookmark). I tested changing bookmarks to a different site there was no issue.

    For example my first bookmark opened Bitdefender, which I edited to now open my main Bank. I like the important & frequent used bookmarks to be on the top rows. Bitdefender has been down graded to the bottom rows.

    The approach I take is:

    1 Identify which bookmark needs to be changed

    2 Open the site

    3 Created a second bookmark for the old site (it will appear in the bottom row of the bookmarks as expected)

    4 Now Edit the old bookmark to the new site details (Name & Url).

    Note - The icon symbol shown on the bookmark refreshes once you click to open the new site (if available, some sites when creating bookmarks end up with a blank square symbol).

  • @TheoT thanks for sharing your findings on this thread, it is much appreciated! 🙏

    @camarie what's your take on this?


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • camarie
    camarie Principal Software Developer BD Staff

    Looks a valid, useful thing to have. I will make a proposal (not sure in what form will be, but I will try to have a proof of concept for most of them).

  • The community appreciates this @camarie ! 😏🤜🤛😎

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • camarie
    camarie Principal Software Developer BD Staff

    Send the set of ideas to the guys (sorting ascending, descending, or custom via drag-drop - the latter persistent); perhaps a quick filtering (nothing fancy, a simple filter text looking into Title then URL). Let's see what the team says and when and if I can do it.

  • TheoT
    edited September 2024

    Thanks for the comments.

    The ideal way to manage bookmark positioning would be to click and drag to where you want it to slot in.

    If you place it between other bookmarks the preceding bookmarks should be moved 1 position to the right automatically.

    I can see how others might prefer the alpha sorting. I tend to group similar objects in the same location it becomes more familiar and easy to remember. Using the manual steps above can be tedious when creating new bookmarks requiring frequent reshuffling.

  • I would strongly recommend the development staff implementing a "drag and drop" feature for Bookmarks, as the process of editing the bookmarks to achieve the desired order is awkward and tedious, and goes on forever.

  • camarie
    camarie Principal Software Developer BD Staff

    Several improvements are on our list regardig the bookmarks area. Drag/drop: noted, thank you.