Password Manager prompts to save new password when it hasn't changed


When trying to login to my bank at, Password Manager (ver 1.3.0) prompts me save a new password when it hasn’t changed. I clicked ”Not Now” to get rid of this pop up msg. Sometimes, the same annoying popup keeps coming back. If I click on “ok” it saves a new “generated” password even though, the correct password was entered to begin with. The next time I go to log in at, the login fails. (since I haven’t changed the PW on the banks website) I’ve gone into Password Manger “Accounts” and deleted all the entries and manually entered the correct user name and password. This didn’t help and I continue to get the prompt to save a new password when it hasn’t changed. 


  • Alexandru_BD

    Hello @Tray,

    Based on your description of the situation encountered, I would recommend contacting the Technical Support Teams, as more information might be required to troubleshoot this. You can get in touch with our engineers by choosing one of the contact channels available here:

    Let us know how it goes.



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user