What happens to my old password?

I'm a newbie to password managers. When I add an account, does it change my existing password on the account to the generated one, or will the old one still work?


  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2023

    Hi @krtilley

    If you imported your previous passwords from a different password manager, nothing will change with your password information, new passwords will not be created. When you log into a website that you had a username and password for, it will autofill that website just like before. But, if you want to change the password, you would need to log into that site to change your password, where you can have Bitdefender generate a new password for you. BD PM won't generate a new password without your allowing it, i.e. by going through those steps to generate a password or new password.

    When you add a brand new account or website, that again is where you could have PM generate a password for you.

    I hope this helped, and that I didn't confuse anything :)


    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/ Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.

  • Thanks Scott - here’s what I’m really wondering. I add my accounts to the manager and it generates new passwords. Then one day I have to log into an account directly without the manager, like on a borrowed computer. Is the manager-generated password the only way to get in?

  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2023


    Yes, in general, to make it easier, you would "need" to have that password manager like BD PM or one of your choosing, on that device, or at least have another device like your phone, if the PM is installed on it, to open that password from there to refer to, and manually type it in. There are some sites that I don't allow the more complex options (see below BD PM), just in case I need to manually type them in, like the symbols. But, it still needs to be varied, and ideally at least 16 characters long. On the Malwaretips forum, they have some excellent threads regarding password managers, and also of how long it would take for a certain string of numbers and letters to be broken, as below.

    I personally, would not trust Google's Password manager. I would rather it be with an independent company's version.

    Kind regards,


    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/ Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.