PW Mgr "Integrate With Context menu"

What does "integrate with context menu" mean on the password manager settings?

Best Answer

  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2023 Answer ✓

    Hi @Raymasm

    Yep, it uploaded fine. Thank you that was very helpful. As in Windows Explorer, we have the right-click context menu option for PM. When you right-click the email/user name box or password, it will give you these options.

    Kind regards,


    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.


  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod


    There is no "Integrate with context menu" setting in the Bitdefender Password Manager's settings on my Windows and Android devices.

    Could you please send me in PM screenshot(s) of the "Integrate with context menu" setting you have on your device(s), so we can better understand the issue.


  • Thank you for responding. Are you are able to see the screensnip I just uploaded?

  • Thanks so much!

  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭

    You're welcome :)

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.

  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod


    Yes, i can now see the screenshot.

    Screenshots from my device are showh below.

    BD Password Manager 1.2.4 On Mozilla Firefox 118.0.2 x64

    BD Password Manager 1.3.0 On Microsoft Edge 118.0.2088.46 x64

    Since, i use ONLY Mozilla Firefox, maybe that was the reason why i couldn't see that setting. 😁


  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭

    So I guess the $1,000.00 question is, why isn't that option included with Firefox? Does it have something to do with FF coding that won't allow that option? @Alexandru_BD do you know anything about why that would be? :)

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.

  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod


    Buddy, maybe it has something to do with the extension's version. On Firefox it is 1.2.4, but on Edge it is 1.3.0. Just my guessing.


    We need some answers, mate.


  • Hi,

    I don't have an answer right now but I'll get back to you 😁

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user