
Cloudflare has been popping up is this part of Bitdefender?

Is this part of the web site I am trying to visit?

How did I get this blockage?


Best Answer

  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod
    edited November 2023 Answer ✓


    Cloudflare has been popping up is this part of Bitdefender?

    No, that is not part of Bitdefender.

    Is this part of the web site I am trying to visit?

    Yes, that is part of the website. The “checking if site connection is secure” is a Cloudflare security check and not something you can entirely disable, as it prevents bot traffic. The website owner decided to use protection & security measurements for some kind of requests, or based on some criteria like country, user-agent, etc. That’s why you’re experiencing the regular “Cloudflare JavaScript challenge page”.

    How did I get this blockage?

    You should ask that question here:

