dragon honey

how do i remove dragon honey from chrome
when i try do go to bitdefender central on chrome i redirected to dragon honey
please help i dont know how to attach an image of dragon honey
Hello @Milk123
Is this what you're seeing?
Try this, in Windows (I'm assuming) search, type Run.
Then type, temp and delete all the temp files you can.
Also, Run and type %temp% - delete all of those files you can.
Do the same as well with prefetch.
Restart your PC.
Then, reset Google Chrome.
Run a BD System Scan, and try Chrome again.
Also, see if anything from this Article is helpful:
Kind regards,
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/ Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.
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Kindly have a look at the below-stated link for the removal of dragon honey
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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I am only going to dragon honey when I try to access bitdefender central from the bitdefender total security popup on my computer. that is the only time I am directed to dragon honey.
Also my name on the popup account is doubled as in fred ponicponic
I think maybe I should uninstall bitdefender and then reinstall
Any thoughts
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Hi @Milk123
I just promoted you to Level 2, so that you can include an image or two of what you're seeing on your end, to help us better understand what's going on. When you post back, you will be given the option to post the image.
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/ Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.
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you just sent me an email but when I click on it I get redirected to dragon honey.
I am accessing you now from edge where I have left the page open.
Do you think I should uninstall Bitdefender. I thin dragon honey is in it somehow.
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I didn't email you, and I don't believe dragon honey can be "inside" BD, maybe corrupting? BD though. If you want for now, you can uninstall BD and reinstall it from Central, but I'm guessing you're still going to have the same issue. Posting an image would be very helpful if you can :)
Also, have you tried any of the recommended steps above, including @Flexx post? That would be my first course of action.
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/ Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.
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Tell me how to post an image.
I received an email from you from the expert community.
When I try to attach an image it is not in the correct format html
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I apologize, as I'm not sure of where you're getting an email prompt from, as it's not me.
Try using the Snipping tool, or hit the Print screen keyboard key, then open in Paint and crop the image if needed, and save the image as a .jpg file, in which you will be able to upload the image as I posted above.
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/ Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.
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This the page I get sent to when I try to access Bitdefender central from chrome.
I can get to bitdefender central from edge
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Excellent job, Milk123. This is a Chrome browser redirect and not an issue with the Bitdefender app.
Please follow my steps from post#2, then if needed, go through Flexx steps posted in his link. It will not be resolved, or have a chance of resolution without going through those steps. Again, for simplicity's sake, try my post steps, then if needed, Flexx. Not trying to sound rude, but I will not be replying back until you confirm you did the above-posted steps.
Kind regards,
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/ Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.
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Hi Scott
If this is what I have to do to remove dragon honey why do I have bitdefender total security installed on my computer.
This is bitdefenders job not mine.
That is why I am paying for bitdefender, to remove things like dragon honey.
I got as far as Delete malicious scheduled tasks which did not work.
I have tried to uninstall Bitdefender Total Security but it wont let me.
A popup tells me windows cannot find c program 3lines long that I cannot copy to send to you.
What good is this.
Please help
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You need to understand that there is no one antimalware in the world that can protect you from all types of malware.
Tomorrow, if you choose another antimalware and it also cannot remove some of the malware, what will you do at that time?
As mentioned above, no antimalware is perfect. Hence, on the BitDefender community forum, you are provided with alternate ways to deal with your issues. Whether or not you want to follow them is totally up to you.
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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Hi @Milk123
Unfortunately, as @Flexx mentioned, browser hijacks and installs do happen, even with Online Threat Prevention enabled.
@Alexandru_BD who works for Bitdefender, may have some helpful follow-up advice for you.
Kind regards,
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/ Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.
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You can also try the following steps to manually get rid of the dragon honey browser hijack:
1) Open the Run command and execute the following commands one by one:
temp – delete all the files in the folder.
%temp% – delete all the files in the folder.
prefetch – delete all the files in the folder.
2) Reset your web browsers:
Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/3296214?hl=en
Mozilla Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/refresh-firefox-reset-add-ons-and-settings
Microsoft Edge: https://malwaretips.com/blogs/reset-microsoft-edge/
Opera: https://browsersolution.com/reset-opera-browser
Vivaldi: https://help.vivaldi.com/desktop/install-update/full-reset-of-vivaldi/
Brave: https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017903152-How-do-I-reset-Brave-settings-to-default-
3) Reset the Windows host file to default. You can find instructions here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/how-to-reset-the-hosts-file-back-to-the-default-c2a43f9d-e176-c6f3-e4ef-3500277a6dae
Life happens, Coffee helps!
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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Hello @Milk123,
I'll jump in here with more information regarding what actually happens.
Bitdefender cannot take any direct measures here, because it cannot change something that you agreed on or something you enabled, like website setting, installed toolbars, extensions or applications. As your screenshot shows, by adding dragon search to your Chrome browser, you accept and agree that the extension will update your search settings and will change your default search services, which is exactly what happened when you used the Chrome browser afterwards. As you've noticed, this behavior is not happening with Edge, because the extension wasn't added there as well.
If you installed this browser extension and agreed to the changes of search services that come along with it, Bitdefender does not override these preferences, because it doesn't have a connection with them, nor rights to do so. Bitdefender will, however, alert you and block the connection if it detects something dangerous during your browsing activity.
A browser reset and removing this extension from it should be enough to solve this problem, which again, is unrelated to Bitdefender, but we are more than happy to help you out, as you've noticed in the above comments, several community members have provided you with accurate instructions to solve the issue you are facing.
You can confidently follow their advice.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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Below is the VirusTotal link for the Chrome extension Dragon Search
@Alexandru_BD, I would like you to share the VirusTotal link with malware researchers in order to have it detected as a browser hijacker.
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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From the link to Malwaretips in @Flexx post, and to affirm what @Alexandru_BD posted.
"Your browser is being redirected to Dragon Honey Search because the “Dragon Honey” extension or program is installed on your computer. Often, this type of program is offered through advertisements or bundled with other software, leaving the user puzzled where this software came from.
You should always pay attention when installing software because often, a software installer includes optional installs. Be very careful what you agree to install.
Always opt for the custom installation and deselect anything that is not familiar, especially optional software that you never wanted to download and install in the first place. It goes without saying that you should not install software that you don’t trust.
To remove the Dragon Honey Search browser hijacker and check your computer for other malicious programs, please use the free malware removal guide below".
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/ Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.
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If you're still out there, you could try what this member posted and see if it works. It may be quicker and easier?
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/ Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.
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thanks i couldnt figure it out but i went to best buy geek squad and they looked into it.
it took over three hours to find what was attached to chrome extension
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My goodness, Milk123, that sounds like it was pretty intense even for them to figure out. Thank you for posting back and letting us know where you were at with all of this.
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/ Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.
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Wow, three hours?? Either they didn't know exactly where to look, or that thing invaded your browser, literally.
Anyway, I'm glad to hear you managed to solve this and I appreciate you followed up with us on the status.
@Flexx I'm not sure if this can be detected as a browser hijacker tool, since it does ask for user permissions to change the default search setup and based on your virustotal link, no one else seems to flag it.. but we can't know for sure what data it collects or what exactly happens in the background, as I'm very skeptical about these search extensions.
However, I will ask the security researchers to have a look. 😉
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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Checking with malware researchers would be a perfect idea.
Life happens, Coffee helps!
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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@Flexx the functionality of the extension is as described, it modifies the default search engine and that's about it. It can be removed without problems. Based on the researchers' findings, they did not find it even in kits that install it, so it was marked as safe. As it can be noticed, no other vendors are detecting it, and our teams couldn't find a reason to classify it as a browser hijacker.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user