Full System Scan not scanning enough files.

AngelaBrown Full Scan does not appesar to be scanning all the files

Dear Bitdefender Support,

I usually do a Full System scan on a Friday and check ‘Notifications’ when it is finished.

On April 19th 16787115 items were screened and 132723 items were skipped  - it took the usual sort of time about 40 minutes to an hour Dear Bitdefender Support,

I usually do a Full System scan on a Friday and check ‘Notifications’ when it is finished.

On April 19th 16787115 items were screened and 132723 items were skipped  - it took the usual sort of time.

On April 26th I ran the Full System scan as usual. It displayed ‘Your system is clean’ as usual but in ‘Notifications’  there was no message  to say ‘Full System Scan completed successfully’. There was a message saying ‘Critical Windows Update needed’.

I went into that message and pressed the button to do the update. There was just one update and it finished quickly and seemed ok. I then re-ran the Full System Scan and got the following result in about 7 minutes

April 26th 825207 items were screened and 525979 were skipped  it took about 7 minutes.

Today I ran a Full System scan again with similar results  849291 items scanned 526785 items skipped.

Could you help me on this one?

Best regards

Angela Brown
