

hangs for-ever just before the "welcome" screen


I have installed BD Internet security 2012, but over the last two weeks (from approx 23rd Feb) windows did not start when switching on the computer. It hangs for-ever just before the "welcome" screen, showing only the mouse arrow. After an eternity it sometimes comes up with the users options screen, then it hangs again. I even re-stored my computer back to a few days earlier (thinking that it was windows issue) and installed the BD IN 2012, again same problem, it hangs forever. When I remove BD Inet sec 2012 in safe mode my computer works fine. Once I install the BD it hangs forever again with blank screen and arrow etc.

I have been using BD on the same computer since I trialled it back in Jan 2012, without any trouble, and I was happy with the product. It seems that after downloading a huge update ie 17mb at first, crash, then after reinstalling BD then a 23mb update then crash, then re installed, then today a 27mb update. I haven’t switched off yet to see what happens!! And, BD won’t run in Safe mode. Please also note that I am absolutley sure that all previous AV software has been removed from my PC.

I need a quick any solution for this problem.


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  • ✭✭✭

    Hi :)

    Welcome to the forums.

    Please follow the steps explained in the article below and send me via PM the generated log file:

    If you were already asked to generate the log file, disregard the message above and just post the ticket ID.

    Thank you.

  • ✭✭✭

    Hi :)

    In order to be able to properly identify the causes for the reported situation and find a solution we will need to investigate a bit deeper.

    Please follow the steps below and send us the result:

    a ) Go to this page and download the autoruns file.

    b ) Extract the contents of the downloaded file and run the 'autoruns.exe' file;

    c ) Wait for the list to be filled with all the processes and then make sure that you have the Everything tab selected in the upper part;

    d ) Click on the Disk icon right under File and chose any location folder on your computer;

    e ) Save the file with a specific name (your name, computer name, a random name, which one you want) and then send me a PM with it.

    If the file is too big to attach it, upload it on


    and send me a PM with the download link.

    We will analyze the information you sent and then reply with a possible solution in the shortest time.

    Have a nice day.

  • Hi Geordie,

    Are you running Radeon graphics ? I just had an issue with black screen with only mouse during start-up - was related to the latest Drivers for Radeon graphics (also crashed BD).

    Posted about it here .


  • Hi Geordie,

    Are you running Radeon graphics ? I just had an issue with black screen with only mouse during start-up - was related to the latest Drivers for Radeon graphics (also crashed BD).

    Posted about it here .


    Nope, I have a Nvidia GEforce 9800 GTX/ 9800GTX+

  • edited March 2012

    Hello Christian,

    From the postings on the forum it seems I'm not alone with my problem with BD. Now that you have the required information from , I hope that I don't have much longer to be without BitDEfender Interner security!. Any chance you could give me an estimated fix date?



  • ✭✭✭

    Hello Geordie :)

    I can see malware leftovers in you log. Is you computer running slow?

    Also, in the log I can see that you have Trusteer Rapport installed. We recommend you to disable it before the reinstallation of our product:

    So, please remove any other security solutions from your PC and reinstall Bitdefender 2012 by following the steps from here:

    Take care.

  • Hello Christian,

    My computer is currently running like a dream (without BD).

    Can you explain what you mean by "malware leftovers"? If it is malware, should I be concerned?can Bitdefender remove it after re- installing?

    I will follow your instructions re Rapport, I hope I can implement the instructions correctly, they seem complicated to me. Assuming I can get to step 5 on the instruction.

    Would this mean that in order to update virus definitions that it has to be requested manually, forever?

    Are there two types of update? ie a product (software) update and a virus definitions update or are they the same?

    Do the instructions following "IMPORTANT: you can either" apply every time after the changes have been made in steps 1 to 6?

    I need Rapport, I don't undertsand why BD worked a while and then didn't while Rapport was on the PC the whole time, was it the "product updates" I experienced?

    You may have guessed I'm not super confident or competent on this, I would appreciate some clarification.



  • Christian,

    I have carried out your instructions to the letter. Rapport switched off/disabled. Other AV completley removed. Ran BD uninstaller again to make sure, re installed latest version of BD again. Updated product process (total 24mb) as per instructions. (Rapport still switched off/disabled throughout). Then re booted and guess what? I'm back to square one, identical to my first posting on this topic.

    Where do we go from here?

    It gets too the last stage after signing in then nothing for ages, when I look at task manager to see what's happening there are only about 7/8 processes listed but apparently not moving/running one of which is BD Agent and something called CSRSS.exe, so in the end I switch off.

    Once again I'm having to rely on free AV& Firewall.

    I really would like a solution to my problem. What now?


  • Nope, I have a Nvidia GEforce 9800 GTX/ 9800GTX+

    Hi Again Geordie,

    The problem you described matches to a tee the issue I had with the 8.95 ATI driver and CCC 1.3 (12.2 ?) that is why I mentioned it. However while scanning some boards about the ATI driver problem I came across a few mentions of similar problems with the recent Nvidia drivers (the 295.73 release date Feb 21) - which is very close to when you mentioned first having the black screen issues. I was seeing the same thing in Task Manager you described - about 7 or 8 processes - one of which was BD. Also looked like the start-up was serialized - looked like only one processor running with low utilization (nothing on the others - 6 core / 12 thread). I was lucky that I was already suspicious of the driver due to the BSOD's. Once I rolled back the driver - back to normal.

    My $0.02 CAN worth of advice (not worth much LOL) - but something to check out. I was running Trusteer through all the time while having this problem.



  • Hi Again Geordie,

    The problem you described matches to a tee the issue I had with the 8.95 ATI driver and CCC 1.3 (12.2 ?) that is why I mentioned it. However while scanning some boards about the ATI driver problem I came across a few mentions of similar problems with the recent Nvidia drivers (the 295.73 release date Feb 21) - which is very close to when you mentioned first having the black screen issues. I was seeing the same thing in Task Manager you described - about 7 or 8 processes - one of which was BD. Also looked like the start-up was serialized - looked like only one processor running with low utilization (nothing on the others - 6 core / 12 thread). I was lucky that I was already suspicious of the driver due to the BSOD's. Once I rolled back the driver - back to normal.

    My $0.02 CAN worth of advice (not worth much LOL) - but something to check out. I was running Trusteer through all the time while having this problem.



    Hello Ross,

    It may well be that you have solved my problem!. On checking I did indeed update the graphics driver - on 29th Feb, from version 295.73 to 296.10. After rolling back to the old driver things improved dramatically. I timed startups from off and from restarts, and it showed good/acceptable levels - without Rapport running. I then switched Rapport on and restarted etc and still it ran fine. I updated BD product software and left rapport running, and it still boot_s up fine. Fingers crossed. Many thanks for your input.


    Perhaps this may be worth noting for future concerns. My current experience is that BD does run OK with Rapport, it may not be an issue any more.

    I ran a full scan of Bit Defender and it caught 6 cookies. Is this what you were referring to when you said I had "I can see malware leftovers in you log."

    And thanks for your patience when dealing with this amateur, although I've learned alot.

  • Hello Ross,

    It may well be that you have solved my problem!. On checking I did indeed update the graphics driver - on 29th Feb, from version 295.73 to 296.10. After rolling back to the old driver things improved dramatically. I timed startups from off and from restarts, and it showed good/acceptable levels - without Rapport running. I then switched Rapport on and restarted etc and still it ran fine. I updated BD product software and left rapport running, and it still boot_s up fine. Fingers crossed. Many thanks for your input.


    Perhaps this may be worth noting for future concerns. My current experience is that BD does run OK with Rapport, it may not be an issue any more.

    I ran a full scan of Bit Defender and it caught 6 cookies. Is this what you were referring to when you said I had "I can see malware leftovers in you log."

    And thanks for your patience when dealing with this amateur, although I've learned alot.

    Hmm, interesting that you note about the updated nvidia drivers as my problems started not long after i updated as well. However i have removed ASO3 system utilities as it was causing conflicts after analysis by Christian at BD support, and i am now running the latest 296.10 drivers and rapport with no problems...

  • Hmm, interesting that you note about the updated nvidia drivers as my problems started not long after i updated as well. However i have removed ASO3 system utilities as it was causing conflicts after analysis by Christian at BD support, and i am now running the latest 296.10 drivers and rapport with no problems...


    As I'm an amateur, can you tell me what "ASO3 system utilities " is?

  • Hi Geordie & Edd

    Glad I was able to help you out Geordie. I am more or less somewhat of an amateur with Windows (I regard it as a necessary evil - LOL). I am an old time mainframe "person" and UNIX (AIX) System Admin. But I am an expert googler and still believe in RTFM.

    I was already looking at issues with the drivers - BSOD (blue) pointing at an ati module when I started getting the BSOD (black) - so it was an obvious candidate.

    I am not sure if the new drivers are the "direct" cause of the start up issues - as Edd mentioned he removed something else to solve his problem. It appears to be some kind of "deadlock" between the processes when they are all starting up during sign-on. It may be a deadlock with BD or it may be multiple tasks involved. At this point I am running again - but my ATI drivers are somewhat out of sync (CCC no longer starts). I am also running RAID - and booting off a RAID volume - and I suspect that that may have been a contributing factor. Throw UEFI boot and GPT disks into the mix ......



  • Hello,

    As I'm an amateur, can you tell me what "ASO3 system utilities " is?

    ASO3 is a system clean up software utility/manager called Advanced System Optimizer 3 (google it), and it turns out that the system protector software (anti spyware) bundled with ASO3 was causing conflicts with the BD antispyware or something at startup

  • ✭✭✭
    edited March 2012

    Hello everyone :)

    First off all, we are sorry for the inconvenience.

    Please follow these steps and we will continue the talk in that topic:

    Have a great weekend!

This discussion has been closed.


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