Add New Feature

please add the option of giving users a list of choices like clean,delete,ignore,exclude when a threat is found.

please add this option to 2012 or the upcoming 2013 version.


  • I still have a need for a "Scheduled Scan with an Auto Shutdown."

    If I am away from the computer with some long download that takes 4-5 hours, I don't want to go back home or drive back to the office to shut the computer down. In AVG, I could 'schedule it' to scan the download in say 6 hours once complete, and then it would turn the computer off. Very handy feature!

    Active scan is in AVG as well. It would pick bad items up immediately and ask what to do about them. Nice, quick "Emergency Firewall Block" too.

    AVG's "Scheduled Scan & Shutdown" included was a big plus for large downloads like Garmin Maps and large data files that take hours to download. I don't like to sit here and wait for 5-6 hours or go back to the office and then turn the thing off as I have to do with BitDefender 2012.

    No scheduler with shutdown = No renew. Back to AVG.


  • punee_88
    edited June 2012
    I still have a need for a "Scheduled Scan with an Auto Shutdown."

    If I am away from the computer with some long download that takes 4-5 hours, I don't want to go back home or drive back to the office to shut the computer down. In AVG, I could 'schedule it' to scan the download in say 6 hours once complete, and then it would turn the computer off. Very handy feature!

    Active scan is in AVG as well. It would pick bad items up immediately and ask what to do about them. Nice, quick "Emergency Firewall Block" too.

    AVG's "Scheduled Scan & Shutdown" included was a big plus for large downloads like Garmin Maps and large data files that take hours to download. I don't like to sit here and wait for 5-6 hours or go back to the office and then turn the thing off as I have to do with BitDefender 2012.

    No scheduler with shutdown = No renew. Back to AVG.


    agreed.also the option of giving users the choice is also imp. as all antivirus provides it , even previous bitdefender versions.hoping they add both these features in 2013.

  • This hope I have to dispel. I have expressed in the beta forum, these desires. In version 2013, this Feautures not be included.



  • that's sad to to know.

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭
    edited June 2012

    Hello :)

    Thank you for the feedback!

    We will see what can be done for the new user mode that is implemented in Bitdefender 2013.

    Take care.

  • thnx a lot christian.hoping for that feature to be implemented.

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    The discussion will continue on this area when Bitdefender 2013 will be released.

    Thank you! Have a great week.

This discussion has been closed.