Help Needed To Fix Kernel Error 1256
After booting up my Laptop, the following error message gets displayed and the comp and has really become slow after these error messages started showing up.
Important : Potential errors found in the system.
During a scan of files at system startup, potential errors in the system registry were found.
p-07-0100 irql: 1f SYSVER 0xff0024
NT_Kernel error 1256
The above error message clears after pressing ok.
But after sometime(around 10-15 mins) another error message(mentioned below) gets displayed and this time only a hard reset will Shutdown the Comp.
"A potential problem has been detected and Windows has been shutdown buggy application to prevent damage to your computer.
****WXYZ.SYS - Address F73120AE base at C00000, DateStamp 36b072A3
Kernel Debugger Using: COM2 (Port0x28f, Baud rat 192000)"
Thanks in advanve,
Hello kli,
Please take a look at this topic:
It's extremely weird that you and the author of the above topic came in the exact same day, with the exact same problem. Maybe it's a new virus that is spreading very fast. Please follow attach the files requested in the above topic, and post a HijackThis! log (don't attempt to use HijackThis! and fix the same things I suggested in the other topic if you don't know what you're doing!)
Please continue posting in that topic.
Cris.0 -
Wow I cant believe that I'm the only one with this problem. After reading all the replys and finding all the same issues that i have with my PC. I am currently trying out vundofix right now...
more to follow.
P.S. THANK YOU!!! to all who posted and made it possible to know that i am not alone