Safepay Erased Desktop Background

Well this was a bit odd - I wanted to see what this new safepay thing was, so I launched it, but I wasn't gonna buy anything - I just wanted to see how the program looked, so I closed it again. Upon closing, the picture I had chosen as my desktop background was gone and instead replaced by a faded black background.. I haven't tried restarting the PC yet, but I just think this is something a program shouldn't do in any case :huh:

Anyone else that have experienced this?


  • Georgia
    Georgia ✭✭✭

    Hello Schlosser and welcome!

    Have you contacted us via email? I have checked the email address used for this forum account and I couldn't find a ticket in the system.

    Please post back and let me know, thank you! :)

  • camarie
    camarie Principal Software Developer BD Staff
    Well this was a bit odd - I wanted to see what this new safepay thing was, so I launched it, but I wasn't gonna buy anything - I just wanted to see how the program looked, so I closed it again. Upon closing, the picture I had chosen as my desktop background was gone and instead replaced by a faded black background.. I haven't tried restarting the PC yet, but I just think this is something a program shouldn't do in any case :huh:

    Anyone else that have experienced this?

    The Windows implementation of wallpaper management *sometimes* (I know, I hate this word too...) bonks. We have received from time to time such reports, and I am considering myself this simply unreliable. (As a side note, on Windows 8 is even more failing - calling the appropriate functions from Win32 API returns ok, but the background remains as is - which is even more a no-no).

    This is why we decided to implement - in beta 2014 is already delivered, and we'll push it into 2013 as well - our own wallpaper mechanism. Basically, we're not changing/restoring the user wallpaper anymore, but we are drawing directly the Safepay' separate desktop background ourselves. This way, even if Safepay crashes, the original desktop remains untouched.

    I estimate to release this in the next month (not to sound as an excuse - beta 2014 is on its last weeks...).



  • Well this was a bit odd - I wanted to see what this new safepay thing was, so I launched it, but I wasn't gonna buy anything - I just wanted to see how the program looked, so I closed it again. Upon closing, the picture I had chosen as my desktop background was gone and instead replaced by a faded black background.. I haven't tried restarting the PC yet, but I just think this is something a program shouldn't do in any case :huh:

    Anyone else that have experienced this?

    Bonjour ,

    Mon problème avec Safepay est un peu différend mais quand je l'ouvre cela fait disparaître aussi mon fond d'écran...Il devient alors tout noir?

    Mon problème est lié avec l'installation d' "Acronis home 2011" .Je suis en contact avec le service technique .Pour ce sujet consultez dans le forum : safepay instable par Keylath .

    Amitiés informatiques

    Keylath .

  • camarie
    camarie Principal Software Developer BD Staff
    Bonjour ,

    Mon problème avec Safepay est un peu différend mais quand je l'ouvre cela fait disparaître aussi mon fond d'écran...Il devient alors tout noir?

    Mon problème est lié avec l'installation d' "Acronis home 2011" .Je suis en contact avec le service technique .Pour ce sujet consultez dans le forum : safepay instable par Keylath .

    Amitiés informatiques

    Keylath .

    I don't know what Acronis home 2011 is (I am not using this product). Can you detail what is the relation between Acronis and safepay instable? Because from your comment I cannot have any conclusion.



  • wwiley
    wwiley ✭✭
    edited May 2013
    Well this was a bit odd - I wanted to see what this new safepay thing was, so I launched it, but I wasn't gonna buy anything - I just wanted to see how the program looked, so I closed it again. Upon closing, the picture I had chosen as my desktop background was gone and instead replaced by a faded black background.. I haven't tried restarting the PC yet, but I just think this is something a program shouldn't do in any case :huh:

    Anyone else that have experienced this?

    Yes, I too see my IE 8 browser seem to crash or fade to black when ever I try to use SafePay. I have to reboot my PC to get my desktop back. I am really afraid to use SafePay, as when the desktop fades to black, I can't see anything, no mouse cursor, icons or anything, so you don't really know what you are typing or where the cursor is on the screen. I also have to say that I do not see the SafePay Module among the other modules whenever I open BitDefender homepage. I have tried reinstalling BitDefender to see if that would fix the issue, but even after re-installing, my desktop still fades to black and the SafePay Module isn't present on the home page.

  • camarie
    camarie Principal Software Developer BD Staff
    Yes, I too see my IE 8 browser seem to crash or fade to black when ever I try to use SafePay. I have to reboot my PC to get my desktop back. I am really afraid to use SafePay, as when the desktop fades to black, I can't see anything, no mouse cursor, icons or anything, so you don't really know what you are typing or where the cursor is on the screen. I also have to say that I do not see the SafePay Module among the other modules whenever I open BitDefender homepage. I have tried reinstalling BitDefender to see if that would fix the issue, but even after re-installing, my desktop still fades to black and the SafePay Module isn't present on the home page.

    Well, Safepay does not interact with IE 8 (or any other browser) directly. There are other components, true, which intercept traffic (for scanning and detection purposes), and when an URL is detected to be a bank, the user is invited to open Safepay - but that's all regarding Safepay. It is a standalone program.

    Regarding the desktop black: this is a feature, not a bug. Perhaps the documentation is not so clear about this - and this is perhaps why you question what happened, I suppose. Basically it isolates the default desktop (the one where you see explorer, desktop icons etc.) from the Safepay desktop, which is separate. You should see, however, the mouse cursor and caret blinking when editing normally.

    To get back to the original desktop, you don't have to restart the computer. Simply close Safepay to return back to your session.

    Why is this so? Well, in a sentence: minimize attack surface. If one gets infected, say, with a keyboard logger which installs hooks all over the default desktop, Safepay desktop does *not* allow hooks installed from another desktop, offers a virtual keyboard which bypass these loggers - to name just a first layer of defense.

    On the other hand, Safepay is not designed to be a day-to-day browser, and it is important to understand that.

    Probably if one opens 25 tabs full of Flash, this will bring Safepay to its knees since it is a single process and reduces what is external (extensions - not at all; plugins - Flash only) to a bare minimum.

    Safepay is not a separate product - this is why you don't see directly on Bitdefender page.

    But you can start here:

    I am also glad to tell you that we are near launching the Safepay standalone product beta (it is a matter of days) and the announcement will be made public shortly.

    It is a greatly improved version, containing the ability to switch from Safepay desktop to regular desktop and back, scanning for threats at startup, configurable proxy, and more.

    I hope that these details will offer you a better understanding of Safepay inner workings.

    For any other questions you may have, please do not hesitate and post messages in the forum !

