

Malwarebytes Anti-malware Exclusions

As with my previous antivirus I have added the following to the process exclusions list:

c:\program files (x86)\malwarebytes' anti-malware\mbam.exe

c:\program files (x86)\malwarebytes' anti-malware\mbamgui.exe

c:\program files (x86)\malwarebytes' anti-malware\mbamservice.exe

and the remaining file c:\windows\system32\drivers\mbam.sys to files and folders with exclusion for on-access and on-demand scanning.

In MBAM I have excluded the following folders from scanning:

C:\Program Files\Bitdefender

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Bitdefender

I don't think I missed anything and they seem to be happy together. Just thought I'd ask if anyone else had any further pointers since I'm still getting to grips with Bitdefender?



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  • edited July 2013

    Thanks for that "just in case" exclusion list, it looks pretty thorough :) Fortunately, they did make inclusion to allow for the free version of MBAM in Bitdefender 2013 and beyond, to install and run along side of each other:

  • Thanks, I saw those. I still prefer the belt and braces approach myself and not to have to turn off security package components unless absolutely necessary. With the above exclusions in place, the scan time isn't compromised by leaving AVC enabled.

  • "Belt and braces approach", I like that :) There was a method and reasoning to your exclusions, then no need to disable AVC, or On-Access Scanning. Excellent insight and understanding...keep on posting :)

  • Hello antikythera,

    Columbo covered very well this subject.

    Additionally to the processes you already mention above, there are also these two:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbampt.exe

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamscheduler.exe

    I hope this information helps, have a nice day!

  • I'll add my thanks to this thread. I'm running MBAM Pro version with no issues but I'll add these exclusions because I'm not able to (yet) get a good response from either company about compatibility with the other for this new version of Bitdefender.

  • edited September 2013

    Georgia, thanks for peaking into this thread and for your addition to the exclusion list, it's much appreciated (also for the kind words) :)

    PNutts3, glad this thread antikythera started, has been helpful.

    I know a member or two here in previous posts have mentioned no problems with the Pro version, but they haven't followed up lately. My thought is to go with the prescribe Bitdefender recommendations as in post #2, which will defiantly keep from any conflicts, especially with one or the others possible future program/signature updates that could "out of the blue", cause future issues. This way if there was a issue with Bitdefender, you would pretty much know where to ask and get 1 stop support. I'm pretty sure Georgia would have mentioned if there was a change in policy regarding BD's approval of the free version, over the Pro version.

    I believe that even if you disable MBAM real time shields on the pro version, there could be some background running processes that could still negatively affect Bitdefender's performance or possible stability. With using you the free version, there would be no worries in doing a second opinion on demand scan every now and then. You could also use one of the online scanners from another vendor, for a 2nd opinion scan. Just be sure to disable your BD On-Access scanning during those scans (re-enable after the scan), to keep the scan more efficient and without competition and CPU resources of two scanners scanning the same scanned files.

    Just my thoughts :)


  • edited September 2013


    Just be sure to disable your BD On-Access scanning during those scans (re-enable after the scan), to keep the scan more efficient and without competition and CPU resources of two scanners scanning the same scanned files.

    Just my thoughts :)


    lol, how many times could I use the words scan/scanning in a sentence, I think I broke a record

    <img class=" /> ...I at least should have said, "two scanners scanning the same accessed files" ^_^

  • lol, how many times could I use the words scan/scanning in a sentence, I think I broke a record

    <img class=" /> ...I at least should have said, "two scanners scanning the same accessed files" ^_^

    Nevermind Scott, your sentence about scanners scanning scans okay when you read it. However, you could try using it as a tongue twister game after a few drinks. Repeat it 3 times in a row successfully or drink another shot ;)

    Thanks all who contributed additional info to this topic.

  • lol, good one, friend :D

  • Hi I have just added those files suggested, as an aside my exclusion browser populates very slowly and indicates that it is not responding intermittently is this a bug or is it unique to my comp.

  • ✭✭✭
    edited September 2013

    @ Big_al

    The Pro version of this security solution is not compatible with Bitdefender, due to it's real time scanner. There shouldn't be any issue with the free version, though.

    Do you run any other security solutions besides these two? What browser are you using? Do you have any add-ons? Does this issue persist with all your browsers or just with a specific one?

  • Well i was searching for the best antivirus cause my licence of Avira antivrus is till november 2013. I now have Avira and Mallware bytes pro working great together.

    Never have problems (Windows 7 64 bit). Was thinking of buying Bitdefender cause it got the award for best virusscanner but if it does not work together with Maware bytes pro i won't buy it.

    Bitdefender should make their software compatible with mallware bytes pro. Malware bytes pro is the best program for detecting and removing malware and you get a lifetime licence with the pro version. So pls make you're software compatible with the malware bytes pro version!

  • I am using the MBAM Pro without issues.


  • I'll add my thanks to this thread. I'm running MBAM Pro version with no issues but I'll add these exclusions because I'm not able to (yet) get a good response from either company about compatibility with the other for this new version of Bitdefender.

    As a trialing user of antirusplus (previously had panda and vipre) I've encountered system running slow since installing bitdefender and browser mail system almost to a standstill. Was told by bitdefender support to remove malwarebytes pro and trustseer rapport. Am uneasy about doing this and question compatibility of bitdefender.

  • As a trialing user of antirusplus (previously had panda and vipre) I've encountered system running slow since installing bitdefender and browser mail system almost to a standstill. Was told by bitdefender support to remove malwarebytes pro and trustseer rapport. Am uneasy about doing this and question compatibility of bitdefender.

    I wonder if you have incomplete uninstalls of previous AV products. I'm running Bitdefender with Malwarebytes Pro on three PCs without issues. Malwarebytes is designed to work alongside AV software. Bitdefender wasn't able to provide detailed information so I'd say the only way to find out is to disable / uninstall Malwarebytes.


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