BD Central reporting false number of active devices

Hey dear BD community,

Can anybody assist with following issue that BD Central and Total Security show wrong number of active devices. That results in me being able to use only 4 out of 5 licenses.



  • Hi /index.php?/profile/203456-madware/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="203456" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/203456-madware/" rel="">@Madware,


    We've made some modifications on our end so that the device count has been reset. Please check again now and let us know if everything is alright.



  • Sorry for long, long delayed reply!

    Thank You! This helped.

  • DSperber
    DSperber ✭✭✭
    edited March 2019

    First time poster. Just installed Bitdefender Total Security 2019 four days ago, replacing my long time use of Microsoft Security Essentials + Malwarebytes Premium 3.7.1 on my Win7 systems, and replacing Windows Defender + Malwarebytes Premium 3.7.1 on my Win10 systems.  I purchased a 5-seat license package to cover my own multi-machine situation of two Win7 desktops and two Win10 laptops. So four active installs now should exist, all of them active and operating normally.

    And I am having THE EXACT SAME DIFFICULTY with the Bitdefender Central site, and my account, as the original poster of this thread. I have opened a support ticket but so far the Bitdefender engineer trying to solve the issue has been unsuccessful.  One symptom is that the two Win10 laptops (which are currently powered off and not in use) don't appear as "active", and don't appear as "disconnected", but instead appear as "at risk". The second symptom is that only one of the two Win7 desktop machines appear as "active and enabled", along with the two offline laptops (which show as "at risk").  Both desktops are operating normally and I believe actively protected by Bitdefender, but only one of them shows up in Bitdefender Central. It appears that only three of my five potentially supported devices (only four of which are currently installed and active) are displayed. And there is no scrollbar.

    If I open Bitdefender from one unshown desktop machine (say DFW) and use "switch accounts", and then sign in to Bitdefender Central, that machine's ID now shows up in "my devices", displacing the other machine's previously presented ID (say Z170) which disappears.  Again, only three devices remain. I can then repeat the process back on Z170 (with DFW currently shown), and sure enough now Z170 will appear and DFW will disappear.  And yet the two offline powered-down Win10 laptops still show as "at risk".

    The Bitdefender tech support person claimed in one email reply to have reset the number of devices on my account, and that I should log in from all of them to see if anything changes.  Well, nothing has changed. I still show only one of my two currently active up-and-running operating normally Win7 desktops as "protected",  along with my two powered-down offline Win10 laptops as "at risk". I cannot get the site to present all four of my installed machines.

    If I select "disconnected" from the options to display a subset of my devices, nothing appears.  The two offline Win10 laptops surely qualify as "disconnected" but instead appear as "at risk". This, too, seems wrong.



  • DSperber
    DSperber ✭✭✭

    I've now received a response from tech support that has pointed me to a HELP answer which explains why my two "devices" are not appearing uniquely, but instead are overlaying and replacing each other.

    The problem is caused by the fact that both of my PC's are HTPC's, and both include a Ceton TV tuner card installed.  This card is accessed by the Ceton driver using TCPIP, which means the card has an IP address and a MAC address. But these two values ARE THE SAME IN THE TWO TV TUNER CARDS THAT I HAVE IN THE TWO MACHINES!!  The other true genuine network in each PC (coming from the Intel I219 network adapter card) truly has a unique router-assigned IP address as well as unique MAC address in the hardware.

    So when I log into Bitdefender Central to register the new device that I just installed on, by accident(?) the registration software is unfortunately picking up the Ceton network for identifying my device, rather than the Intel network.  Whereas the Intel network has a unique IP address and a unique MAC address in each PC, the Ceton network is apparently duplicated in each PC, so the two PC's are indistinguishable and appear to be the same.  Hence why I only see one or the other at a time, but not both, because each attempt to login passes the same physical MAC address of the Ceton card, which is not unique in the two cards used in the two PC's.


    No resolution yet, but at least we now understand what the problem is.

    I myself can't change either the "constant" MAC address or IP address of the Ceton TV tuner cards used in the two PCs.  So the correction to show both of my devices will need to be made up on the Bitdefender Central site, either manually by updating the MAC address or through some "improvement" to the automated device registration software to look more closely at the identifying factors for the network on the PC.  The Ceton network IS in fact recognizable as "non-standard" even though it always has the same physical MAC address, and is somewhat different in format to a regular standard Intel-NIC network with unique MAC address.

    So if there are two networks to pick from, it should be a non-Ceton (i.e. true NIC) network which should be selected for device registration.

  • Hi /index.php?/profile/216340-dsperber/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="216340" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/216340-dsperber/" rel="">@DSperber,


    Thank you for your follow-up and the provided details.

    We've currently investigating this behavior and will get back to you on the case you've registered with us as soon as we have an update. You should have an email confirming this from me shortly.

  • thanks for shaing it.

  • DSperber
    DSperber ✭✭✭

    Any progress on this?  Seems the issue has been well known about and fully understood for quite some time now. Seems the solution is well defined, and could be implemented rather quickly.

    I had occasion to reinstall Bitdefender on one of my machines yesterday on which Bitdefender had been temporarily uninstalled and Malwarebytes + MSE installed in order to chase down a bug in Macrium Reflect and CBT coexisting on a machine that also had Malwarebytes installed.  The Macrium Reflect research and fix to CBT has now been accomplished and tested, and I wanted to put back Bitdefender (which of course had no such conflict with Malwarebytes).

    And once again, sure enough, this HTPC machine with its second Ceton network (shows up as Z170) in Central, overlaying my other HTPC machine also with Ceton network (shows up as DFW).  So I only show one registered HTPC machine instead of two.  In contrast, my two Win10 laptops (which only have a single real Intel network) properly appear as two individual and unique machines.

    Yes, this doesn't affect the protective operation of Bitdefender on either Z170 or DFW, but it should be embarrassing to Bitdefender web support to still have this incorrect registration of customer machines going on... when more than one network is present on a customer machine.  Again, one network is real (i.e. the unique Intel network adapter) and the other one is not (identical for the adapter in both Z170 and DFW, both of which have Ceton cards in them).  So Z170 ( and DFW ( both have unique internal LAN IP addresses, associated with their unique genuine Intel NIC in each of the two machines.  But Central is picking up the "duplicate" non-genuine Ceton network for each HTPC machine, unfortunately resulting in the overlay of my registered machines on Central.

    Sure seems this would be important to fix promptly, given the age of this problem report and the fact that it is still outstanding as of yesterday.


  • Hello,

    We are still working on a fix. As a workaround, please try to remove the devices from your Central account and then re-login into all your products with your Central account credentials.Thank you for your understanding.

  • subham
    subham ✭✭✭


    Hi,I 'm a IT Business owner and Bit defender Silver Partner from India.Invested $3000 or more than Rs.2lacs in Bit defender Total security products.But during activation of my customer's machine I get this case on every alternate email ID of my customers.So please don't say it is an odd case.Don't loose your customers and partners.

    I lodge request with Bitdefender India support team to reset the account.But as my local India support cannot reset account from their end,they forward it to Romania support team.The account reset process took around 2-3 days(Even by a BitDefender Partner!). After converted to paid version end user can not use the license for all the devices for 2-3 days.It's a trouble for my customer and customer support team.Bit defender should took this matter seriously to fix it.Generally it occurs at the initial stage of subscription activation.Due to this error first impression of End user customers after payment is not good.Yes we the support guys and bit defender support team solve the issue but not able to solve it instantly as we need Romania support.Which took time and as a result customer start to think we are not reliable.

    As India team is not liable for R&D of this software; discussing the problem with them is useless and they show no interest on providing any permanent solution.

    On EUROPE you may not see the huge number of such cases as high bandwidth Optical fiber internet presence.I observed this tends to happen more in India, if user try to activate over Mobile tower based internet,where mobile tower strength has problem and no consistent Internet speed could be delivered.Like Tower hovering from 4G to 3G HSPA or 2G Edge speed time to time(within same minute).

    So it is a pain to activate Bit Defender on low speed internet unless this problem is solved or discuss elaborately.

    You should provide End user a privilege of self account reset to zero or option to make free(Unused) remaining subscription or desired number of subscription which are not listed under my devices. OR provide an option to remove subscription(Being online only) from Total Security software under my account page.On Software you only provide switch account but not remove account/log out option.

    On 4/19/2019 at 12:20 AM, Roxana G said:


    We are still working on a fix. As a workaround, please try to remove the devices from your Central account and then re-login into all your products with your Central account credentials.Thank you for your understanding.

    See the attached image of my customer account where after account reset still 2 Devices is shown under the list but subscription used 4 out of 5.How many times I request for account reset and wait?Please solve the technical glitch.

    If any Technical support agent is interested I can share my customer email for account reset and followups.


  • On 8/30/2019 at 11:27 PM, subham said:


    Hi,I 'm a IT Business owner and Bit defender Silver Partner from India.Invested $3000 or more than Rs.2lacs in Bit defender Total security products.But during activation of my customer's machine I get this case on every alternate email ID of my customers.So please don't say it is an odd case.Don't loose your customers and partners.

    I lodge request with Bitdefender India support team to reset the account.But as my local India support cannot reset account from their end,they forward it to Romania support team.The account reset process took around 2-3 days(Even by a BitDefender Partner!). After converted to paid version end user can not use the license for all the devices for 2-3 days.It's a trouble for my customer and customer support team.Bit defender should took this matter seriously to fix it.Generally it occurs at the initial stage of subscription activation.Due to this error first impression of End user customers after payment is not good.Yes we the support guys and bit defender support team solve the issue but not able to solve it instantly as we need Romania support.Which took time and as a result customer start to think we are not reliable.

    As India team is not liable for R&D of this software; discussing the problem with them is useless and they show no interest on providing any permanent solution.

    On EUROPE you may not see the huge number of such cases as high bandwidth Optical fiber internet presence.I observed this tends to happen more in India, if user try to activate over Mobile tower based internet,where mobile tower strength has problem and no consistent Internet speed could be delivered.Like Tower hovering from 4G to 3G HSPA or 2G Edge speed time to time(within same minute).

    So it is a pain to activate Bit Defender on low speed internet unless this problem is solved or discuss elaborately.

    You should provide End user a privilege of self account reset to zero or option to make free(Unused) remaining subscription or desired number of subscription which are not listed under my devices. OR provide an option to remove subscription(Being online only) from Total Security software under my account page.On Software you only provide switch account but not remove account/log out option.

    See the attached image of my customer account where after account reset still 2 Devices is shown under the list but subscription used 4 out of 5.How many times I request for account reset and wait?Please solve the technical glitch.

    If any Technical support agent is interested I can share my customer email for account reset and followups.



    We do not have an estimated time for the release of the fix yet, but we will contact you as soon as it's implemented by automatic update of Bitdefender. Please keep in mind that all reported bugs require investigation time. Since product updates are usually released once a month it may take at least 1 month until a fix is implemented in the product - this does not include the debugging period.

    As a workaround, we can split the subscription in two accounts. In order to apply this workaround, please ask the user to write us at


  • Thanks for your reply. On 19th April,2019 Madam you assured about the issue is being fixed.

    On 4/19/2019 at 12:20 AM, Roxana G said:


    We are still working on a fix. As a workaround, please try to remove the devices from your Central account and then re-login into all your products with your Central account credentials.Thank you for your understanding.

    Till today 3rd September,2019; 4months and 14 days has passed.

    7 hours ago, Roxana G said:

    Since product updates are usually released once a month it may take at least 1 month until a fix is implemented in the product -

    So I can guess 4 product updates has been released since then but issue is still not fixed.I think fixing any subscription related issue should be your priority.So I draw your attention. In real world during activation of Multi devices after receiving payment from end user for first time, before customer if such bugs happens it's put the technical credibility of Bit Defender in question.We lost our moral value and verbal support for Bit Defender before end users as we were unable solve it instantly, have to wait for email reply for account reset.So please fix the issue ASAP.

    1. a) Can you clarify what prohibits your company to provide an option/button of subscription reset on Bitdefender Central Website?(I asked previously)


    b) at-least a simple logic based hyperlink on Central website Free up the Central My Device non listed subscription.

    Logic would be simple. (Total number of subscription used minus [-]  total number of active devices found under in Central>My Devices)

    Option should only be available on website not on installed software on device.

    In this case there would be no risk that already activated device license will be reset/ removed /paused.

    If upper logic is implemented on Central Website, we won't mind if your debugging period is prolonged.

    As we/End user/Support Agent can repeatedly free up the unused subscription instantly and will have option to endlessly trial and error to detect the faulty device which consume multiple license.Won't have to wait 24 hours when my email request is going to read and executed.

    2. I want to know more details about the work around of splitting the license in two email ID.

    8 hours ago, Roxana G said:

    As a workaround, we can split the subscription in two accounts. In order to apply this workaround, please ask the user to write us at

    Is there any fixed rule in split of license?Describe with an example.How can a person with 5 devices subscription split?

    e.g: (4+1)


    or in any sequence according based on customer demand via email.

    Finally I again thank you that someone replied promptly,as reply rate/frequency on this forum is very low for my other posts.

    We get a reply or comment after a prolonged waiting.

  • 17 hours ago, subham said:

    Thanks for your reply. On 19th April,2019 Madam you assured about the issue is being fixed.

    Till today 3rd September,2019; 4months and 14 days has passed.

    So I can guess 4 product updates has been released since then but issue is still not fixed.I think fixing any subscription related issue should be your priority.So I draw your attention. In real world during activation of Multi devices after receiving payment from end user for first time, before customer if such bugs happens it's put the technical credibility of Bit Defender in question.We lost our moral value and verbal support for Bit Defender before end users as we were unable solve it instantly, have to wait for email reply for account reset.So please fix the issue ASAP.

    1. a) Can you clarify what prohibits your company to provide an option/button of subscription reset on Bitdefender Central Website?(I asked previously)


    b) at-least a simple logic based hyperlink on Central website Free up the Central My Device non listed subscription.

    Logic would be simple. (Total number of subscription used minus [-]  total number of active devices found under in Central>My Devices)

    Option should only be available on website not on installed software on device.

    In this case there would be no risk that already activated device license will be reset/ removed /paused.

    If upper logic is implemented on Central Website, we won't mind if your debugging period is prolonged.

    As we/End user/Support Agent can repeatedly free up the unused subscription instantly and will have option to endlessly trial and error to detect the faulty device which consume multiple license.Won't have to wait 24 hours when my email request is going to read and executed.

    2. I want to know more details about the work around of splitting the license in two email ID.

    Is there any fixed rule in split of license?Describe with an example.How can a person with 5 devices subscription split?

    e.g: (4+1)


    or in any sequence according based on customer demand via email.

    Finally I again thank you that someone replied promptly,as reply rate/frequency on this forum is very low for my other posts.

    We get a reply or comment after a prolonged waiting.


    We can move the devices which are not visible on another account with the same validity as your subscription.