Dark Mode Theme (for future 2021 version)

Should Bitdefender introduce Dark Mode theme for future 2021 line of consumer product.
(Bitdefender beta tester 2019/ 2020)
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
Dark Mode Theme (for future 2021 version) 59 votes
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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Doesn't Matters
Doesn't matter to me. I rarely need to use Bitdefender and when I do the current design does the job perfectly fine, striking a nice balance.
Note I am also a 2019/2020 tester
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Pošto je Dark mode na veliko prisutan ,smatram da bi ga i Bitdefender trebao uvesti.Kod toga načina bolja je čitljivost,sve se bolje ističe a i aplikacija bolje izgleda.
Veselim se promjeni izgleda u 2021.godini.
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YES hell yes!
Should Bitdefender introduce Dark Mode theme for future 2021 line of consumer product.
Why would you NOT include a dark mode option, the whole question is ridiculous ..
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The question was asked as an opinion & not to doubt why the question was asked. I hope you understand.
(Bitdefender beta tester 2019/ 2020)
Life happens, Coffee helps!
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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Dark mode is essential for visually impaired people.
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yes please.
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Yes Sir!!!
As It was way too awesome earlier with the dark mode.
Thank you!
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Although it would be nice to have, I would prefer working on more important things like identity protection and faster scans.
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It would be essential for me, I have photophobia and staring at a white page causes me severe eye strain and triggers migraines. Even the few seconds of scanning an individual file with Bitdefender can be quite harsh on my eyes. I have everything in dark mode and it's life-changing for sure! :)
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Yup. Came here to see if there was a way to enable a dark theme. I'm with "bootyxbox" on this one. heavy eye strain, headaches!
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Yes please. Dark Theme is very popular these days on 3rd Party apps and Internet browsers.
Having this feature would be greatly appreciate it by some end users like me
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So we have the update from bitdefender support & dark mode is currently available in bitdefender 2021 consumer line of product.
Life happens, Coffee helps!
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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Absolute yes, you don' t even image how many visual impared people there is out there who would be more as glad if you integrate a full dark mode in all bitdefender parts, even in the Safepay browser which is still white. Thank you for your help
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It would be very helpful if a new and better UI for year 2021,
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You are always welcomed to share your feedback with support by dropping them email at bitsy@bitdefender.com .At present, since stable version is available so change in interface might not be applicable. Whatever changes to interface may happen will only happen in next version of bitdefender i.e 2022.
Life happens, Coffee helps!
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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Thanks for the reply
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Doesn't Matters
There is a dark color or not, no matter it is not always in front of your eyes, but some functions he just needs to add some to remove and some to change
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Hmm I would like bitdefender to have rounded corners in the app to be honest. If the windows 21h2 releases then according to some people every app of windows 10 will have rounded corners as rounded corners are more satisfying to watch than the sharp edge corners.
I really hope bitdefender adds rounded corners as it will look weird if bitdefender and some apps are the only one with sharp edged corners whereas the others including windows has rounded corners. 😊
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I am very grateful that you introduced a dark mode in Bitdefender, but I also need asap a dark mode for Safepay, otherwise I cannot use it at all, due to my almost blindness. Thamks a lot
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You are always welcomed to share your feedback with support by dropping them email at bitsy@bitdefender.com
Life happens, Coffee helps!
Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!
Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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Have thoroughly researched the Bitdefender Community, is there presently a dark theme mode for Android Mobile? Apologies if I missed it, Thanks
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I have the dark mode on phone but Bitdefender still be in Light Mode
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Hi @RGoth ,
That is strange, did you try a reinstall of Bitdefender Mobile Security? Switching is done automatically, assuming the phone is a "standard" Android version.
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