scam alert false positives

i started a discussion about scam alert false positives. i provided some examples of said false alerts.
the discussion was deleted. possibly because i offered the examples about the false positives.
so. how do i explain the problem without being able to explain the problem?
also. i have now been flagged for "spam" because i needed to explain why that is a problem. let me use this time to explain in a roundabout way what the problem is without giving any examples whatsoever.
here is my attempt at "explaining without explaining": i am italian. Italian is an heavily gendered language. Greetings are often abbreviated with a period, but after said period one shows the last two letters to show respect to the person being greeted by (essentially) clarifying the gender of the object of the discussion via the gendered part of the word.
(unfortunately it is just male or female, no "neutral" or "other" option is present because the italian language was codified in the present state almost 2 centuries ago and one would have to rewrite it from scratch to add anything that is not male or female, as we use that for animals and things too. yes. it makes no sense. but such is life.)
therefore all greetings take the form of what gets recognized as "a link" (something, then a period, then two letters) by the scam alert.
Meanwhile actual scammers that try to use non-latin characters that look like latin letters to pass themselves as banks or... whatever... they never get caught...
...because they use passthrough links that are legitimate.
So. As of today i turned off the scam alert feature for giving me only false positives and quite frequent ones, while never alerting me of the few scams that pass through the spam filter.
let's cross fingers and hope this does not get auto-deleted again.
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You should contact Bitdefender Mobile Support by e-mail:
and tell them about the scam alert false positives and the issues you already had / have with them.
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thank you. I have been searching for something like this for quite a while. the "contact support" feature is just a series of faqs that does not even let me grade them to explain why they were useful or not and every "contact us" just links to the faqs. Possibly because i am on mobile.
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hm.... did you..... did you read what i wrote?
I literally tried to share them the first time and the message got erased and i got flagged for "spam".
Ah, well...
I'll make another post after this one, so if you see nothing after this one, you know what happened.
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It was indeed flagged by the spam filter and put in the queue, I have approved it, now you should also see it. It's clear now, and quite interesting - I will share this with my colleagues.
Intel Core i7-7700 @ 3.60Ghz, 64GB DDR4 || Gigabyte nVIDIA GeForce® GTX 1070 G1 8GB || WD Blue NAND 500GB + 1TB
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sig./sig.ra (mr./mrs.) (esteemed) (dearest) (distinguished) (enlightened)
spett.le (respectable)
dott./dott.ssa (master graduate)
prof./prof.ssa (teacher)
s.n.c. (not truly used to greet, but has come up as a false positive just means "has no civic number")
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i have just finished writing all the examples i can think of above this message.
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An example that would be flagged (ripped straight from the intenet) Mario De Giulii presso Studio legale Rossi e De Giulii via XX settembre s.n.c.
(dearest lawyer Mario De Giulii c/o Studio legale Rossi e De Giulii, 20th September street, no civic number)