I have purchased your TOTAL SECURITY through a free web proxy (order number 24071415, 2CHECKOUT SUBSCRIPTION REFERENCE G0A3MOFVQY) and downloaded your WINDOWS installer twice, but after clicking on them to open them, they show the status in the picture below, I hope you can help me to download, install and activate it as soon as possible.I asked your technician last month to look at the account login problem remotely, and he said I could buy it again some time later and try it out. Now I'm guessing that I may need a VPN to download properly, but some sites are now saying that there seems to be only two VPNs that are basically fine in China.If you guys think you can temporarily assist with the installation via some free proxy servers, please get back to me with an answer as soon as possible, as I have no real knowledge or experience with VPNs either and don't want to spend a lot of time on basic usage.
Try using the offline/standalone installer for Bitdefender Total Security, which can be downloaded from the links below:
Life happens, Coffee helps!
Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!
Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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hello flexx
Thanks you for help me installing, The Chinese say that “to cover up is to cover up”, and this phrase is best used to describe the Chinese “cover”. Today's "cover" that I'm sure it wiped out the text I typed. This further verify the truth of yesterday, your total security needed do a full scan to find some potential threat after i start it, but i failed to update it because the wall getting taller and taller. It's probably even taller than the biblical Tower of Babel.I still can not log in my account, this is similar with avast. The interface showed me some contact information which I didn't record it. Today, total security even can not start which showed my directly it can not connect your server.Please tell me a better way to board a better ship to leave the hell. Thank you
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I saw someone said this is the reason why the server IP address is blocked, you can fix the problem by modifying the computer's host file or DNS, please reach out and guide me, thanks!
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The thing is, Bitdefender doesn't offer its services in mainland China and there are also VPN restrictions in place:
So, even if you download the offline kit, it's unlikely for the software to work there.
But here's an interesting post:
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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To change you DNS first open your network settings, you can do this by right clicking on the network or WiFi tray icon and click on open the network setting option.
Then click on the modify adaptor settings button.
Then right click on the adaptor that you are using to connect to the internet with, this will be either the "LAN" or "Ethernet" or "Wi-fi" if you're using that, then click on the "properties" button on the bottom of the right click menu.
Then in the properties window select "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and click on the "properties" button.
Then change the DNS of the first DNS server to and the secondary DNS server to, then click OK and reboot your pc and see if you can log in.
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Hi, I'm trying to change my DNS settings to but still can't log into my account, my computer is connected to a telco's fiber optic modem and WIFI, and I used to see that the actual IP6 address is used in there but I can't change it... is that the reason for this? If I open the public IP, and then change the fiber optic cat to bridge mode, and then dial up through the router, can I set the IP6 address? How do I do that? What are the hardware and software requirements for the router? My router is an old device from China. Does it have to support OPENWRT, DD-WRT, MERLIN or something else in function? Or can it be solved by downloading another HOST file as others said on the internet? If none of this works, then I will not be able to connect in the future even if I use a VPN like EXPRESS? I hope the experts can advise me, thanks!
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a "truman's world" full of freak group, just like a philosopher said in Hongkong
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You mentioned expressvpn, is expressvpn available in China?
Maybe the solution for you is using an vpn router, I use the expressvpn aircove myself and it works without issues but I'm in Europe so I can't say if it will work in China.
You can also get a different vpn router on flashrouters and they can also set it up for you and I think they also ship to China.
Hope this helps otherwise I'll tag @Alexandru_BD to look in to your question.
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To be honest, it's difficult to say what's going on there, but I suspect it has to do with the fact that Bitdefender doesn't offer its services in mainland China, thus I cannot guarantee that the manipulations you are doing will work.
Maybe, in that context, you need to look elsewhere and choose a different provider that meets your requirements.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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The bitdefender community
I am now able to log in to my account through privatevpn and update the WINDOWS version of TOTAL SECURITY, but the software also suggests that there is a system vulnerability to update the windows patch, but the file has 104G, almost close to my SSD hard disk, and most importantly I can not register Google App Store account, no matter if I use my own Chinese cell phone number, or some foreign temporary cell phone number site, all prompted an error, has Google completely cut off the Chinese users' right to use it?Can TOTAL SECURITY FOR ANDROID be downloaded from some well-known third-party sites as well? such as APK MIRROR, APK PURE, F-DROID?0 -
I see that the KB5043064 update has been installed on my system, but when I was chatting with privatevpn online customer service today, I found that I was unable to send text several times, and the day before yesterday, I was even unable to send zip files through the chat window, and the other party was unable to receive emails with attachments sent from my OUTLOOK, when I had BITDEFENDER TOTAL SECURITY protection, this is similar to last month when I was chatting online with PIA VPN customer service, but at that time I only had WINDOWS DEFENDER protection. Could this be due to the fact that my system is on the internal version 19045.4780? Also, if I purchase an encrypted mailbox, will it not be intercepted in the middle of a network transmission?What is the best solution for BITDEFENDER?
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Well, I have to say it's a surpise to know the product could be updated via VPN in this scenario.
Anyway, you can ignore the 104gb vulnerability. In regards to the apk, I do not recommend downloading these from unreliable or unvalidated sources.
Restart your device after you update Windows and see how it goes from there. MS also specifies this.
In regards to the encrypted mailbox, I don't know what to say here. I think that the scenario you are facing is quite unique and very specific, as such if there are no other opinions on the forum, I think that specialized assistance will be required, for example technical support in relation to this configuration..
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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This time, I found the version of for android was not compatable with oppo mobile phone of k9 pro 5g after the version of didn't work through the test of
and Then I downloaded to trying install it again by apk pure, apk mirror and so on around 4 famous apk stores, but the super guard intergrated in oppo reported bitdefender has such 8 sensitive power that it all along impeded installing in oppo mobile phone.0 -
Kindly be advised I have edited your previous comment due to obvious off-topic reasons. I would suggest not to mix things up here and leave politics aside. Since the discussion is moving away from the main topic, we will close this thread, and if you still have questions or concerns, we can of course discuss them privately.
Thank you,
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user