Bad Update Or....? - Solution Here: Http://



  • I updated using my bitdefender interface. The updated installed successfully , I don't think that a regular bitdefender update will return an windows installer error.

    I mean my Bitdefender doesn't work, so I tried to update it manually by downloading the file on their webpage, but when I tired to install the update file, the error occurs, it seems that Bitdenfender has quarantine my windows installer file... What should I do now?

  • What about copying C:\ProgramData\BitDefender\Desktop\Quarantine

    to another location and re-installing bit defender than moving the C:\ProgramData\BitDefender\Desktop\Quarantine

    back to it's origional spot, would that work? or risk loosing all quarantined files?

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ WILL THIS WORK AT ALL? ANY TECH SAVY PEEPS KNOW?

  • For those whose systems are unbootable try system restore, if that doesn't work hopefully you have a system image. If not you may just have to reinstall the O/S.

    This whole debacle has made me a believer in Windows 7. To prevent this kind of thing from screwing you up again, do the following:

    1. On your install drive make sure your system partition is > 150MB (made my 200MB) so you can create a system image.

    2. Buy another hard drive and use it exclusively for system images.

    3. Have your system create a new system image every week.

    4. Make sure your data is always stored on a separate partition from your O/S image. Windows 7 makes it very easy to move your My Documents folder but keep all the links.

    Luckily I have been using this feature and as a result I'm back up and running with an image from 3/17. Just have to reinstall two games and I'm back.

    As for BitDefender, I turned it off and am waiting to see how they respond but I'll be hard pressed to remain a customer.

    Good luck to all!

  • engine.png.jpg

    IS this the latest update?

    So can i shutdown my computer?

  • This bitdefender insanity happend to me also and really scared me shitless that I would lose everything. Yet I managed to restore everything easily with Windows Restore (thankfully I was prudent enought to have made a rescue point recently), including the bitdefender shell, updated and the problem was solved.

    The only residual problems were botched up desktop icons (easily restored with Personalization options) and missing shortcuts overlay icon (the little arrow), which I restored with Vista Shortcut Manager by Frameworxx.

    I think we should go easy on the Bitdefender creators, since this whole problem could be caused by everything, from human mistake to malicious sabotage by hackers or rival companies (I hope our world has not come to this yet...)

    By the way, my only remaining, constant problem with Bitdefender Internet Security 2010 is that the Firewall keeps disabling every week or so, and I have to manually uninstall and reinstall its drivers in Safe Mode. Will there be any fix for that anytime soon?? Thank you

  • The same problem here on my PC:

    Around 50 Files are moved to Quarantine.

    Reason also: Trojan.FakeAlert.5

    Because my PC didn't respond well i tried to reboot it.

    Now it doesn't start anymore because of missing system files.

    Is there a chance to move the files back with the Rescue CD?

    Or what is the best way to get my PC running again?

  • Work-around: Okay, I am running Win7 - 64bit; and, here is a work-around. I made the assumption that the idiot that released the bad update has likely been suspended or fired: and, more important, I made the assumption that BitDefender is smart enough to have turned off the bad update by now.

    • So, I UNclicked the box for real time protection (under the antivirus tab), just to make sure it would not get in the way.
    • Then, I UNinstalled BitDefender.
    • Then, I rebooted my machine.
    • Then, I RE-installed BitDefender.
    • Then, I input my registration number.
    • Then, I ran the BitDefender update.

    All is well. So, it would appear that my assumptions were correct (i.e. the were smart enough to disable the bad update). Of course, this solution assumes that you own an official version of BitDefender. Basically, what you get (at the end of this work-around) is BitDefender withOUT the bad update. Best of luck.

  • alex64
    edited March 2010

    I have win7 64bit, pc was infected today by Trojan.Fakealert.5, i was unable to download any trojan/malware removers my web browser kept crashing, tried evrything deleating keys, files deep scan with bit defender tries quarinten deleation, in the end my Os died, couldnt boot in or restore to earlier point so gave up and in process of reinstalling OS, is this gonna hit my system again when i install bitdefender?

    Any advise should i even bother reinstall bitdefender, or wait till update and fix is ready ( i did notice lastnight my system was running slow and using a ###### of alot of ram)

  • alexcrist
    edited March 2010

    Hello everyone,

    As I said above, the update which fixes this detection is already on the update servers. So everyone who still has BitDefender Update working should already have received the fix.

    For anyone else, where BD Update is not working anymore, BitDefender Support told me that a patch will be made available very soon which will restore BitDefender to it's working state, restore the quarantined files and fix the detection problem. A Knowledge Base article will also be available shortly. These are all the details I have so far.


  • tarpy
    edited April 2010

    If you have been affected, DO NOT REBOOT even if your PC is working fine. If you reboot, you will need to have your windows CD ready, repair your OS from there and pray that everything becomes OK.

    I rebooted thinking that my PC was ok, since i manually restored the quarantined files that i can restore (3rd party programs), and upon rebooting was greeted by a windows error stating that some crucial files are missing and thus cant boot, not even in safe mode. So i deployed my windows CD and repaired from there, thank god it went ok or i've had to reformat my PC, there's just way too many things to backup and more so in the registry (as theyre tied to some programs i installed).

    I hope BitDefender would provide some sort of a compensation for this screw up. Time to look for another AV i suppose....sigh.

  • moguai


    IS this the latest update?

    So can i shutdown my computer?

    yes.make a full quarantine restore then restart.

  • nxie
    Double click on your BD icon next to the computer clock. I assumed you can still access to you BD.

    Second drop down from the panel is "Antivirus"

    Shield Tab - uncheck Real Time protection.

    Go to Quarantine tab

    Ctrl + A then restore. or decide what you want to restore.

    But you should have the latest update by now ... that update seems to work. It no longer blindly moving legits files to Quarantine ....

    Thanks for your help. When I'm trying to restore the quarantined files, some files say: "Failed to find the specified path. Please review the previous operation and try again. C:\Windows\System32\en-US\

    Btw I'm on Windows 7 64 bit.

  • Astrat

    Below is a copy of my conversation w/ chat support from BD:

    A: What is going on with the trojan.fakealert.5 warnings?

    Is there going to be a fix?

    When will my bitdefender be working again?

    You are now speaking with Ed of Technical Support.

    Ed: Welcome to BitDefender LiveAssistance!, Adam! Thank you for your interest in our security solution BitDefender.

    Ed: Hello A !


    SO WHAT IS THEIR PHONE NUMBER>>>>Did updates and rebooted and now I get an error saying bdguictl.dll is missing from PC try installing...WTF

  • Work-around: Okay, I am running Win7 - 64bit; and, here is a work-around. I made the assumption that the idiot that released the bad update has likely been suspended or fired: and, more important, I made the assumption that BitDefender is smart enough to have turned off the bad update by now.

    • So, I UNclicked the box for real time protection (under the antivirus tab), just to make sure it would not get in the way.
    • Then, I UNinstalled BitDefender.
    • Then, I rebooted my machine.
    • Then, I RE-installed BitDefender.
    • Then, I input my registration number.
    • Then, I ran the BitDefender update.

    All is well. So, it would appear that my assumptions were correct (i.e. the were smart enough to disable the bad update). Of course, this solution assumes that you own an official version of BitDefender. Basically, what you get (at the end of this work-around) is BitDefender withOUT the bad update. Best of luck.

    Could you than un quarantine your bad files?

  • yiata

    I was able to get up and running again using Win 7 restore. However, I have a bunch of files in my quarantine list (including many system files). What should I do with these? When I attempt to restore, BD tells me that the files already exist. Should I just ignore this quarantine list? Will it clear itself up?

  • As soon as it hits a file that it can't restore it stops all other files restoring. I just hod to go through all 15,000+ files restoring one after the other, selecting a block of a few now and again but mostly that didn't work. All remaining files in quarantine, apparently, already exist. So I'm now going to run a back of my data (documents, save games, pictures etc) to my external HDD before running the update "fix" I downloaded.

    Yup, I stand corrected. I just found that peculiar trait the hard way, a few seconds ago. <_<

  • Easy on BitDefender?

    Why? Their negligence has caused havoc around the world. I'm still assessing the damage caused by their negligence.

    Steps to fix the problem:

    1. Uninstall Bitdefender

    2. Demand a refund

    3. If no refund is given start looking for the lawyer(s) who will be doing the class-action lawsuit against BitDefender.

    By the way, in case they delete this thread, I've saved every page of it which clearly shows not only their admission of negligence but the severity of the problems it has caused around the world.

    Demand your money back now.

  • I was able to get up and running again using Win 7 restore. However, I have a bunch of files in my quarantine list (including many system files). What should I do with these? When I attempt to restore, BD tells me that the files already exist. Should I just ignore this quarantine list? Will it clear itself up?

    I tryed a system restore, does not work, I put my recovery disc in they do not work!!!!! now what?

  • I would suggest everyone to backup your stuffs before reboot again :) I am losing trust with BidDefender.

  • I was able to get up and running again using Win 7 restore. However, I have a bunch of files in my quarantine list (including many system files). What should I do with these? When I attempt to restore, BD tells me that the files already exist. Should I just ignore this quarantine list? Will it clear itself up?

    Windows will have restored lots of it's system files so Bitdefender will not be able to put them back. I would just ignore it for now, they dont hurt anyone in the quarantine folder.

  • engine.png.jpg

    :( Is this the latest update???

    Pls i need to sleep already 4:20am

    i do not want to see my laptop down again....

  • Easy on BitDefender?

    Why? Their negligence has caused havoc around the world. I'm still assessing the damage caused by their negligence.

    Steps to fix the problem:

    1. Uninstall Bitdefender

    2. Demand a refund

    3. If no refund is given start looking for the lawyer(s) who will be doing the class-action lawsuit against BitDefender.

    By the way, in case they delete this thread, I've saved every page of it which clearly shows not only their admission of negligence but the severity of the problems it has caused around the world.

    Demand your money back now.

    i hate people like you.....just shut up. We have all been affected badly, deal with it. I've lost lots, but it's one of those things that happens.

    Oh man....get a grip

  • alex64
    I have win7 64bit, pc was infected today by Trojan.Fakealert.5, i was unable to download any trojan/malware removers my web browser kept crashing, tried evrything deleating keys, files deep scan with bit defender tries quarinten deleation, in the end my Os died, couldnt boot in or restore to earlier point so gave up and in process of reinstalling OS, is this gonna hit my system again when i install bitdefender?

    Any advise should i even bother reinstall bitdefender, or wait till update and fix is ready ( i did notice lastnight my system was running slow and using a alot of ram), any sugestions on free antivirus i could use untill this is resolved

    <img class=" />

  • We are using the trial version!

    We updated our bitdefender 2010 and it seems to be back to normal, but we can't restore our quarantined items as the trial version doesn't have a quarantine tab. HELP!!!!!

  • Xemnas

    OK, I got BitDefender to work again thanks to the update. Is it OK to just recover all the stuff that's in quarantaine and to replace already existing files?

  • For those at BitDefender who are working on a comprehensive solution to this issue:

    Please have a solution for those of us who can not boot our computers and have tried system restore, but to no avail. I am very scared that we will not be taken care of. Please include us in your fix for this issue!!! Thanks.

  • dmodric
    edited March 2010

    To all weekend beta testers, who survived this update - congratulation!

    Bitdefender is that all you got? <_<

    Common. I know you have something stronger for us, I am preparing for the next weekend. I have everything ready.. system restore is in place, boot cd's, dual boot... you name it.

    Now I can go out and get drunk.

    ###### yeah.

    Up the irons!

    <img class=" />

  • Hello everyone,

    As I said above, the update which fixes this detection is already on the update servers. So everyone who still has BitDefender Update working should already have received the fix.

    For anyone else, where BD Update is not working anymore, BitDefender Support told me that a patch will be made available very soon which will restore BitDefender to it's working state, restore the quarantined files and fix the detection problem. A Knowledge Base article will also be available shortly. These are all the details I have so far.


    OK - - so I am hoping that BitDefender will email all their customers and let us know where to find this fix.

  • For those at BitDefender who are working on a comprehensive solution to this issue:

    Please have a solution for those of us who can not boot our computers and have tried system restore, but to no avail. I am very scared that we will not be taken care of. Please include us in your fix for this issue!!! Thanks.


  • I just registered to also voice my displeasure on how all of this is being handled by BD. The least they could have done was to send out an email warning about the issue (as someone else has mentioned) or putting up some information on their main web page or support page and listing the products and OS's that are affected. At this time, I don't see anything out there. A message from BD management would also have been appropriate.

    Also, posting intermittent messages about updates being available is absolutely no help for those users who have pretty much had their system hosed because all files are quarantined. How are they supposed to download an update when their web browser files are quarantined?

    I realize that BD must be in crisis mode but communicating to your end users should be the top priority (since the fix seems to already have been created).


    There's still SOME time to help others avoid this fate. (However improbable it may be.)

  • Radi

    For those at BitDefender who are working on a comprehensive solution to this issue:

    Please have a solution for those of us who can not boot our computers and have tried system restore, but to no avail. I am very scared that we will not be taken care of. Please include us in your fix for this issue!!! Thanks.

    One of my computers was damaged beyond the aid of system restore. I ran a repair from my installation media (Windows 7 64bit home premium) and was able to boot and log in again.

    Still several thousand files in quarantine (waiting patiently for the promised manual update).

    My two other computers were also affected, but luckily less harshly.

  • i hate people like you.....just shut up. We have all been affected badly, deal with it. I've lost lots, but it's one of those things that happens.

    Oh man....get a grip

    I'm guessing you are working for BitDefender on here doing damage control.

    How much are they paying you?

  • dannnyy


    :( Is this the latest update???

    Pls i need to sleep already 4:20am

    i do not want to see my laptop down again....


    Mine is Version: 7.30856 not 7.30848

  • Do I restart?

    I am an affected user.

    Files in the quarantine can not be restored - if I restart I fear they might be deleted.

    I applied the latest patch but nothing like: "Would you like to roll back?" came up.


    Has anyone started Class Action proceedings yet?

  • holymoly
    edited March 2010
    The problem is only affecting users of the x64 versions of BitDefender.

    A fix will be delivered via automatic updates as soon as possible.

    Please disable the real time scanning feature until further notice.

    We are sorry for the inconvenience.

    How do you disable real time scanning ?

    I can't even temporarily disable biftdefender and then use Windows anti-virus.

    OK, I used switched to expert mode, and can access that screen to disable real time protection.

    I did reboot my computer earlier, big mistake, had to use Vista repair procedure.

  • moguai

    There's still SOME time to help others avoid this fate. (However improbable it may be.)

    when the patch will be available try to downloaded it on another machine and run it from a storage device (usb stick, dvd..etc) on the infected one.

  • stare
    For anyone else, where BD Update is not working anymore, BitDefender Support told me that a patch will be made available very soon which will restore BitDefender to it's working state, restore the quarantined files and fix the detection problem. A Knowledge Base article will also be available shortly. These are all the details I have so far.

    Where can we get a patch?

    And what should we do? Not everyone is computer tehnician.

  • stilianm
    edited March 2010

    I had to reinstall my OS because I set up BitDefender to delete viruses! It took me around 4 hours to reinstall my programs!!! And all this because YOU ARE ******!!!!!!

    I will use other antivirus software!!!

  • t777

    Quick question. I've got BD running in part, should I go through quarantine and restore every thing? Things like dll's if they say they already exist?


  • mahyar
    edited March 2010
    Easy on BitDefender?

    Why? Their negligence has caused havoc around the world. I'm still assessing the damage caused by their negligence.

    Steps to fix the problem:

    1. Uninstall Bitdefender

    2. Demand a refund

    3. If no refund is given start looking for the lawyer(s) who will be doing the class-action lawsuit against BitDefender.

    By the way, in case they delete this thread, I've saved every page of it which clearly shows not only their admission of negligence but the severity of the problems it has caused around the world.

    Demand your money back now.

    Nah, suing doesn't fix the problem. Sir, if you do not know what you are talking about, please gtfo and stop wasting our time.

  • progmatrix
    edited April 2010
    Before you post that your are unhappy because Bitdefender does not seem to be replying: consider this.

    This forum has been flooded with people complaining about their own problem. I suggest you stop. The symptoms are the same for all of us, and Bitdefender HAS posted about the issue. I suggest you look at the users list at the bottom of your window, click the Green highlighted users, and select "view posts" these are the posts they have made. They are working on the issue.

    If you cannot start your computer, I posted a guide that should allow you to start without (much) data loss. Click on my name and select view posts.

    Please stop posting your individual problems, so that Bitdefenders posts do not get flooded with other posts, and become lost in the mess. For the record, i am affected by this problem too, on multiple computers, and yes, i am a web developer and require my computer to make money.



    Your guide don't work! when i try to switch in safe mode or select Repair system , a monitor blink and i can't see anything!

  • Where can we get a patch?

    And what should we do? Not everyone is computer tehnician.

    I am patiently waiting,for how to get my comp going again since recovery wont work...plzz help..

  • NO

    Mine is Version: 7.30856 not 7.30848

    Thanks of your info.

  • quarantined files that can't be restored due to not been able to find path were not deleted/quarantined because they were in use by system, so they were just copied into quarantine instead. bitdefender runs normally now.

    does that mean its safe to delete the files in quarantine? or am i never going to clear my quarantine again? there were aver 10000 of my files quarantined but several of which were restored. please reply, got the update and waiting for something new.

    thank you.

  • I was thinking about the possible ways in which BD could possible compensate us...

    One of those were at least 30 days free of charge but then again... do we really want that? (=

    I don't think something like this is going to happen again and we are at least prepared for something like this...

    But what will Trojan.FakeAlert.6 do when it comes out? ;O

    Or even worse, next BD update: Trojan.ClearAllHardDrives.5


  • Nah, suing doesn't fix the problem. Sir, if you do not know what you are talking about, please gtfo and stop wasting out time.

    How much is BitDefender paying you to take up for them?

  • blogger007
    edited March 2010

    My Windows XP i386 is not booting anymore... It's giving me a blue screen the time I restarted it (I restarted it because the harddisk was in infinite loop and system not responding.... Even CTR ALT DELETE didn't work!!!!) Bitdefender was a disaster for me!!!! I am not able to boot in safe mode... I am not able to boot with last known working version... All ways lead to Dumping physical memory to disk (ie. blue screen)... My registry is screwed!!!

    Thanks a lot bitdefender!!!

  • We are using the trial version!

    We updated our bitdefender 2010 and it seems to be back to normal, but we can't restore our quarantined items as the trial version doesn't have a quarantine tab. HELP!!!!!

    dont worry paid version still can't restore also. but they will make a patch or another file i dunno, to restore files . if i can beat my fear i will use that when they release...

  • Hello everyone,

    As I said above, the update which fixes this detection is already on the update servers. So everyone who still has BitDefender Update working should already have received the fix.

    For anyone else, where BD Update is not working anymore, BitDefender Support told me that a patch will be made available very soon which will restore BitDefender to it's working state, restore the quarantined files and fix the detection problem. A Knowledge Base article will also be available shortly. These are all the details I have so far.


    Thanks but this only plugs the hole that had the toxic acid coming out allowing those that didn't take severe system damage to clean up the rest but for a lot of people, the damage is already too severe and the update isn't going to change that.

    For myself, It's gonna take me hours of removing drivers, required system files, and other things before I can finally reboot to complete the update.

  • Thanks of your info.

    Is there an ETA for the update? Been trying manual updates every 15mins for over an hour.....still stuck @7.30848