Invalid License Key

Well, hey. I figured I'd restart this bad boy, esp. in light of the fact that tech support has run out of ideas... or given up on me... or whatever. Uninstalled everything and then hit the registry. Did a search for "Defender", and deleted every entry pertaining to bitdefender. Also searched names of other scanner software I've used and deleted every entry I found. Was hopeful after reinstall, but still no luck. I really don't wanna start nagging for a refund if possible! I like your software! I want to use your software!! I am hoping that we can figure this out.

And so, I want to go back to basics and re-ask from scratch: What would cause my valid license key to appear as invalid to my computer?

P.S. My last communique with tech support had them suggesting to "take control" of my computer. I said that made me uncomfortable and asked for other suggestions. I haven't heard back from anyone. What would they do if they commandeered my machine? Maybe if I knew, I'd be more comfortable. *sigh* I have also asked repeatedly of many of you guys if theres any way I could get a list of registry entries that BD creates when installed. Maybe the "Invalid" error stems from a registry issue... Is that possible?? Anyone?


  • andresp
    edited September 2010

    I've had the same issue, I have 2 machines and purchased a license for 3 machines, in my windows 7 home premium 64 bits machine, everything works really fine, I just activated with my license key and everything went really good.

    But in my other machine which has windows 7 home premium 32 bit the story was really diferent.

    First of all I had the warning that my suscription will end in 727 days, but when I look into General tab it says nothing in general view and some red letters warning me that I haven't create an account, which is not true, cause I did it the first time.

    So I found some documents here in the forum regarding an uncomplete uninstallation and BD provide a tool that makes a really clean unistallation to start over again.

    So I used it and start over again, but now that I though everything was good it just says "you are not longer protected".

    Here are my versions:

    Product: Bitdefender Total Security 2011


    Virus signatures 6425615

    Motor version 7.33985

  • right. same here. Seems to install fine. Registers fine (the first time), the account is created just fine (the first time), says all is well, but partway through the installation (i've done this like seven times now), the system shield appears in the lower right hand side of the screen and I get the notification that bitdefender is turned off and my firewall is turned off. They seem to have tried almost everything but nothing's worked. I'm trying to play diagnostician here, backing up and asking "What kinds of things would cause this?" who knows maybe it's something obvious and on the surface that we missed.

    Running Windows XP home on my Intel Mac.

    Oodles of RAM, Radeon 4870HD video card.

  • right. same here. Seems to install fine. Registers fine (the first time), the account is created just fine (the first time), says all is well, but partway through the installation (i've done this like seven times now), the system shield appears in the lower right hand side of the screen and I get the notification that bitdefender is turned off and my firewall is turned off. They seem to have tried almost everything but nothing's worked. I'm trying to play diagnostician here, backing up and asking "What kinds of things would cause this?" who knows maybe it's something obvious and on the surface that we missed.

    Running Windows XP home on my Intel Mac.

    Oodles of RAM, Radeon 4870HD video card.

    I don't know if matters but before I had BD I had Mcafee product preinstall on this machine

  • I don't know if matters but before I had BD I had Mcafee product preinstall on this machine

    How did you uninstall/remove McAfee? Did you use their uninstall tool? If not, you might want to run it, just to be sure.


  • How did you uninstall/remove McAfee? Did you use their uninstall tool? If not, you might want to run it, just to be sure.


    Yes I did a clean uninstall of mcafee products, after that I used Ccleaner to clean any trash I had in the registry, so I think that shouldn't be the problem

  • Hello everyone,

    First and foremost considering the fact that we had some issues with valid license keys to be displayed as expired / invalid please make sure you have BitDefender up to date.

    Andres: please send me a PM (private message) with the license key you use when receiving the error. Also please complete the steps from THIS article and send me the requested log files.

    Marek: you can look at everything the technical engineer performing the remote is doing on your PC. Also there is an option to chat real time with him/her and ask any questions you may have. The reason of the remote is mainly to try to reproduce the issue and gather all necessary information and logs in order to start the troubleshoot. Doing the gathering myself I do believe that will safe time and energy on both sides.

  • Hello everyone,

    First and foremost considering the fact that we had some issues with valid license keys to be displayed as expired / invalid please make sure you have BitDefender up to date.

    Andres: please send me a PM (private message) with the license key you use when receiving the error. Also please complete the steps from THIS article and send me the requested log files.

    Marek: you can look at everything the technical engineer performing the remote is doing on your PC. Also there is an option to chat real time with him/her and ask any questions you may have. The reason of the remote is mainly to try to reproduce the issue and gather all necessary information and logs in order to start the troubleshoot. Doing the gathering myself I do believe that will safe time and energy on both sides.

    I've done what you told me, I've sent you the files, hope you can help me.

  • I've done what you told me, I've sent you the files, hope you can help me.

    Any news??

  • Hi,

    Please check your GMail account and let me know if the issue was resolved.

  • Hi,

    Please check your GMail account and let me know if the issue was resolved.

    I've donde what you told me still nothing.. I respond your mail with the screenshots.

  • Re: post #2 in this thread. I have exactly the same symptoms. Have tried reinstalling several times, running other registry cleaners between uninstall of BD2010 on that machine(which works OK, ish) and fresh install of BD2011.

    I think the point that the general screen records No Account Created while the registration screen shows it to be a valid key with a registration email and expiry must be some kind of clue. Wonder if a registry diff between before 2011 install and after would be of any use?

  • Re: post #2 in this thread. I have exactly the same symptoms. Have tried reinstalling several times, running other registry cleaners between uninstall of BD2010 on that machine(which works OK, ish) and fresh install of BD2011.

    I think the point that the general screen records No Account Created while the registration screen shows it to be a valid key with a registration email and expiry must be some kind of clue. Wonder if a registry diff between before 2011 install and after would be of any use?

    Well I'm done- I've done what ever I've found I've uninstall with the supplyed tool then cleared any residual of BD on the registry, making sure that all folders created by BD are deleted and then reinstall like 7 times, but the best result I've had is that the firewall module could be actived, but the annoying Icon sayin I'm not proteced really makes me crazy.

    Anyone have an idea maybe another BD total security 2011 installer for windows 7 32 bits?


  • Well I'm done- I've done what ever I've found I've uninstall with the supplyed tool then cleared any residual of BD on the registry, making sure that all folders created by BD are deleted and then reinstall like 7 times, but the best result I've had is that the firewall module could be actived, but the annoying Icon sayin I'm not proteced really makes me crazy.

    Anyone have an idea maybe another BD total security 2011 installer for windows 7 32 bits?

    HAHAHA. i love it!! on the bottom... "no suggestions are available for you at this time"... how appropriate!

  • Unknown
    edited September 2010




    I have sent both your registration keys at my colleagues from the Sales department to be fully checked and tested to see if the issue is not on our end and the keys are problematic.

    I'll let you know on Monday.

    Update: both keys are OK, no issues. Both of you please check your emails.

  • Dan,

    I hate to have to jump on the bandwagon, BUT, here we are on 26 Sep 2010 and the 'invalid license' message has reappeared again. I've done all of the recommendations listed in the other posts, but the problem still persists.

    I'm obviously not the only one seeing this issue.

    I've used your uninstaller and re-installed after cleaning up all of the leftovers with a registry scan. I've done a 'Repair' as you suggested. I've tried all of the tricks, and the ball is back in your court.

    Granted, it's easy enough to dismiss the nag-screen and ignore the problem. But, nonetheless, the problem still exists. Something done in your update, when all of this started, is the culprit. We had stable environments until that update. You can't place the blame on the end user when a stable install goes bad from something done on your end.

    Please, dig back to the start of this mess and find the real problem.

    Thanks for your support,


  • Update: both keys are OK, no issues. Both of you please check your emails.

    Thanks Dan.

    I didn't really think there was a problem with the Key, because when I'm installing, it accepts the key just fine. It lets me make my account just fine; I get the thumbs up on everything and all seems well... UNTIL.... ((and I don't know if this info helps or makes a difference)), but the problem seems to occur during the part of the installation where BD is downloading the essential files (the longest part of the installation where it's downloading from your servers, i assume) that suddenly my Windows Security Key bubble window pops up in the lower right hand side of my screen and I am informed that bitdefender is expired. Only after that does it tell me my key is invalid.


  • Dan,

    I hate to have to jump on the bandwagon, BUT, here we are on 26 Sep 2010 and the 'invalid license' message has reappeared again. I've done all of the recommendations listed in the other posts, but the problem still persists.

    I'm obviously not the only one seeing this issue.

    I've used your uninstaller and re-installed after cleaning up all of the leftovers with a registry scan. I've done a 'Repair' as you suggested. I've tried all of the tricks, and the ball is back in your court.

    Granted, it's easy enough to dismiss the nag-screen and ignore the problem. But, nonetheless, the problem still exists. Something done in your update, when all of this started, is the culprit. We had stable environments until that update. You can't place the blame on the end user when a stable install goes bad from something done on your end.

    Please, dig back to the start of this mess and find the real problem.

    Thanks for your support,



    The date when things went bad appears to be 10 Sep 2010. One of the updates applied that day is the culprit.

  • Dan,

    The date when things went bad appears to be 10 Sep 2010. One of the updates applied that day is the culprit.

    Just for the record guys how do you connect to internet, I mean by wireless or cable? In both cases which cards do you have, it could be the problem, the network card's driver.

  • Just for the record guys how do you connect to internet, I mean by wireless or cable? In both cases which cards do you have, it could be the problem, the network card's driver.

    Hmm. I can't imagine. I connect via Ethernet cable. My card is the standard that comes with the new Intel Mac Tower. Never had any trouble with it. And besides, it connects fine, downloads fine... all is fine, except it thinks the key is invalid. I'm going to try re-installing it tomorrow maybe and see if I can spot the exact spot during installation or download that the network alert pops up telling me my key is expired. Maybe there will be a clue if I can spot what is being updated at the time.

  • Hello,




    Please check the following files and tell me the version you have for each:

    - nag.ui

    - nag.dll

    - nag.xml

    - bdagent.exe

    All 3 have the software in English ?

    Check the attached screenshot on how to check the file version.


  • Hello,


    Please check the following files and tell me the version you have for each:

    - nag.ui

    - nag.dll

    - nag.xml

    - bdagent.exe

    All 3 have the software in English ?


    Yes, English.

    nag.ui No version #


    nag.xml No version #


    Of great interest to me is the fact that all four files are dated 10 Sep 2010. That is the exact day that all of this started. Coincidence? I doubt it.



  • Hi Dan... Yes, software is in English.


    *nag.ui: I don't see this file in the BD Folder


    *nag.xml: I don't see this file in the BD Folder



  • Dan,

    Marek and I have answered your question regarding version. Does this info help you isolate the problem?


  • Hi again,



    The reason I asked for the files version is to see if the update was installed correctly or not. You do have the latest file versions.

    I need from you a new support tool. I have escalated the issue to the Dev team and we are working towards a resolution. It will come as an automatic update.

    I have sent both of you an email on the registered email address. Send me as a reply the requested logs. As soon as the resolution will be released I will let you know both via email and in the forum.

    @Marek: received the details of the remote. We will speak on Friday. I will arrive in the office around 12:00 PM GMT. Regarding the uninstall tool be kindly informed that no, you are not using the correct uninstall tool. Also I would like to try a workaround tomorrow. I believe that some registry entries associated with the license key and registration details were not removed so that is why you still receive that error. That, however, remains to be seen tomorrow :)

    Leighton: Ticket ID: 201010071006364

    Marek: Ticket ID: 201009081003486

This discussion has been closed.