

  • That seems a reasonably simple way to disable it for now.
  • The red icon is actually a throwback to previous (2011/2012?) versions, and personally, I prefer it as I didn't really like the white 'B'. Not sure if changing it is possible, but the icon is located here, if anyone is interested: C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender 2015\skin\images\common\systray
  • Hello, Unlike Bitdefender 2014, all product notifications and pop-ups can be disabled in Bitdefender 2015. For this: - bring up Bitdefender and click on the upper right menu - from the drop-down menu go to General Settings - on the General Settings tab switch to OFF the button for 'Display special offers and product…
  • It's no wonder BitDefender licenses are selling for peanuts on eBay. If this is the way they treat their customers, it won't be long before they can't even give the licenses away. It's very sad to see such an otherwise good product being ruined by a support / development team who appear to simply be fobbing customers off…
  • Cracks are often flagged as malware, due to the nature of their processes, I believe. Also, some can be 'timebombs', ie, seemingly harmless at first, but set to 'trigger' actions such as Trojans. key loggers, etc, at a later point in time. Do not trust cracks.
  • I'm not advising anyone else to do this, or going against any of the advice given, but I simply ran the installer for 2014, and it automatically uninstalled 2013, requested a reboot, and 2014 then installed. Have had no problems since. Is it essential to use the BD uninstaller and CCleaner? Are there any potential issues…
  • A request to display the SSL information is in analysis; I will add this to Safepay in the near future. Hi Cristian, Is there any update on this? I have just tried out Safepay, in the 'new' Bitdefender, but I see no padlock. With the utmost respect, all we seem to have at the moment is your verbal confirmation that Safepay…
  • Hi Scott, Thanks for the links. There's quite a lot to read there, so I'll go through it when I have more time. Cheers, Simon.
  • Oh, sorry. I'll get me coat...
  • To be honest, it's horses for courses, in my opinion. I have made the switch from KIS to BDIS, purely because I found some cheapish BD licences on a well know auction site, so I thought I'd give it a go. I think BDIS2013 is an excellent product, other than the notifications system, which I find slightly lacking, in that…
  • Thanks Georgia, that's good to know.
  • I fear it's probably too late anyway now, for suggestions for BD2014, but I don't see that a simple opt out process could be that hard to implement at any stage. In any case, what should be happening, is that users should not be opted in by default, without their agreement - but by all means create an opt in option, for…
  • Georgia, these are causing so much bad feeling, it seems you may be losing more customers than you hope to gain from the pop up ads. Is it not time to stop these altogether? They would be acceptable, perhaps, for the free utilities, but customers do not expect this kind of invasive marketing when they have paid for a top…
  • This might not be seen as a useful comment at this moment in time, but once you've resolved this issue, perhaps you need to look at where these multiple viruses might be coming from, so as to minimise the risk of repeated infections? Good luck!
  • Does this only affect users who have purchased their licences direct from Bitdefender? I have to confess, I bought my genuine licence from a large online retailer, at a far reduced cost to buying from BD direct, and haven't had any popups.
  • By the way, free, and at no charge...if you want to direct link to a helpful post, click the post #, and you'll get a copy/paste link to that post to insert into a thread. You may have known that, but just in case Oh, that's really cool! Hadn't noticed that on a forum before.
  • Interesting topic, and I agree with what's been said so far. I do think that a company representative on a forum such as this, is great for customer relations. We know we can trust the advice given by Christian, and now Georgia, and they have always been amenable, accessible and polite, as far as I am concerned. What I did…
  • Just to add my vote for a 'Prompt for Action' option. To enhance that further, I'd also like to see the notification popup stay where it is until the user clicks something to acknowledge it. I had a 'virus detected' notification popup the other day (it was only a cookie), but it disappeared within about 5 seconds, so had I…
  • Without wishing to speak too soon, I've been fortunate enough not to have been 'blessed' with spam popups from BD as yet, but as BD are currently having to respond to cases individually, wouldn't it be far simpler, and considerably more appropriate, to place an opt in / out option within MyBitdefender? Customers should not…
  • Do you, or did you, have any other PC security products installed?
  • Hi Georgia, I did initially mention this in 2008, but I don't like to keep on - lol! I've started a thread as per your suggestion. Cheers, Simon.
  • It would still be nice to have an import facility, though, to help with the initial copying of email addresses to the Friends list. Other security products have the facility to import an address book from a mail client. I hope that this is something BD could look at for future implementation.
  • I'm no expert, but my suggestion would be to go into Safe Mode, if you can, and fully uninstall BD, then start again. If you had another AV product previously installed, there's a useful list of removal tools here:
  • Hello, rest assured that Bitdefender File Shredder permanently and irrecoverably deletes files/folders. Please post back if you have other concerns about its functionality. Thank you. Hi Georgia, I think the question remains, to what standard does the BD File Shredder comply? I have a tool called Eraser, which will erase…
  • I wouldn't be to worried about it Black Dog, as it seems to happen more frequently on a install of BD, and seems a bit random. The example I gave in a previous post of another members frustration has long since past, and I just don't see allot of consistent complaints of pop ups, again, usually "informative" ones upon an…
  • Thanks for the confirmation, Georgia.
  • At the end of the thread linked to above, in June 2012, Christian stated: Some changes will be made in Bitdefender 2013 regarding the pop-ups. So, should I assume from this thread, started March 6th 2013, that the popups are still evident in BDIS2013? This would indeed stop me from returning to the product.
  • Thanks. I guess that sounds logical.
  • Hi, and thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, since I raised this issue, I have had numerous other problems with BDIS2013, such as random crashing, parental controls not working, and it wrecking my internet connection upon uninstallation, so I have now switched to another security product.
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