[Feature Request] Deinstallation auch mit Passwort schützen

man kann die Einstellungen von Bitdefender, mit einem Passwort schützen.
Auch wenn ein Passwort gesetzt ist, kann man Bitdefender ohne weiteres deinstallieren.
Das gibt mir etwas zu denken. Klar, man braucht Adminrechte um etwas zu deinstallieren aber wenn der Account die Rechte hat, ist es ja extrem leicht, den Schutz zu entfernen.
Es wäre super, wenn auch bei der Deinstallation, das Passwort vorher abgefragt wird.
I have moved your post under the 'Product Features and Ideation' category, where the feedback will be directly shared with Bitdefender developers.
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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Thank you for that.
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In English, if necessary.
You can protect Bitdefender's settings with a password.
Even if a password is set, you can still uninstall Bitdefender without any problems.
That gives me something to think about. Of course, you need admin rights to uninstall something, but if the account has the rights, it is extremely easy to remove the protection.
It would be great if the password was requested before uninstalling.
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Your message was understood, as the Google Chrome web browser already has an inbuilt Google Translator. That said, as mentioned in previous comments, your feedback has been automatically shared with the Bitdefender developers.
@camarie, any thoughts on this?
Life happens, Coffee helps!
Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!
Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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I think there is an issue already about this (or there were discussions at least), but I was not involved directly. Forwarding this to the guys knowing more than me to see a status.
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Thank you @camarie
I hope that it can be implemented. I think it is an important point.
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Update: it was discussed and it is on the list. When this will be available I cannot say at this time.
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Nice to hear. Thank you.