Unable to uninstall Bitdefender
Kindly perform the following steps and see if they help you in any way:
1) Uninstall the Bitdefender product on Windows:
2) To remove any remaining files, download and run the Bitdefender product uninstaller from this link:
3) Restart your PC in safe mode. You can follow this guide:
4) As soon as the desktop opens, assuming your Windows drive is 'C,' open the following locations in the 'Run' command (Windows icon + R) one by one:
C:\Program Files (delete any folder with the name bitdefender)
C:\Program Files (x86) (delete any folder with the name bitdefender)
C:\ProgramData (delete any folder with the name bitdefender)
C:\Users{your PC name}\AppData\Local (delete any folder with the name bitdefender)
5) Open the Run command (press the 'Windows + R' key on your keyboard) and execute the following commands one by one:
temp - delete all the files in the folder
%temp% - delete all the files in the folder
prefetch - delete all the files in the folder
6) Run Disk Cleanup using this guide:
7) Open the registry editor through the 'Run' command (Windows icon + R) and then type 'regedit.' Once the registry editor opens, click on 'Edit' -> 'Find,' and make sure to checkmark 'Match whole strings only.' Type 'bitdefender' in the search box and click 'Find Next.' If any file or folder with the name 'bitdefender' is found, delete it. Continue searching the registry and deleting until the search reports no registry keys found.
8) Restart your PC in normal mode by deselecting the option you selected while running the system in Safe Mode, then click 'Apply.'
9) Remove devices from your online Bitdefender Central:
10) Install the Bitdefender product: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/answer/2844/
If the issue persists, kindly contact Bitdefender support by visiting
Select, How to's & Troubleshooting Bitdefender products→Troubleshooting→I don't know→Contact Support→ You will get the option of chat, call or email.
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)