Internet Goes Blank


Ever since I bought BitDefender, my internet just goes blank after a while, which forces me to restart the computer. Each time I restart the computer I can browse again, but like clockwork after a little while I can't get on anything anymore. My instant messaging programs still work, but except for Google, no matter what website I type it, the page is just white blank. Not even a 404 error message. Is BitDefender causing my computer to use up all its bandwidth or something? My downloads stop as well. I basically stop getting data.

Thanks in advance for any help.



  • I have the same problem. I just wanted to add new topic about blank web browser pages and see that someone already did this :) . I have the same situation and I checked that its bitdefender fault. When all my web browsers went blank, I unistalled bitdefender and guess what - internet appeared, so I found who is guilty.

    Interesting is that all my radio streamings, donwloadings didn't stop, I checked also connection with my provider by pinging, checked windows network diognastic and all was "passed", so with Network is ok. Only someone is blocking net in web browsers, I thought maybe its Opera fault, tried with explorer, but the same - all pages were blank, didnt want to load information and it happens periodically in 20 -30 minutes after PC restart.

    So I hope that some BD expert will help us to find solution, what bitdefender dont like in web browsers.

  • It's nice to know I'm not the only one with this problem :).

  • I dont know if it's realeted to this problem but in Event viewer I often have such warnings and errors:

    1. error - "The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load: bdpredir", appears every time when start PC.

    2. warning - "NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller : Timed out during an operation", appears often and every time.

    But I think there is something wrong with Bitdefender, some wrong FW settings or something, or maybe Bitdefender 2010 has bug or error.

  • It's nice to know I'm not the only one with this problem :).

    Yes, I am already feeling so much better ;)

    See you after restart ;)

  • Can anyone help with this? :mellow:

    Before I used BD 2008 and was no problems with it, last month I installed new BD2010 and appeared this problem with web browsers.

  • Amor
    edited November 2009

    Same problem here too :( , Internet gets blocked, then after i turn off the Anti virus protection, it immediately works again.

    Mods any solution on this? , highly frustrating and too risky to turn off the protection to surf.

    Look forward to fast help on this. Thanks

  • I'm also one of the victims of this.

    I use BD Internet Securit 2010 and it happens after the major update on Nov-1.

    The Nov-1 update is origianlly good to me, as it solves "USB device cannot stopped issue" issue when trying to remove USB disk even if there are not files open or in use in the USB drive.

    However, the blank page problem makes me angry - I had to reboot the PC in order to fix - But it will happen again after some short time, esp. if you are using BT...

    Now, I fall back to Internet Security 2009 and it works so far so good. May be I will check this forum if issues have been solved before installing 2010 again.

  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello all,

    Please try to add the Internet browsers that you are using to the exception list of the Active Virus control option and let us know what happens . Here is what you have to do :

    1. Open BitDefender in Expert Mode, click on the Antivirus module and under the Shield tab click on the Advanced Settings button .

    2. The BitDefender Active Virus Control Settings window should be displayed. Click on the add button, represented by the plus (+) sign and browse to the location were your Internet browser is installed.

    3. Here, select the executable file of that program (.exe) and choose Open.

    Test to see if the same issue occurs after that.

    Thank you.

  • Alex, no, the same problem :unsure:

    I did like you say, add two exclusions in Active control virus setting for both my web browsers- Opera and also Explorer, and again web pages became blank in one moment. :(

    Are there any other ideas?

    p.s I also start to think about oldest version or other AV if problem won't solve, I'm tired of this, and actually this began from latest updates, so bokbokchui you are right.

  • I even disabled Firewall and Antivirus protection, also Privacy control, but without result :mellow:

    maybe something should change in Bitdefender system files, i don't know.

  • I have the same problem, and it started sometimes last week. When BitDefender Real-time protection is enabled, most internet addresses will just display a blank page. The site icon and actual address is updated in the address bar, so I have contact with the correct web-site. Secure (https) pages loads normally - but I have been reluctant to enter my banking credentials until I know what is wrong. This happens in IE, Chrome and Firefox. Turning the BitDefender Antivirus OFF corrects the problem, but this is not a desirable solution...

    Before I installed the 2010 version, I have used the 2008 for two years on the same machine (running 32-bit Vista Ultimate)without any problems. A different PC with Vista Home Premium does not show this behaviour either.

  • I also have this problem, and it started about a week ago. My connection is fine until i use my download manager(IDM). After about a minute or so of downloading, i get white pages for any websites i try to visit, and no connection at all on the download manger. Only a restart of the system will repair the connection, enabling me to browse again, but all the while being without IDM, which is very annoying. :rolleyes:

    I also lost my connection twice the other night while streaming a game from nfl gamepass, and was forced to reboot twice during a game. Also very annoying, considering my system takes a bit to reboot. I've only 2 days left before i've to renew my subscription, so i'm hoping for a fix pretty soon for this. I've had other issues in the past two years also, that required uninstalls and reinstalls, so this latest issue is really bothering me. <_<

  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello Giblets, Bitrunner and Explo,

    Please try the steps described in this post and let us know if the same issue occurs after that .

    Thank you.

  • Hello Giblets, Bitrunner and Explo,

    Please try the steps described in this post and let us know if the same issue occurs after that .

    Thank you.

    Could it be possible that the problem has something to do with this:

    The blank screen is a problem with this virus (among other problems). Also, I ran Spy Bot after reading this anyway (says Spy bot won't work on Vundo) and sure enough i had a "hijacked" browswer (another indication that may be associated with Vundo). I've been running BD and Spybot almost daily to keep things going. Driving me nuts. Haven't finished reading the Administrator update above though . . . will read those too.


  • Could it be possible that the problem has something to do with this:

    The blank screen is a problem with this virus (among other problems). Also, I ran Spy Bot after reading this anyway (says Spy bot won't work on Vundo) and sure enough i had a "hijacked" browswer (another indication that may be associated with Vundo). I've been running BD and Spybot almost daily to keep things going. Driving me nuts. Haven't finished reading the Administrator update above though . . . will read those too.


    Sorry, don't mean to go on about this. But I did find this:

    I use primarily use Firefox. So it might be part of the problem. Maybe this will help someone else out too? haven't tried it yet but if it works I'll post any positive result.


  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello curriebc,

    In order to check if this situation is caused by an infection we recommend you to follow the steps from the next article : After the reports are obtained, please upload them on then post here the download link .

    Thank you.

  • I have doubts that the blank page reason is of Vundo virus. If really this virus would be in PC, then after unistalling Bitdefender, in any case web pages would be still blank, but it was not so, http traffic restored after unistalling BD, everything was ok until again I put BD2010 on my computer.

    By now Im experimenting PC with not updated Bitdefender (only I'm making signature update not product update), and lets see what will be progress. Now seems ok ^_^ , web pages still work.

    Tomorrow I will put product update and then will give you results.

  • Hello Giblets, Bitrunner and Explo,

    Please try the steps described in this post and let us know if the same issue occurs after that .

    Thank you.

    Unchecking the "Scan Yahoo Messenger traffic" seems to correct my problem.

    (I do not have Yahoo Messenger installed on my PC either).

  • I have had the some problem since installing 2010 Internet Security. I completed all the actions, no joy. I have disabled everything, no help. Only completly uninstalling BitDefender works.

    The support tab on the console is useless, as the information gathering process hangs, will not complete in 8+ hours.

  • omg didnt realise this was such a big issue and its obvious its all partaining to the 2010 bitdefender only internet security?? I would check the solutions ahem... given in earlier in this post but as well as the blank page problem i cant open the bdef control panel so I cant check/change any configuration critirea from bit defender

  • I have the exact same problem too, i'm so happy to have at least found where the problem comes from!

    Why am I NOT surprised the problem is BitDefender AGAIN?!!!!!!!!

    Anyway, none of the tricks mentionned here work for me, the only way I can surf the web after a while is to turn the antivirus OFF, which is obviously not the best solution

  • Thanks so much everyone. I am so glad that other people are experiencing this so BitDefender will come up with a solution. My internet browser will work for 30 minutes, or 6 hours then all of a sudden go down with "connection error" in the bottom right corner of Firefox. IE does not work then either. At first I thought it was a Port 80 problem, but now I know it is BitDefender. Please post if you find a permanent solution to this problem, I am sick of rebooting all the time.

    Much Appreciated

  • i also got the same problem?? any updates on the fixes?

  • What I know where problem comes from - is Bitdefender update (probably of November)! I reinstalled Bitdefender one more time and turned off product update, and already two days everything works with no problems. but is this a solution!!!!

  • <img class=" /> I have also have this problem. I'm getting tired of restarting and trying a million things. And turning of any part of BitDefender seems ridiculous to me (as in why bother having the software at all then???).

    This is also making me upset for my son who can't seem to do any homework research for longer than 30 minutes to an hour. He doesn't need the frustration or the wasting of his time.


  • Alex Stanciu
    Alex Stanciu ✭✭
    edited November 2009

    Hello all,

    Since none of the steps described earlier worked, next time you will encounter the same issue, we recommend you to follow the steps bellow :

    1. Open My Computer.

    2. Browse to

    C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2010

    - considering that BitDefender was installed on the default C partition

    3. Doubleclick on the supporttool.exe file ;(in case you have Windows Vista or Windows 7, right click on the the supporttool.exe file and choose "Run as administrator" )

    4. Click on Next, wait a few minutes for the progress bar to complete and then click on Finish;

    5. After the report is created, please upload it on then send me a PM with the download link.

    We have also created you all a support ticket and we would like to reply to our email with the reports attached or with the download link.

    Thank you.

  • This is all well and good but we have paid for this product for a license which in most cases expires in 12 months and the product is barely functionioning enough to be used

    Why wasnt the product bench tested properly or beta tested?

    Even though the license expires in less than 12 months I bet were not going to get an extension period on this even though we will only be using the product for????

    Exactley <_<

    I angry at how this situation has come about

    SORT THIS OUT PRONTO money talks. I I dont forget when someone has ripped people off ( I make no exceptions for my terminology ) Do you make exceptions to your poor customers I think not.......

  • Alex, thank you for your response.

    I have since uninstalled/reinstalled and disabled the updates. The other two computers at home are also having similar issues to the ones previously mentioned by others in this thread, such as, no internet after 20 mins etc. All since that latest update.. I also had the greyed out problem + the usb issue! :blink:

    I currently have no time to be messing with things at present, so i will hope you can resolve these issues soon and i will not update until then. I have since renewed for one year in hopes that this will be sorted out as soon as possible. :ph34r:



  • This is all well and good but we have paid for this product for a license which in most cases expires in 12 months and the product is barely functionioning enough to be used

    Why wasnt the product bench tested properly or beta tested?

    Even though the license expires in less than 12 months I bet were not going to get an extension period on this even though we will only be using the product for????

    Exactley <_<

    I angry at how this situation has come about

    SORT THIS OUT PRONTO money talks. I I dont forget when someone has ripped people off ( I make no exceptions for my terminology ) Do you make exceptions to your poor customers I think not.......

    Agree with you I am very disappointed too, to say the least, I feel like a continue paying Beta tester taken for a ride

  • Ok. I did what i did on my main system to one of the other ones in the house, and it did not work this time! Whether the exe i downloaded this time was a later version than a few days ago(not advisable), i dunno, but it did not work. I've since updated this computer to the latest BD update, and will send the error report from this machine when it occurs next.

  • I'd like to add that as of this morning, the newest update to BitDefender seems to be causing me intermitten internet connectivity issues.

    It will work for a few minutes, then it won't, then it will come back after a few minutes. I experienced this with an earlier build, but as of this morning it's back.

    My info:

    Internet Security 2010

    Engine: 7.28890

    Please fix this. This is unbearable and I don't have time for the internet to go down randomly.

    Also, as I've posted in another thread, port forwarding is NOT working for P2P applications. I'm told it's a known problem that would get fixed with the newest update. Well, the newest update did NOT fix the problem, AND now I'm having connection problems.

    I am not happy.

  • Can anyone help with this? :mellow:

    Before I used BD 2008 and was no problems with it, last month I installed new BD2010 and appeared this problem with web browsers.

    un-install the current version,and download the earlier build 13.0.16 kit from my other post 'need to roll back'

    How to steps:

    1,Download and save to a location of you choice the bd un-install tool (links to it in forum) run it to un-install bd follow prompts

    after re-start run tool again,

    2, now install the earlier build kit that you downloaded via rs link,(if your Internet connection is active during install process it will prompt to download a newer version select 'Cancel') at the end of install follow prompts for re boot,

    it will also prompt you to perform a scan and update don't allow this, after install is complete

    open bd security center select update module select settings, and set to prompt before downloading updates, for both auto and manual updates, choose the frequency bd checks for updates,(recommended ) .select update now, and a pop up will appear with available files for download, don't select product updates, just virus signatures, and you will not be updated to the current problematic version you have now,

    this may be far from a perfect solution but it's better than not being able to use your pc how you want to,

    and just keep rejecting(canceling) product update( AKA bd destroyer!)until bd release a 100% working solution for this or remove the current product update from their update servers

    i for one would sooner manually update once or twice a day than have all the associated problem this current build has

  • I have had the some problem since installing 2010 Internet Security. I completed all the actions, no joy. I have disabled everything, no help. Only completly uninstalling BitDefender works.

    The support tab on the console is useless, as the information gathering process hangs, will not complete in 8+ hours.

    The problem is the software. This issue (Blank Page) was the last straw. I thought it was a virus (see this post and then decided to uninstall BD 10 and guess what? Internet not only works but is fast again. I'm installing Free AVG until I evaluate the other products. Thanks Bitdefender--for nothing.

  • Unchecking the "Scan Yahoo Messenger traffic" seems to correct my problem.

    (I do not have Yahoo Messenger installed on my PC either).

    Correction: This was true some days ago - but now it does not seem to matter.

    In addition I now get the "grayed out" icon showing that the application has crashed.

    After a reboot, I can use the internet again until suddenly...

  • Micky007
    edited November 2009


    I have a very very annoying problem and i dont know whats causing it or how to fix it. Everytime i download large files using Firefox or Internet Explorer and then try to go onto another website, the site loads up as i can see the title of the site showing and then it just goes to a blank page and the title gos away. This happens in both internet explorer and firefox. I have also tried waiting for a download to finish before i try going on another site but the same problem happens, just blank pages. Even ping does not work in command prompt. I have tried different things to get it working such as disabling my wireless and enabling it again, restarting the modem 7 router, all sorts and its still just blank pages.

    The only way for me to do it so webpages will display is if i restart my laptop but i dont want to keep having to restart my laptop every time i want to go on the web after downloading a file.

    Anyone know what the problem is or can help me please?

    Thanks !

    EDIT: using Windows Vista

  • Same exact problem here. I found that if you go into Basic Settings and uncheck "AntiVirus" and "Identity Control" Everything works again.

    So, that's telling me it is in fact BitDefender.

    I'm on XP.

    I'd like to get an official update from BitDefender...this is unacceptable...especially since it seems like they don't even believe us.

  • Hi,

    I have this exact same problem, except my internet doesnt randomly go down, the blank page crap only happens to me if i download large files. I can not even use the ping function in command prompt. Strange thing is programs that use the internet such as MSN or if you have a game open they can all still connect to the internet fine as long as the program is open before the blank page crap happens. Again, i can only fix this stupid issue if i restart the laptop.


    I think the problem with this start before November Updates and more in the middle of September updates around the 13th till the end of the month. Why do i say this? well because i use programs such as FlashGet and Internet Download Manager to download my files from sites such as RapidShare and others. Now in the middle of September i was having issues downloading files, they would start downloading and then half way through after downloading say 100mb of a 200mb file all the downloads would stop downloading and failed to conect to the site to carry on downloading. Problem is when i tried accessing the rapidshare site i could not even connect to that either as if i was blocked from viewing the site. I would only have been able to gain access to the site again if i waited a few hours or if i restarted the pc. So once i had access to the site again i then tried continuing download the files and again after so long the downloads would stop again and i would not have access t the site again. I thought i wonder if its FlashGet thats causing this. So again i waited till i had access to Rapidshare again but this time i tried downloading the files using Internet Download Manager. Again i had the same problems where downloads would just stop and access to rapidshare would stop working again. In the end i just gave up. Now i know 100% there was not a problem with the site as i could access the site fine on another computer or laptop. So i have a feeling this problem we are having started off in the September updates.

  • Sm3K3R
    Sm3K3R ✭✭✭

    Disable HTTP scaning ,e-mail trafic scanning ,antiphishing and messengers trafic scans ,from within Custom setings in the real time scaner protection control panel.

    Do this when no web aplication is running and restart PC ,it should work.Test which of them generetes the issue.After each setting would be indicated a PC restart.

    Instead of antiphsihng use the browsers features and plugins.

    Its just some a temporary workaround.

  • thrawn888
    edited November 2009

    I to am suffering from the same problem. Uninstall seem to be the only solution, i havent tested if closing bit defender via services.msc works ill have to try that too.

    I noticed issues approximately a week ago right after a major update. It was driving me nuts thought it was a virus/spyware, then i tried registering my IE DLL files to no avail either :(

    I hope this gets updated soon since iv been recommending bit defender to everyone. Odd thing is my ventrillo/xfire and games work fine but only my IE (surfing) and downloading files dont work.

    In the meantime is there a link to get the older 2009 version without buying it?

  • Hi,

    I have this exact same problem, except my internet doesnt randomly go down, the blank page crap only happens to me if i download large files. I can not even use the ping function in command prompt. Strange thing is programs that use the internet such as MSN or if you have a game open they can all still connect to the internet fine as long as the program is open before the blank page crap happens. Again, i can only fix this stupid issue if i restart the laptop.


    I think the problem with this start before November Updates and more in the middle of September updates around the 13th till the end of the month. Why do i say this? well because i use programs such as FlashGet and Internet Download Manager to download my files from sites such as RapidShare and others. Now in the middle of September i was having issues downloading files, they would start downloading and then half way through after downloading say 100mb of a 200mb file all the downloads would stop downloading and failed to conect to the site to carry on downloading. Problem is when i tried accessing the rapidshare site i could not even connect to that either as if i was blocked from viewing the site. I would only have been able to gain access to the site again if i waited a few hours or if i restarted the pc. So once i had access to the site again i then tried continuing download the files and again after so long the downloads would stop again and i would not have access t the site again. I thought i wonder if its FlashGet thats causing this. So again i waited till i had access to Rapidshare again but this time i tried downloading the files using Internet Download Manager. Again i had the same problems where downloads would just stop and access to rapidshare would stop working again. In the end i just gave up. Now i know 100% there was not a problem with the site as i could access the site fine on another computer or laptop. So i have a feeling this problem we are having started off in the September updates.

    Im facing the EXACT same problem Micky... At first I was furious as ###### on my Internet provider for attempting to block my Internet traffic to Rapidshare. But they came back saying the they are not doing anything. Then I read your post...... Bit Defender folks need to fix this crap ASAP.... I am even willing to do a full format of my machine and install BD again if that helps.

  • dave r
    edited November 2009
    Im facing the EXACT same problem Micky... At first I was furious as ###### on my Internet provider for attempting to block my Internet traffic to Rapidshare. But they came back saying the they are not doing anything. Then I read your post...... Bit Defender folks need to fix this crap ASAP.... I am even willing to do a full format of my machine and install BD again if that helps.

    By unchecking the scan Http traffic i would say you will be leaving yourself open to a virus /malware attack from a infected web page,

    For the info of anyone suffering this issue there is an alternative, but it means you have to manually update your bd,? if interested ,you can download the earlier built of BDIS 2010 x32bit (build as this does not have the blocking web pages like the build 13.0.17 does, download is via Rapidshare btw, see my earlier post ("Need to roolback")

  • dave r
    edited November 2009
    By unchecking the scan Http traffic i would say you will be leaving yourself open to a virus /malware attack from a infected web page,

    For the info of anyone suffering this issue there is an alternative, but it means you have to manually update your bd,? if interested ,you can download the earlier built of BDIS 2010 x32bit (build as this does not have the blocking web pages like the build 13.0.17 does, download is via Rapidshare btw, see my earlier post ("Need to rollback")

  • pkassaie
    edited November 2009

    Sadly I have the same problem on 2 PCs. BD Internet 2010

    Desktop with XP-64bit

    Laptop with Vista-64bit

    Regardless of my browser (I tried Opera, Firefox, IE, as well as web services like Pandora's desktop AIR Ap, Thunderbird etc) every once in a while I can't get web pages. Oddly enough I CAN get, but when I search or open a page that has any content I get nothing. I figured it was something related to page size since is so light. Anyhow get this crap figured out.

    Yes I know I can restart. yes I know I can disable all of the anti-virus things in BD, but thats the reason I bought the gosh darn software. Its kinda like buying a car which you are not allowed to drive. (Honestly...there are better written viruses that don't interfere with your web browsing to this extent, makes you wonder.)

    I have used BD for several years (on multiple computers), but if you don't fix this, then I will ask for a refund and get AV from some company who cares that their product is broke, and will attempt to fix it.

  • Sadly I have the same problem on 2 PCs. BD Internet 2010

    Desktop with XP-64bit

    Laptop with Vista-64bit

    Regardless of my browser (I tried Opera, Firefox, IE, as well as web services like Pandora's desktop AIR Ap, Thunderbird etc) every once in a while I can't get web pages. Oddly enough I CAN get, but when I search or open a page that has any content I get nothing. I figured it was something related to page size since is so light. Anyhow get this crap figured out.

    Yes I know I can restart. yes I know I can disable all of the anti-virus things in BD, but thats the reason I bought the gosh darn software. Its kinda like buying a car which you are not allowed to drive. (Honestly...there are better written viruses that don't interfere with your web browsing to this extent, makes you wonder.)

    I have used BD for several years (on multiple computers), but if you don't fix this, then I will ask for a refund and get AV from some company who cares that their product is broke, and will attempt to fix it.

    I totally agree with you

    As well do you people actually read the posts??

    All the advice seems to centered around changing some options inside Bdef 2010 control panel. If you read my post properly Ive already said I cant open this control panel so I cant change any settings not withstandling the fact that like the above poster has stated whats the point in having internet security is basically it doesnt work

    I want answers and I want solutions you do like the complaints?? well u shouldnt release products you expect people to pay good money for if they have unacceptable problems

    <img class=" /> :angry:<img class=" />

    Failure of satisfaction I shall be looking for a refund/contacting the apprpriate organisations and i advise eveyone else with the same problems to do the same

  • I have had the some problem since installing 2010 Internet Security. I completed all the actions, no joy. I have disabled everything, no help. Only completly uninstalling BitDefender works.

    The support tab on the console is useless, as the information gathering process hangs, will not complete in 8+ hours.

    Until now I have a been a BD fan, I even recommended it to my family :( Now they share my pain and misery, blank internet pages and Vsserv maxing out my CPU to 100% when I go on the internet. Even worse, when I use the customer support tab it does nothing.

    I have contacted support online, removed all past traces of AV/adware, run and submitted the required reports, chased feedback from Octavian (Cust Supp) and still no responses??

    How can sooo many people have problems with 2010 and still there is no acknowledgment of a problem from BD?

    Can anyone help me (please)!!!?

    Why am I begging a forum - something must really be wrong at BD...

    Running XP Pro SP3

  • I too have had all the problems described above and others (also lost my sound). I just did a reformat for the 2nd time. The first reformat all those problems resurfaced within hours after installing bitdefender. My 2nd reformat I left out bitdefender and updated and installed/updated everything else. It's been a week now and everything is running fine. I keep checking back here every now and then to find out when it is safe to install bitdefender.

    Am thinking of installing an older version as described above but will clone my setup before I attempt

  • Have same problem and tracked it down to BD2010.

    I've read all the posts under this thread and other associated threads on the forum. BD should realise this is destroying their reputation and some custoemers will never come back.

    The Tech suppt admin should at least post someting here even if no immediate fix is available.

    I'll go as far as switching off html & mesenger scanning as a temp work-around but not messing around with manual downgrading / downgrading to BD2009 (not knocking the work around BTW).

    Just really wanted to register the same issue.

    The only thing for me to add is the issue appears to occur when:-

    1) There is a failed auto update

    2) The failed auto update is due to "a scan being in progress" but I am unable to pause the scan as there isn't any pop up window.

    Tech suppt - post something!

  • I've tried on numerous occasions to use the support tool when this issue has occurred, but it just froze every time.. I left it up to an hour twice!

    I've since uninstalled and reinstalled this version BD2010 32bit build 13.0.16 - as posted by Davey, thx dude. :)

    I'm just updating the virus signatures as Davey suggested(on page 2 of this thread), and i have no problems.

    It may do 'till this is sorted out. . . :rolleyes:

  • OK, this has worked for me:-

    1) go into settings expert mode

    2) disable all settings and then re enable them

    Browser was then returned for me......probably until the next time.