Compensation For False-positive Of Trojan.fakealert.5?



  • Hello all,

    We have a new announcement on the forum, a message from Florin Talpes, BitDefender CEO regarding FakeAlert situation. Please click here in order to read it.

    Thank you.

  • illona
    I don't understand how come some people need a week to fix something that needed 1 day the most to fix, and with the help of some technician.That is just ridiculous . I got mine up and running in 1/2 hour, and all the applications in other 2 hours.

    You might consider switching the technician first.

    it's taking me over a week because i've had to rebuild my entire system. i use one of the top computer places here who are highly rated and who built my kick-butt system ... but in spite of all the "fixes" Bitdefender suggested, they were unable to recover my system ... and they tried numerous times, and were able to recover some systems from other users.

    they were able to recover my data, but i've had to completely rebuild ... and unlike a lot of people here, i'm not tech-savvy and have to rely in others (read: "pay") to help me rebuild my system ... and as a professional photographer, that's a lot of rebuilding.

    my system is still not completely rebuilt ... i'm at the mercy of others' schedules unless i want to spend even more and hire a professional "geek".

    i'm out a few hundred dollars, a week's worth of work, the cost of Bitdefender, and the cost for new anti-virus software. i've been told emphatically by my computer place and a few others NOT to reinstall BD ... like, duh.

    BD Customer Service doesn't appear to give a crap about compensation other than to offer me free licensing for their product which i can no longer trust. what good is that? it's like a company putting out tainted food, and when people get sick and incur medical bills, all they offer is more of their questionable product. yeah, right ... i'll take that. i'm just that stupid.

    this is ridiculous.

  • Hello illona,

    We apologize for the negative experience you have encountered with our products or our support. Your feedback is appreciated, and will be directed to the appropriate team for review, to enable us to improve our support and services. You will receive a reply for the Customer Service in the shortest time possible.

    Thank you.

  • illona
    edited March 2010
    Hello illona,

    We apologize for the negative experience you have encountered with our products or our support. Your feedback is appreciated, and will be directed to the appropriate team for review, to enable us to improve our support and services. You will receive a reply for the Customer Service in the shortest time possible.

    Thank you.

    i appreciate your time and attention to this matter, Carmen, however i've already received several emails from your Customer Service ...

    #1 was from you on the 26th after my post here, offering me a free continued license of software i can no longer trust;

    when i responded very politely, once again outlining everything that i had to go through because of the BD blunder, i received:

    #2 from Oana Floricioiu on the 29th which uselessly laid out BD's previously posted so-called "fixes", even though i'd already written TWICE that recovery was impossible and i've had to pay people to rebuild my system,

    when i responded once again with the details of the lack of recovery, the need for a rebuild and the fact that i've been strongly advised NOT to reinstall BD, i received:

    #3 from Andreea Zamfirescu on the 31st saying:

    "Thank you for your interest in our security solution, BitDefender.

    We have made you an offer in a previous email. If you wish we can assist you

    with any technical issues you may experience and also offer you a license key

    for the product you choose with the validity you want."

    i'm sorry, but i can't help but get the impression that BD's Customer Service is just taking me in circles with the hope that i'll simply give up and go away. i mean, how can you help me with technical issues when the system was utterly unrecoverable in spite of numerous attempts with your "fixes" over a week ago? and what use is a license key for a product i have absolutely no faith in and have been highly advised not to install on my business machine?

    and, sorry, i'm not "interested in [y]our security solution, BitDefender." i can't risk it. this is my business.

  • pvp

    I am glad that an official explanation has come now, though late. I am sure that a company that has produced outstanding security solutions and has been in the top three for the past 2-3 years cannot risk another 'Fake Alert' incident. I would like to give them an another chance. I request them to solve one or two of the persistent niggling problem such as 'Bitdefender services are now loading' and also the system tray icon disappearing act.

  • i appreciate your time and attention to this matter, Carmen, however i've already received several emails from your Customer Service ...

    #1 was from you on the 26th after my post here, offering me a free continued license of software i can no longer trust;

    when i responded very politely, once again outlining everything that i had to go through because of the BD blunder, i received:

    #2 from Oana Floricioiu on the 29th which uselessly laid out BD's previously posted so-called "fixes", even though i'd already written TWICE that recovery was impossible and i've had to pay people to rebuild my system,

    when i responded once again with the details of the lack of recovery, the need for a rebuild and the fact that i've been strongly advised NOT to reinstall BD, i received:

    #3 from Andreea Zamfirescu on the 31st saying:

    "Thank you for your interest in our security solution, BitDefender.

    We have made you an offer in a previous email. If you wish we can assist you

    with any technical issues you may experience and also offer you a license key

    for the product you choose with the validity you want."

    i'm sorry, but i can't help but get the impression that BD's Customer Service is just taking me in circles with the hope that i'll simply give up and go away. i mean, how can you help me with technical issues when the system was utterly unrecoverable in spite of numerous attempts with your "fixes" over a week ago? and what use is a license key for a product i have absolutely no faith in and have been highly advised not to install on my business machine?

    and, sorry, i'm not "interested in [y]our security solution, BitDefender." i can't risk it. this is my business.

    What more do you want them to do?They offer help and try to offer compensation ,probably the only way they can.What do want them to write you a check?

    I would take the time to learn about how a PC works before I claimed it was "utterly unrecoverable", as well.You're getting ripped-off by the people who had to "rebuild" your uber business PC,btw.I highly doubt any hardware could've been damaged from the "fake.alert.5" at most you would just need to reformat the harddrive.

    Sorry you were affected so badly by this whole fiasco but, if I depended on my PC for business I would take more precautions like backing up your important files or even the whole OS in case things like this happens and trust me there's many other ways you can lose your system data or OS.

  • Rife

    I got the 6 months free extension. I appreciate your effort to compensate us.

    Thank you.

  • illona
    edited April 2010
    What more do you want them to do?They offer help and try to offer compensation ,probably the only way they can.What do want them to write you a check?

    I would take the time to learn about how a PC works before I claimed it was "utterly unrecoverable", as well.You're getting ripped-off by the people who had to "rebuild" your uber business PC,btw.I highly doubt any hardware could've been damaged from the "fake.alert.5" at most you would just need to reformat the harddrive.

    Sorry you were affected so badly by this whole fiasco but, if I depended on my PC for business I would take more precautions like backing up your important files or even the whole OS in case things like this happens and trust me there's many other ways you can lose your system data or OS.

    well, enoch, the compensation they're offering doesn't help me in the least ... a license for continued use of their product? uh ... no thanks.

    and yes, i rely on tech experts to help build my machine. juggling two careers i'm too busy keeping up with the programs that i use and building the business ... i'm an artist and not a techy ... and working 16+ hours 7 days a week hardly leaves me the time to learn the intricacies of "how a PC works". please.

    the people who deemed my system "unrecoverable" have been in the business for a couple of decades and are highly rated. if THEY can't fix the machine, i certainly can't ... nor do i think any other computer business near me could have done better. but i guess you do everything yourself then? never hire a plumber or an electrician? wish i could master absolutely everything like you clearly must.

    i never said any hardware was damaged. i DID have to wipe the drive and start from scratch which -- given the customization and programs that i use -- takes days, not hours. things STILL aren't working right.

    i also never said that i lost any data. i certainly don't need you reminding me to back up my "important files" ... i back up religiously; i didn't lose anything. i'm not stupid, just don't have the time to learn computer programing as you suggest.

    if and when i can get this system to working as slickly as it was before BD trashed it, i will be writing a ghost of it. that's a lesson i've learned. in the meantime, i can't and won't ever trust BD again. and i certainly won't be recommending their product to anyone.

  • Got a reaction from Bitdefender.

    A lot of excuses and an offer to extend the licence by a year.

    A refused the offer by email, because my trust in Bitdefender is gone. I bought an other system and what a complete refund of the Bitdefender system.

    And then ........... nothing anymore!

    Bitdefender talks a lot about compensating, but it seams this is only valid when you accept there offer for extension of the license. If you do not accept this offer it will be very quit.

    It's quit simple. I bought Bitdefender to protect my computer. Bitdefender fail completely. I want a refund of the price I paid for this system, because my trust is gone in Bitdefender.

    I tried to get a refund for 2 weeks, but the only think I got is NOTHING !

    Thank you Bitdefender for this very very bad service.

    I do not know if I will continue with spoiling this negative energy or stop ..... the last mentioned is probably what Bitdefender wants.

    Really unbelievable how they treat you after a mistake they made.

    Hello Rife Fox and R Moerenhout,

    First and foremost please allow me to say sorry again for the inconvenience this issue has caused and for the time you spent restoring the computer.

    Please feel free to contact us using the 'Contact Us' form. You can find all details if you login with your details on My Account

    Choose the respectful department you wish to contact and the product you purchased. You will automatically be redirected to a page where you will find a field to submit your query to us. When you are done simply click on the 'Submit' button. On the right side of the page you can find few articles that may answer your question directly and provide you with an answer to your query.

    Furthermore all queries, compensations and/or technical assistance on this matter are treated as high priority as we want to be certain that all affected users were assisted and compensated. Please keep in mind that you can also contact us Live using the LiveAssistance feature that we are offering, again under the 'Contact Us' page within your BitDefender account. Once you enter your question, you will be chatting live in a private window with one of our Technical Engineers available at that time. The service is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    If, for any reason, you can't or don't want to use the above Contact forms please send me, or another BitDefender representative logged on the forum at that time, your email address and the reason you wish to be contacted and we will contact you back.

    Best regards.

    @BlackWidow: if you agree with our offer simply reply to the email you received and let us know. Thanks again for your patience and understanding.

    If anyone need any assistance on this matter feel free to post a reply or contact us using the above mentioned forms: by email, Live Chat Assistance, Phone or on this forum.

    Best regards and a great week-end,

  • epdanir
    edited April 2010
    Got a reaction from Bitdefender.

    A lot of excuses and an offer to extend the licence by a year.

    A refused the offer by email, because my trust in Bitdefender is gone. I bought an other system and what a complete refund of the Bitdefender system.

    And then ........... nothing anymore!

    Bitdefender talks a lot about compensating, but it seams this is only valid when you accept there offer for extension of the license. If you do not accept this offer it will be very quit.

    It's quit simple. I bought Bitdefender to protect my computer. Bitdefender fail completely. I want a refund of the price I paid for this system, because my trust is gone in Bitdefender.

    I tried to get a refund for 2 weeks, but the only think I got is NOTHING !

    Thank you Bitdefender for this very very bad service.

    I do not know if I will continue with spoiling this negative energy or stop ..... the last mentioned is probably what Bitdefender wants.

    Really unbelievable how they treat you after a mistake they made.

    How come bit defender is compensating only some and not all. That is utter BS, you wasted 6 hours of my life I will never get back, not to mention lost files ...... Can someone from bit defender please respond as to why you only compensate a few? ....... Please and thank you.

  • Once my current Bitdefender 2010 license expires, I will not be renewing it.

    To date, I have received no response to my March 22 email. Noticing that your response to compensation inquiries on appeared to be fairly quick, I decided to give your team the benefit of the doubt, assuming that maybe one of your responses got caught by Hotmail's junk mail filter. Therefore, I sent a follow-up email on April 2, requesting at least an acknowledgment.

    Perhaps if I'd chosen to be a "squeakier wheel" (i.e. posted numerous loud complaints on your discussion board), it would have made a difference. Lesson learned, on my part. Your response--mainly, to appease only those who chose to make the most noise--is simply a PR exercise, and not a sign of genuine contrition to your customers.

    I am not a computer expert. This incident caused much time and stress to sort out. The fact that I chose not to flame your company on a message board should not have been a point against me.

  • Unknown
    edited April 2010

    Hello all,

    @R Moerenhout:

    We are sorry that you did not receive a response in a timely fashion. Since you purchased the product offline, from a third party reseller, your request was forwarded to the Sales department. We assure you that you will receive an email from us in the shortest time possible.

    Thank you for your patience.

    @epdanir: We are trying to compensate all our customers who were affected by this False-positive. Thank you for letting us know that you did not received any email from us regarding this situation. Your request was forwarded to the appropriate department and you will be contacted in the shortest time possible.

    Thank you.

  • Hello byebyeBD,

    Unfortunately we did not receive any email from your hotmail address. I created a ticket ID for you and forward it to the appropriate department. You will be contacted in the shortest time possible.

    Thank you for your understanding and for your patience.

  • @epdanir: We are trying to compensate all our customers who were affected by this False-positive.

    What does one have to do to receive said compensation? Is there a place we need to go to report our troubles?

    I'm back up and running but didn't call tech support for help. I did post here previously.

  • Hello ravensjeff,

    We have sent you an email with our offer. Please send us a reply and let us know if you accept it.

    Thank you.

  • jando

    Recently there was a huge commotion about the "fake alert" and that it was unbelievable that an anti virus developer could make such an error ... I hope not didn't switch to McAffee !!

    INSECURITY VENDOR McAfee has admitted that a recent antivirus update is rendering PCs inoperable.

    The update, 5958 DAT, was released by the firm early on Wednesday and it didn't take long for reports to surface that users were experiencing blue screens of death (BSoDs) and DCOM errors shortly after applying the update. The update seems to affect Windows XP SP3 users, with the post update security scan recording false positives, misdiagnosing machines as infected with W32/wecorl.a malware.

    Read more:

    I'm glad that I stayed with Bitdefender

  • colinhhz
    edited April 2010

    About a month ago, BitDefender decimated my computer. Unfortunately, the patch did not work for me, so I gave up on BitDefender and decided to wait until this whole mess is sorted. I trust that by now all systems are no longer affected, and I intend to resume using BitDefender.

    However, I feel deserving of some form of compensation for the days I spent to rebuild my computer, and not the mention the files I could not recover. How do I go about doing this?

    Edit: I am not a frequent user of this forum, so could any support staff kindly email me instead? Thank you.

  • Hello mrmeee17,

    We have sent you an email with our offer. Please reply to it and let us know if you accept it.

    Thank you for your support and for your patience.

  • In this Thread, it's all about appropriate compensation from issue of 20 March 2010![/font][/size]

    if you have a question to the issue, please post it on !

    Please let this not out of your frustration, but remains factually....

    I think that BitDefender had to compensate all consumers who bought their product for another year free use of their current license key. In the past, some other reputable manufacture of antimalware was affected by false-positive. Many manufacture has make credits or cache-back offers to get losted trust again.

    What do you see as reasonable compensation?

    Sorry i cant find


  • Rohugh
    Sorry i cant find


    Considering this was 5 years ago it is not surprising as it was dealt with a long time ago. If you have a question or want further information please contact Bitdefender by email on
