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Bitdefender Firewall Is Very Bad


Can not stop the communication

bitdefender Chinese is very poor


  • 2011 have this problem,too

    Firewall is very poor

  • 2011 have this problem,too

    Firewall is very poor

    bitdefender firewall can not stop the communication

  • Can not stop the communication

    bitdefender Chinese is very poor

    2011 have this problem,too

    Firewall is very poor



  • alexcrist

    Hello 123,

    The setting from the screenshot that you attached affects only new requests. If you read the description that appears on the right side of the Protection Level chooser, it clearly states that the current rules are applied and and new network requests are denied.

    In other words: all applications that were previously allowed, will still be allowed. Any new applications that request network access will be denied access without displaying the Firewall alert popup.

    To completely block all traffic, you have to go to the Network tab and change the Trust level (second column) to Blocked (last option). This will completely ignore the current set of application rules and will block all network traffic through the selected network adapter.

    Please post if this solves your problem.


    P.S.: I'm sorry, I don't know how the above options are translated to Chinese. If you can find them, try to take a look in the BitDefender User Manual.

  • 634873772
    edited July 2010

    bitdefender firewall leaks often reciprocal, that there are problems with a firewall and can not completely prevent the unauthorized communication program. PCTOOl than familiar with firewall, norton firewall, Cabas machine firewall, Dora poor performance.

    BITDEFENDER really do not know the old pull. Performance N years to progress. 2011 will not be disappointing version of it! Whether inspired by the performance or structure be no real progress in China's performance is poor.

  • alexcrist

    I'm sorry, I'm having an extremely hard time understanding what you wrote. Please rephrase and give more details about specific problems that you have. Also, avoid using automatic translation services (such as Google Translate).

    Thank you.


  • I'm sorry, I'm having an extremely hard time understanding what you wrote. Please rephrase and give more details about specific problems that you have. Also, avoid using automatic translation services (such as Google Translate).

    Thank you.


    BITDEFENDER FIREWALL Anti-leak reciprocal. bitdefender firewall is very poor !

    bitdefender 2011 is not good!lool at

  • alexcrist

    Matousec tests are not targeted at firewall testing. Despite their "official" tests title ("Firewall testing"), those tests have absolutely NOTHING to do with firewall testing.

    Those tests target HIPS capabilities of the tested products, which is a module outside the firewall. Also, the tests made by Matousec are extremely aggressive and are not yet present in known in-the-wild malware. Also, malware that already attempt to attack BitDefender through the methods presented in Matousec tests are most probably already detected and blocked by the BitDefender Realtime Protection. So there is no security risk.

    Also, again, I have a hard time understanding what you mean by "Anti-leak reciprocal".


  • 634873772
    edited July 2010
    Matousec tests are not targeted at firewall testing. Despite their "official" tests title ("Firewall testing"), those tests have absolutely NOTHING to do with firewall testing.

    Those tests target HIPS capabilities of the tested products, which is a module outside the firewall. Also, the tests made by Matousec are extremely aggressive and are not yet present in known in-the-wild malware. Also, malware that already attempt to attack BitDefender through the methods presented in Matousec tests are most probably already detected and blocked by the BitDefender Realtime Protection. So there is no security risk.

    Also, again, I have a hard time understanding what you mean by "Anti-leak reciprocal".


    BD did not improve the technical performance of N-years!BITDEFENDER firewall can not prevent unauthorized

    Program access, the program is still communication!norton firewall firewall better than BITDEFENDER.

  • On this forum product comparatives are not allowed.

    As Cris said Matousec tests are not targeted at firewall testing.


  • alexcrist
    edited July 2010

    On the contrary. BitDefender Firewall has been under continuous development. There are many improvements which were brought to this module along the years, including (but not limited to):

    • process parent verification
    • process modification checks
    • file signature checks
    • integration with the Intrusion Detection System (which is part of the behavioral blocker engine)
    • port scan detection
    • better management of multiple network adapters (with individual settings for stealth mode and permission level)
    • and so on...

    Also, traffic filtering is made based on a default and user-defined firewall rules list. Each process and each request is looked up in the rules list and is allowed/denied based on the existing rules. Any request that doesn't match any existing rule is denied/allowed based on the default protection level that the user chose (also, based on the same setting, a Firewall alert may be shown to the user, for interactive rule generation).


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