Very Random Intermittent High Cpu

long story short, lm experiencing something thats lead me to believe it might be BD related... l currently use BD internet security 2010.

the gist of the problem is my system randomly decides to go to 100% CPU usage for no apparent reason, the strangest part is its only limited to when the system is idle, the moment the mouse is used its generally too late to see which service is causing the issue, l think once l saw one of the svchosts using all the resources while the issue was happening but in all honesty l can be sure after some recommendations of the problem at a windows 7 forum.

tho l have already sent in the log to support, but this is what comes up quite allot in the windows update logs:

2010-08-26 06:22:51:187 996 b3c COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = BitDefender Scan Service]

considering l only have it set to update once every 12 hours lm wondering why it searches so much.