Online Store

I need some help, I hope this is right section for it.

First of all when I try to buy the licence for BitDefender at the, my browser is showing a security threat (cannot validate SSL certificate for this site).

The second issue is that when I was trying to contact your Support department about this issue, I cannot post anything from the Webpage, as it seems that whatever captcha I enter it is always failing.

Please advice.


  • George R.
    edited September 2010

    Hello adam.h.

    What browser are you using? Can you provide a screenshot of the security warning?

    Regarding the Captcha issue when contacting the Sales department, attempt to notice the difference between "1 <-> I" and "0 <-> O". In the near future, we will try to automatically substitute these characters. However, there is no captcha verification when contacting Support, which I recommend.

    If issue still persists, try using a different browser (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, Opera).

  • certbitdef.jpg

    It still happens with Chrome. It is showing nice red skull instead of green https sign and after clicking it I can see details as above.

    However with Firefox it went just fine (no security issues).

    Regarding captcha - I was aware about 1/I O/0 etc. I tried even to generate combination without these characters and no luck. But this was with Chrome as well, I did not try another browser here.

  • In order for the responsible team to reproduce this situation, I would like to know the following additional information:

    -Windows operating system

    -Chrome version (setting button -> About Google Chrome)

    Thanks :)

  • -Windows operating system

    XP Professional SP3

    -Chrome version


  • Hi

    Sorry for the delayed reply.

    The situation has been resolved.

    Thank you.