Licence Renewal Problem
This is the first time I am posting on a forum but I need to figure out what is happening to Bit defender. I have purchased a renewal licence for a total security suite. Eptimum have sent me an email saying the money has been debited from my account. This is true but I have not received any mail nor key from Bit defender. I have tried to contact them but have had no reply.I only have 10 days left on my old key. Not sure what to do to get my new one. Can you please help? .
Welcome to the forum.
Which version of Total Security do you have - 2012, 2011... ?
Regards,0 -
Hello platypus,
I have extended the subscription time on your current license key with an additional 10days. Please wait for Eptimum to answer your request, as we do not have access to their database. If you have not contacted them already, please do so here
If issue persists trough next week, please let me know.
Thank you for your understanding.
George0 -
Hello George
thank you for your reply and interest.and also for giving more time to sort this out.
I am sending you a copy of the mail sent to me a few days ago by Eptimum after I initially enquire to them.
the money has indeed been taken out of my account.
Should I write to them again?
Thanks George for your help
Cette notification par e-mail est un message d'information (il ne s'agit en aucun cas d'une commande ou d'une facture).
Vous avez acheté un antivirus sur notre boutique BitDefender il y a 6 jours en utilisant votre carte bancaire. Ce prélèvement apparaîtra d'ici un jour sur votre relevé bancaire avec comme société de facturation EPTIMUM, comme indiqué dans l'exemple ci-dessous :
Attention, vous ne serez pas débité une seconde fois, il ne s'agit ici que d'un message d'information pour vous aider à identifier la ligne de votre relevé bancaire. Eptimum assure la gestion de la boutique BitDefender et nous tenions à vous en informer.
Ce service d'information est apprécié par nos clients. Vous pouvez, si vous le souhaitez, vous connecter sur votre compte en ligne :
Vous remerciant une fois encore pour votre fidélité, nos équipes restent à votre disposition pour toute question ou information complémentaire.
L'équipe Eptimum.
Aide à l'achat | Contacts0 -
Hello platypus,
I have extended the subscription time on your current license key with an additional 10days. Please wait for Eptimum to answer your request, as we do not have access to their database. If you have not contacted them already, please do so here
If issue persists trough next week, please let me know.
Thank you for your understanding.
George0 -
Sorry for the delayed reply.
I declare this discussion closed.
Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions or concerns.
Have a nice day.0